Roystons Amazing Gamers

This week has been a really busy week for some of our children. On Wednesday we had 5 children head off to 2 different games competition. No ordinary games however these are computer game making competitions. On 12th May the P7 class took part in the Mini Game Jam at Smithycroft Secondary and 2 of our children were in the team that got through to the final. So they headed off on the 17th to Glasgow Clyde College along with the rest of their team from Cranhill Primary to take part along with 12 other teams representing 16 other schools in Glasgow.  The children had a great time participating on the day working hard making their game using Scratch and getting the chance to spend some time in the college computing labs as well.


Our finalist teams

Our Thursday computing club has been for months learning more about Kodu and practising making games. One lucky team from our club was picked to go to the final of the Scottish KoduKup competition.  They had been working hard as they had to make a game and come up with merchandise to promote their game. In this case they came up with a t-shirt idea and a couple of the club members helped by modelling a prototype t-shirt for us.


T-shirt creation left and right, Centre our wonderful Kodu Club

Again on the Wednesday the 3 children headed off to West College Scotland to meet the other finalists and even got to see one team Skyping in to the competition as they were unable to travel.  They had a brilliant day out as well getting the chance to spend some time in college.

Although neither team won we are incredibly proud of their achievements in getting to both finals. We definitely have some future game makers in Royston Primary ones to watch for the future!

June Newsletter

I am delighted to be bringing you my first newsletter during my time here in Royston. My name is Mrs Jane McShane and, as I’m sure you know, I have taken up the position of acting head teacher for the time being. I’m not sure of the time frame for this but I am enjoying being here very much. My background is in primary and I have been a depute head teacher for a number of years. I am very keen to get to know as many people as possible in my time here so please do come and chat with me or indeed come into school and discuss any concerns you may have.


It appears that staffing for next session is almost finalised. We will be very sad to say good bye and good luck to Mrs McGinley as she goes on to new and exciting things. We are also sad to be saying good bye and good luck to Miss Mitchell who has been allocated to Royston Primary for her probationary year. Both members of staff have worked extremely hard for the pupils and school community and we will miss them.

We are however delighted to be keeping Miss Laird who has been with us as a cover teacher. Miss Laird will be permanent to Royston Primary as of next session 2015/16.

We will also be welcoming a probationer teacher who has been allocated to the school for one year. We do not know who this person is at present but should find out very soon.

I will shortly write out to you to let you know your child’s next class teacher. We will be having a transition afternoon for all pupils on 17th June. This will be an opportunity for your child to work with their new class teacher. Continue reading “June Newsletter”

Keeping busy

We have been busy at our clubs. Our Scratch club have been making more animations and we will try and get them up on the blog soon to show you them.

At Kodu club we have been working really hard on our entries for the KoduKup competition as we really want to make sure we get into the final again this year.

On Friday our club have been deisgning games so that we can learn a little more Gaelic and also once we are done teach the younger pupils about Gaelic.

We have enjoyed looking at the vistor map this week and have had vistors from around 10 different countries in the world and hope that over the coming weeks we can add lots more to the map.


Computing club creations

In a change to what the computing club were supposed to be doing on Friday everyone decided they wanted to make a leaving gift for Mr Kelly to say goodbye and wish him all the best in his new job. So in the best way they know how came up with some fab digital art and animations.




mr kelly good luck mr kelly


April Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer

We have finally arrived in the last term and the weeks are becoming increasingly busy as we head to the end of this school year. For some of our pupils, this will be their last term in Royston Primary and for some staff, the same situation arises, as they move on to pastures new. I’m sure that this term will be filled with many exciting things to help make great memories of Royston Primary.

Parent CouncilYour Parent Council are busy putting plans in place for a Spring/ Summer Fayre to help raise some funds for the school. The date for this is Friday 12th June. This event will take place on the afternoon, with more information coming from the Parent Council in the coming weeks. Please put this date in the calendar, allowing you to come along and support the work for your children. As mentioned in previous letters, the Parent Council have been working to make improvements to the playgrounds, both front and back. You should hopefully see some work beginning in the coming weeks for this too.

Continue reading “April Newsletter”

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