Category: CRIS by stage

Exploring cyber security play pack, for early level learners.

By attending The Bongles and The Crafty Crows educator webinar (60 minutes, multiple dates) or by participating in the 2-part Cyber Resilience Internet Safety early level support webinars (120 minutes, dates TBC, please share your preference here), you will be eligible* to request a ‘exploring cyber security play pack’, for the early level learners in your care.

You will be invited to share feedback on how children choose to explore the pack and evaluate the effectiveness of the contents.

Please click here to view the pack contents and some suggestions of experiences it can provide.

Alternatively you may choose to create a similar play pack of your own, that compliments the story and provides children with the experience of handling and investigating concrete objects, that relate to the story and concept of cyber security.

*First come first served basis. 60 packs available.
AI generated image of toddlers surrounded by screens

Younger Children’s Screen Time.

Sharing our reading with you…

We recently shared a variety of recommend reading links around screen time.

In this post we share some more, but this time, the research and articles focus on younger children’s screen time, some including babies.

Special thanks to our National Early Language and Communication Team colleagues for sharing many of the articles and research links with us.

Before you browse through the links below, please consider these questions first.

Q –  What does screen time mean to you?

Q – Do you unpick children’s screen time in order to understand how/why the screen is being used?

Q – Do you view screen time as only watching content, or playing games, or do you view any/all kind of screen use as screen time?

Q- Do you know what the different ways we can use screens are? E.g.,  to consume, create or communicate content?

Q – Do you consider using screens in a practical way to solve real life problems? E.g., using apps such as the camera, calculator, weather forecast, maps, measure and audio recording?

Q- Do you view young children’s (early level and younger) screen time as an opportunity for independent learning or as a means for the adult and child to connect and play and learn together?

Q- What do you think the adult’s role should be when children are using screens?

You might find it helpful to revisit section 4.4 of Realising the Ambition: Being Me (page 49) and also 6.4 (page 70).


Our ability to use language unlocks all areas of learning. Children’s language development thrives through exposure to environments of rich and diverse spoken language experiences. We grow a sense of purpose for the child by our own use of language and engaging them with a wide variety of stories, rhymes, songs, symbols and texts in different media all around them. Building this purpose helps to nurture engagement and encourages children to see themselves as readers and writers. This doesn’t just happen by chance.

Realising the Ambition: Being Me page 70

Q – Do we use language to unlock learning when children are using screens?


Links to research and articles.

Preschoolers’ screen time and reduced opportunities for quality interaction: Associations with language development and parent-child closeness – ScienceDirect Gath, M, McNeill, B, and Gillon, G (2023)

Is the screen time duration affecting children’s language development? – A scoping review – ScienceDirect Bhutani, P et al (2024)

Screen Time and Parent-Child Talk When Children Are Aged 12 to 36 Months | Media and Youth |  Brushe.M, Haag.D, Melhuish. E, et all (2024)

Froebel-Trust-Research-Highlight_Tech.pdf Flewitt and Gemayel (2023)

Digital Play (  Plowman (2020)

Screen time for babies and toddlers: the evidence | Baby & toddler articles & support | NCT NCT (2019)

Why not all screen time is the same for children – BBC Future Hoggenboom,M (2022)

Babies need humans, not screens | UNICEF Parenting  Nelson, C (2023)

Header image generated by Microsoft CoPilot. 

Please feel free to share your thoughts via this Microsoft Form


Introduction to The Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC.

Introduction to The Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC.

The Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC in Scotland is a national award scheme to promote, recognise and encourage a whole setting approach to the use of digital technology in ELC settings.  

The award framework echoes national practice guidance for the early years in Scotland, Realising the Ambition: Being me (2020), which guides and supports the ELC sector to provide high quality early learning and childcare, meeting the developmental needs of our youngest learners, enabling children to flourish as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, and effective contributors.   

 Purpose of the award. 

This award has been designed to support ELC settings to integrate digital technologies into children’s play and learning experiences, both outside and indoors.  Opportunities to learn with and through technology in practical and creative situations, provide children with flexibility and choice while exploring technology as a way to solve problems.  

Investigating virtual environments through digital technology can inspire curiosity and creativity, encouraging children to develop imagination, beyond what is possible without the stimulus afforded by technology.  Through immersive, stimulating learning environments and meaningful adult-child interactions, children are inspired and motivated to learn. 

Create an account on the DSAS website to get started!

Access a preview of the framework here (downloadable Word doc)

Join our ELC channel on the DSAS Team in Glow

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Summer term early level webinar dates for you diary.

The series of This is early level Digital and Spotlight CLPL sessions will be delivered for the final time in April and May. If you missed out on the previous webinars, there is still time to sign up.

The webinars are suitable for practitioners working with children at early level across a range of ELC settings and schools.  A Glow log in is NOT required to sign up or join the online sessions.

Please click on the hyperlinks below for session information and sign up details.

APRIL 2024

Tuesday 16th April 4pm This is early level Digital: CRIS 3 part course. SESSION 1

Thursday 18th April 4pm  This is early level Digital: Spotlight on Practitioner Collaboration.

Tuesday 23rd April 4pm This is early level Digital: Spotlight on Transition

Tuesday 30th April 4pm This is early level Digital: CRIS 3 part course. SESSION 2


MAY 2024

Tuesday 14th May 4pm This is early level Digital: CRIS 3 part course. SESSION 3

Tuesday 21st May 4pm This is early level Digital: Spotlight on Outdoor Play

Tuesday 28th May 10am This is early level Digital: Spotlight on Making Data Visible


Sign up coming soon:

Monday 13th May 4pm – The New Digital ELC Setting Award

Thursday 16th May 10am – The New Digital ELC Setting Award

Friday 17th May 12.30pm – The New Digital ELC Setting Award

Bongles Text image

Exploring early level Cyber Resilience with The Bongles and the Crafty Crows.

The Digital Team and The Bongles have joined forces in partnership with Cyber Scotland, Cyber Aware and the Scottish Book Trust to introduce younger learners to develop understanding of cyber awareness at early level, through the publication of the new Bongles book ‘The Bongles and the Crafty Crows‘, produced by Edinburgh based Story Learning Ltd.

Who are the Bongles?

The Bongles are a group of monster friends who live on a paradise-like planet.

They reuse and repurpose items that wash up onto their planet’s pristine shore and turn trash into treasure.

The rhyming stories are full of slapstick and silly humour, which both children and adults alike will find funny. The quirky and whimsical watercolour illustrations are sure to capture the attention of young readers.

The Bongles and The Crafty Crows – The newest book in the series helps children to learn about cyber resilience in a fun-filled way.

Story Summary

Three wooden crates wash up onto the shores of Bongle Island.

The Bongles really want to keep this new found treasure safe from the crafty crows.

Will the crows outsmart the Bongles’ padlocks and passcodes?

Will the crows take the crates full of treasure and keep it all for themselves?

The Bongles and the Crafty Crows‘ story book was included in the P1 Bookbug Family bags for every primary one child in Scotland in 2023/24!

There is also a variety of practitioner-created learning and teaching resources to accompany the story, a downloadable PDF of the book and an animation on the Bongles website  and links to recordings of previous educator information sessions and children’s ‘read alongs’ at the bottom of this page.

You will also engage with this story in the 3-part series of early level Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety webinars, This is early level Digital – CRIS and through various cyber events throughout the year, which will be advertised here, on the blog.

Upcoming read alongs for children and webinars for educators during Cyber Scotland Week 2025:


February 2025

Join links coming soon.

The Bongles and The Crafty Crows articles and related links:

Early level learners paving the way for a cyber secure nation (

Teaching Children Cyber Security Skills Is An Investment In Our Future – TeachingTimes

CyberScotland Week – Cyber Scotland 

Three random words – NCSC.GOV.UK 

The Bongles and the Crafty Crows Campaign Report November 2023

Previous webinar and read along recordings:

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Supporting Cyber Resilience & Internet Safety Learning at early level.


Effective use of digital technologies offers an engaging experience for babies and young children. It can address barriers to learning and improve access for children with additional support needs. Applications (apps), tablets, digital cameras, measuring equipment, video calls and voice chats are readily available. Children thrive when they ask, imagine, plan, create and interact with the world around them.                                        (Realising the Ambition: Being Me 2020)

When we use the internet we either consume, create or communicate. Each of these actions have different opportunities and challenges.

Within the early level curriculum in Scotland, children are supported to assess and manage risk and understand the impact of risk-taking behaviour in all aspects of play and learning; this includes the safe and secure explorations of digital technology – Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety.

Through story books, songs, animations and play, children are introduced to developmentally appropriate scenarios, encouraging critical thinking and decision-making. This empowers children to recognise when and where to find help and about the importance of device security.

I can explore, play and communicate using digital technologies safely and securely. TCH 0-03

Online CLPL

The 2 part professional learning programme is for ELC sector practitioners based in ELC settings and practitioners working with early level learners in a school/afterschool/home setting IN SCOTLAND.

Each session is 60 minutes in duration and there are AM and PM options.

It is advisable that both sessions are attended, unless you have participated in a previous session in Autumn 2024 and are looking to catch up.

Session 1​ – Consume

Session 2​ – Create & Communicate

cyber security for ELC

Cyber security advice and guidance for Early Learning and Childcare providers.

All ELC providers want to create a safe and secure environment for the children in your care. As we become ever more reliant on digital technology it is increasingly important that you protect data (on children, staff and families), finances and also the integrity of any digital systems you use, including email, communication channels and databases.

There are a handful of steps you can take to minimise the potentially costly and disruptive effect of a cyber incident, and better safeguard the children in your care, as well as your business’s finances and reputation. This short seminar is for anyone working in childcare in Scotland. It is run by the National Cyber Security Centre (, and supported by the Scottish Government, Education Scotland and Care Inspectorate, as part of CyberScotland Week. It will provide you with advice and steps you can take to minimise the likelihood and impact of a cyber attack on your setting, and information about where to get help and advice if you need it.

Please click here to download e-pamphlet PDF Early Years practitioners: using cyber security to protect your settings. 

21 March 4pm, An Introduction to Digital Citizenship with Common Sense Education webinar

An introduction to Digital Citizenship for Early Learning and Childcare and Primary Practitioners with Common Sense Education.

Prepare your learners for success as digital learners, leaders and citizens. In this 30 minute webinar, you’ll learn the six core concepts on digital citizenship and how you can integrate common sense’s progressive scheme of work into your classroom/playroom.

This webinar is suitable for Teachers, ELC Practitioners including Childminders and Caregivers for early to second level learners.

All resources shared are available for free from

Sign up for the webinar using this eventbrite link – Sign up now!

cyber security for secondary schools

Cyber Security

ipsum lorum


go to Cyber home


- As childminders, you want to create a safe and secure environment for the children in your care. As we become ever more reliant on digital technology it is increasingly important that you protect data (on…
- This session's Cyber Scotland Week will take place 27th February - 5th March 2023.Let us know what you're up to on twitter @digilearnscot with #CSW2023 Education Scotland will be delivering and supporting live sessions all…
cyber security for ELC - All ELC providers want to create a safe and secure environment for the children in your care. As we become ever more reliant on digital technology it is increasingly important that you protect data (on…
cyberfirst cyber security with NCSC - Education Scotland is proud to be Scotland's CyberFirst programme regional partner. Education Scotland's digilearn programme provides national guidance, support and inspiration to local authorities, schools and educators across all thirty-two local authorities. NCSC - CyberFirst-Annual-Report-2023-24…

cyber secondary teachers

Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety for secondary teachers

This section aims to provide ideas, information and professional learning to support secondary teachers develop confident and responsible children and young people that are cyber resilient or interested in studying cyber security.

  go to cyber home

Cyber resources

cyberfirst courses for learners

CyberFirst offers a range of learning courses and resources from age 11, including:

  • Trailblazers
  • Adventurers
  • Defenders
  • Futures

go to CyberFirst courses

living in a digital worldExperience an interactive journey into the world of cybersecurity. This resource shines a light on some of the most important topics for how to stay safe inside the digital world and gives practical suggestions that help improve cyber resilience. 

go to Living in a Digital World

This set of resources combines the SQA level 4 units in Cyber Security Fundamentals and Internet Safety

They reinforce our belief that every learner should have the knowledge and skills to use the internet and online services safely, allowing them to spot potential risks and recover from any potential harm, they face while using online services. 

go to Level 4 resources

cyber 9 12 strategy challenge

This module has primarily been developed to further enhance the skills of the learners to take part in, for example, cyber competitions and challenges including the Cyber 9/12 College and Universities competition. 

   go to Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge page

Understanding cyber resilience and internet safety

cyber toolkit

The Teacher Cyber Toolkit is the main page for information, ideas and resources for teachers. It splits internet use into: consume, create or communicate and has resources and information for each of these.

go to Cyber Toolkit

Teacher Digital Skills ToolkitStart here if you need support with basic digital literacy skills, such as creating passwords, logging in to Glow or connecting to Wi-Fi.

go to Teacher Digital Skills toolkit

this is cyber clpl

This is Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety is the next step for teachers more confident in their own digital literacy. There are four sessions to choose from whether you are planning lessons or creating guidance for your school or community.

go to This is Cyber CLPL

Cyber across the curriculum

Cyber resilience and internet safety can be incorporated into other curricular areas, below are links to those which are ‘responsibilities of all’. This has been kept concise for simplicity but there are many other aspects that could be explored by teachers.

cyber security for secondary schools

Cyber security can be studied in Scottish education as a discrete subject. It offers challenge, problems to solve and opportunities. 

go to cyber security

cyber in health and wellbeing

There are lots of areas of our lives now touched by digital technology and cyber resilience can help keep them safer, more private and fairer. 

go to cyber in HWB

cyber in literacy and english

More of the information we consume is now online, in the form of news, social media and literature. Learners need support to find, evaluate and make use of these texts.

go to cyber in literacy