Teacher Digital Skills toolkit

The toolkit document outlines the skills and knowledge that comprise digital literacy in the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS)’s standards. The skills are organised into three levels:

  • Essential skills that are required by every teacher to engage with daily work routines, such as passwords and emails
  • Core skills that most teachers should have to effectively prepare learning activities and resources for learning, including using devices and apps to create presentations
  • Enhancing Learning and Teaching, which provides an overview of how digital skills may be used to improve learning, teaching and assessment

This document is part of a series, view the other documents here: Digital Literacy Series

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Teacher Digital Skills Toolkit | Resources | Education Scotland

Checklists for individuals (requires a Glow login – opens a Microsoft Form):

Essential skills online checklist

Core Skills online checklist

Enhancing learning and Teaching online checklist

Checklists for schools or local authorities (creates a duplicate in Forms for your own data collection):

Essential Skills online toolkit

Core Skills online toolkit

Enhancing learning and teaching online toolkit