Balornock Uniform Bank


Please click on the flyers for Balornock Uniform Bank, a wonderful charity who help our school and many others in our area.

During the holidays Spireview Housing Association will be collecting on our behalf.



St Roch’s After Care

Please click on the flyer for information on St Roch’s aftercare that is based in our school during the holidays and during term time. 🙂

Term 4 Clubs

Our morning, lunchtime and afterschool clubs are on this table. Don’t worry if you can’t read the timetable clearly. Try clicking on the picture and it should take you to a new page where it is easier to read. Please be careful about the dates they start and finish. If you have any questions about this dates or clubs please get in contact with the school 🙂


May Newsletter (With Important Dates!)

May 2018 Issue 6

The last term!

It seems quite unbelievable that we are in May already and racing through the last term of the session. In some ways this has been a speedy year, but in others, not so much! Building works have been a real challenge to pupils, staff and parents this session and have certainly impacted on our usual way of working. However, I am delighted that they are nearing completion. The final stage of opening the main stairwell will happen early next week with the main door being brought back to use again. Snagging lists will be created before the end of June and scaffolding should be completely dismantled by the end of June. I am looking forward to seeing the building again! I want to thank you all for your patience and understanding with our works, it has been an experience!

Reports and classes

Teachers are now in the final stages of preparing your child’s full report. These will come to you at the end of May. We also endeavour to give you information on your child’s next class and teacher as we know some pupils get anxious about this as we complete this term.

Term 4 Clubs

Clubs this term are going very well. Pupils appeared to be a little overwhelmed by the number of clubs this term. This was simply because space has been restricted in other terms due to building works. Please keep the note of clubs handy as this will give you information on end dates. All clubs finish on different dates depending on who is leading the club. For example, some of our clubs are being led by student teachers and they will end next week. We also have some clubs yet to begin. The information given was very full, giving you all required information. Please do keep it handy. Information will also appear on the school website.

Wee Write

The ‘Wee Write’ festival workshops have been re-scheduled due to snow. Some of our classes will be attending these. They will be exploring specific age and stage appropriate authors and investigating some of their writing. Classes as follows:

P6/5 – Alex Nye – 17th May p.m.

P6/5 – Varied authors – 18th May p.m.

P7 – Maz Evans – 18th May p.m.

P5/4 – Chae Strathie – 21st May a.m.

All outings are to Mitchell Library and pupils will be transported by private coach.


Early years transitions are going smoothly at present. Our nursery intake pupils have been to school for a ‘play date’ with primary 1. We will also welcome them back to take part in our sports day. Our induction dates are 22nd and 30th May 1.15-2.45pm where we will have input from some key partners and give support in completing the many pro-formas required when enrolling in school. I will also soon be seeking out some willing current primary 1 parents to come along on the 30th May to share their experiences with our new parents. If you might be willing to help me in this, please do let me know.

Secondary transition information is in the process of being passed on. This year, we will be passing our pupils to 5 different secondary schools, each one has their own way of gathering information and involving pupils. At present we have met and shared with 3 secondary schools and will be arranging meeting times with the others very soon. Smithycroft induction days are 22nd and 23rd May and information from Smithycroft will be coming to relevant parents very soon.

Sports Day

Sports day date is 5th June – weather permitting of course! P1-3 will take place in the morning, with P4-7 in the afternoon. You are most welcome to come along and cheer the pupils on! We might even involve some of our ‘willing’ parents and carers this year! Wear comfortable footwear!!

Summer Outings

This year P1-3 will be visiting Briarlands Farm Park on 13th June, and P4-7 will go to Camera Obscura and surrounding areas on 11th June. Please note, P4-7 pupils will not return to school until approximately4pm. The total cost of our summer trips this year is £1927 for entry tickets and transport. We will require £2 per pupil for their trip this year with the bulk of the cost coming from school fund.

Ardentinny Primary 7 Residential

This experience has been an on-going saga as our primary 7 parents and carers will confirm! The length and cost of the experience have changed several times in order to ensure as many primary 7 pupils as possible can attend. We have also applied for most of the money through funding and grants and confirmation of success has come at different times. However, we are now in an excellent position of being able to offer primary 7 pupils a 3 night residential experience in June with qualified instructors, accommodation and food in Dunoon for £10. I am very hopeful that we will have good uptake on this as it is an opportunity hard to beat.

End of term service

Our end of term service and leavers assembly will take place on 21st June. Time TBC. This is always a very happy and positive assembly where we give out awards for effort and learning, as well as citizenship and sport. We will follow up with tea and coffee. I really hope all parents and carers will be able to attend.

Crazy Hair Day

We will be having a crazy hair day on Thursday 24th May. The cost of this is 50p and this will go towards summer outings.

The ‘wee lunch shop’!

Thanks to Tesco warehouse clearing we have a range of new items that we will be using to set up a ‘wee shop’ at lunch time. Pupils love to be the shop keeper and we will keep costs low for pupils to buy things. There is a range of things like pencils, stationery, notebooks etc. This will start up next week.

Rag Bag

We will soon reinstate our rag bag collection point. At present the rag bag collection box is not in use, however we have requested that the bags we have be uplifted as soon as possible. If you have a bag or bags to donate, please do bring them from next week onwards and put them at the bottom of the main stairwell. We will have them collected from there.

Janitorial Cover

At present our temporary janitor is Stephen. He has been working very hard to keep things running smoothly in school, however he will not be staying long term. When I have more information on who our permanent janitor is, I will let you know.

Usual Things…

I realise that it is the end of term, however I want to write down a few reminders as we are seeing a few things beginning to slip…

Gym Kit – this comprises of 3 things. T-shirt, shorts (or leggings/joggers) and indoor shoes. Pupils must have full gym kit for every PE lesson.

Jewellery – Glasgow City Council policy is that no jewellery is worn during any physical activity. Your child should be able to remove own jewellery and if not, this must be removed prior to coming to school on PE days.

Water – we have a water only policy in Royston Primary. During class, pupils can have plain water. At play and lunch time they can have flavoured water. No fruit shoots, capri suns, fizzy drinks or coloured water should be brought to school.

Holiday Dates

School will be closed on 25th May and 28th May for holiday weekend. School will then close for the session on 26th June at 1pm.

As always, please do get in touch if you would like to speak with me about anything…

Jane McShane

Head Teacher

Numeracy Clinic Graduation at University of Strathclyde



This year, a lucky group of children were selected to work with final year Primary Education students from The University of Strathclyde’s School of Education. Each child was partnered with 3/4 students who came to Royston to work with their target child for 30 minutes a day. After 3 months the children and students were very proud of all their hard work and progress made. To celebrate the children’s fantastic achievements, we were invited to the University of Strathclyde’s Barony Hall to graduate! We were delighted to see so many parents and even grandparents come to the hall to watch their child graduate. Below we have included a number of photos taken on the day:

A massive thanks to the School of Education staff and students who organised this special day and for all their hard work with our lucky children!


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