New Group for Male Carers

Attention all Royston Dads/ Grand-dads/ Foster-Dads/ Step-Dads!

A new group is starting on 16th January from 11pm – 1pm at Rosemount Lifelong Learning centre on Royston Road (in our front playground). Click on the picture above to get more information about this opportunity.

School Christmas Choir

Mr Doherty has started rehearsals for his famous school Christmas Choir (featuring himself on the guitar)! They will be performing on the following dates:


30/11/18 – Rosemount Trust (Royston Road) for Christmas lights switch on.

3/12/18 – Parkhead Forge @ 11.30am to 12.30pm and 1pm to 2pm.

5/12/18 – ASDA Robroyston @ 10am to 11am.

6/12/18 – Parkhead Forge ASDA @ 1.30pm to 2.30pm.

7/12/18 – Tesco St Rollox @ 10am to 11am.

8/12/18 – [Saturday] Fort Shopping Centre @ 12pm to 2pm.

10/12/18 – Fort Shopping Centre @ 3pm to 4.30pm.

11/12/18 – Princes Square (Fundraising for Quarriers) @ 2pm to 3pm.

17/12/18 – Buchanan Galleries (Fundraising for Glasgow Children’s Hospital)


Please come along and support our brave children (and staff!) singing their hearts out in the cold! All performances will be raising money for our school with the exception of our two charity gigs: for Quarriers at Princes Square Shopping Centre on the 11th December & for Glasgow Children’s Hospital on the 17th December.

P1 & P2 After School Puppet Show at Rosemount

On Wednesday 21st November at The Rosemount Centre(located in our front playground) there will be a special FREE event! The puppet show that will be on will be rec-creating the classic children’s picture book, ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark’.

Free tickets are available from the Rosemount Centre. The show will begin at 3.15pm which is very handy for finishing school at 3pm!

You can view a clearer version of the flyer by clikcing on the image 🙂

Book Fair in Royston

From Monday 19th November to Friday 23rd November the Scholastic Book Fair will be in our school. Ms Gibson will be running this and will come and get children from different classes throughout the week to browse the selection of books and stationary. Books that are bought at this fair will raise money for our school to get free books. The book fair will be available to browse during Parents Evening on the 20th Novemeber which will give you a chance to see it from yourself!

You can get a clearer picture of this flyer that was sent home by clicking on the picture 🙂

November Newsletter

November  2018 Issue 3

Term 2

We had a slightly bumpier than expected start to term 2 this session with some unexpected pupil days off due to strike action. Teachers were in school and working on planning and other future developments. There is a possibility of more strike action this term and I will inform you of any plans for this as soon as I am made aware.


You will see that we have devised new plans for homework this term. These are being trialled now and your child should have brought home their homework schedule and also an information booklet for yourself. In addition to this homework, pupils will continue the daily practice of reading, spelling and sumdig as these are simply learned by continual practise and repetition.

The homework schedule is mainly based around health and well-being. This is because we know that if pupils are not stable, supported and secure in their health and well-being, it is very unlikely they will learn to their potential. I do hope you will support your child in their updated homework and please do tweet us with pictures or feedback from any assigned task – we would love to see it in action! We will also be seeking feedback from pupils and parents/carers about this in order to improve as we go forward.

Education City

In addition to the above, you should all be aware that all pupils have log in details for Education City. This is a suite of activities and resources that pupils can access and complete online learning. We have paid for all pupils to have access for one year and would like to see this resources maximised. If you do not know about this or have lost log in details, please do chat with the teacher about this either on or before parent meetings.


In addition to the above, we have embarked on a plan of fortnightly library visits. We are very grateful to the library for supporting these with staff and advice. We have been actively encouraging all pupils to have a library card and they need you to complete and sign the form to do so. At the moment pupils can withdraw books if you have completed a form. These books can be taken home and read for enjoyment. Pupils can them bring these to school to return on their next allocated library day, or they can return these to the library in their own time. We hope this will encourage pupils to use the library out with school, giving them the confidence to do it. I am amazed at the wealth of resources and material the library has, and we want the pupils to start exploring this, thus taking some responsibility and ownership for their own learning.

Book Banding

AGAIN…in addition to the above…we have just bought in a large selection of new reading material for all abilities of reading and hopefully catering to all preferences in material. We have various graphic novels, non-fiction texts, supernatural, fiction, animals etc etc. We are in the process of changing our reading teaching to make it more bespoke to individual pupils. We are moving away from group reading.

At present, staff are working to level and band all the reading books that we have. All pupils have been assessed for a reading band and level and, as soon as resources are organised, pupils will only select from their own ability. This will allow for a more progressive and focused approach to developing and teaching reading.

This process is not complete right now and I will inform you more of this in the next newsletter.

Parent Appointments

It will soon be time to host our formal parent appointments. Parent meetings with class teacher will be on 20th November 3.30-7pm. Every parent/carer will be offered an appointment time. Please do get in touch if this does not suit you.

We will have our parent appointments with translators the following week.


Staffing at present is stable. In addition to our core staffing, we are welcoming around 60 teaching students in each week as we again engage with Strathclyde University Numeracy Clinic. Pupils are selected based on their classwork and assessment results, which reflect that with some support and input, they could make better progress. This is the third year we have engaged with the programme and it has always been a very positive experience, both for our pupils and for the students. In addition to this, we now have BA students in primary 2 – Miss Chism, and primary 4/3 Miss Warren. The students will be with us one day each week at present, and then 3 days each week come February.

Stay and Play

Sessions this term were very poorly attended. We had very few parents/carers taking up the opportunity to come to class. Tis means we need to re-think! We tried offering 3 days open so that parents could chose which one would suit them, I’m not sure whether this was a wise choice. As a staff group we will explore other options and consult with our parents and carers about different options. Please do let us know what you think as we won#’t get it right if we don’t hear your voice.

Cake and Count

Cake and count was also poorly attended. This was unfortunate as Mr Steer had a great presentation dn range of activities to demonstrate new thinking around numeracy teaching and learning.

Again, we will re-think this and see what other offers we can make to you as parents.

Balornock Uniform Bank

You may have seen our hanging rail in the main foyer outside the school office. This rail of professionally dry cleaned pre-loved uniform is free for you to help yourself. If you can find something that is suitable for your child, please do take it. There is no expected charge for any item, but if you are able to give a very small amount of money to school fund, we would be very grateful – even if this is just a 50p or £1. I would actively encourage you to take what you need from the rail. In addition, if you have any uniform items that you no longer need, please do donate them to the bank. There is a donations box sitting beside the rail.

P1 and P2 Parent Fast Start group

In partnership with Rosemount Lifelong Learning Centre, we are running a very informal group for P1 and P2 parents. This is on every Friday 1.45-2.45pm. The group leader communicates closely with our P1 and P2 teachers and will support parents with various aspects of school life. Why not give it a go!

Sport Scotland Award

We were delighted to hear recently that we have won a Sport Scotland Gold Award! The organisation is coming to present the pupils with their award on the 26th November 9am. Thereafter we will be having a full day of sport and activity. We have a number of coaches and experts coming in to work with classes and pupils will be exposed to some sports that they have not tried before. In the afternoon we will have a Sport Scotland Super Sponsor event. More details and sponsor sheets will come out with pupils very soon!


At the present time Christmas is looking very confusing! We have so many things we want to do with the pupils, that time tabling is becoming a challenge!! I will send out a dedicated Christmas newsletter in a few weeks giving you specifics. At present we have pantomimes, science centre Christmas visits, numerous choir events week days and weekends, parties, market visits etc etc!!

Please do hold the date 29th November for the Christmas Fayre! We are ever grateful for those parents who are in the parent council and those who support the parent council on the day…the fayre just wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t for their planning and preparation…and keeping me on track!! As always we would appreciate any donations for tombola, raffle, brik-a-brak and sweeties. This year pupils are making lots of holder type things…and we need sweets like maltesers, chocolate raisins, marshmallows, buttons etc to fill them. All donations gratefully received.

Jane McShane

Head Teacher

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