Internet Safety Session for Parents/Carers 13th February

Dear Parent/Carer

In the past few years, the school has invited parents and carers in to work with us on Internet Safety. This is becoming an increasing area of concern for both families and schools,. with many children now having access to the internet through phones, games consoles and tablets. in order to help with the safety of all our children, I have invited Miriam Duffy from EdICT to speak to our parents and carers on this subject. Miriam is delivering the internet safety messages to the pupils in the coming days and on Friday 13th February @ 1.15pm will deliver to parents and carers. Please make every attempt to come to this meeting, which will give ideas on how to support the safe use of the internet. Teas and coffees will be available and the meeting will end in time to collect your child at 3pm.

Thank you for your continued and on-going support.

Simon Kelly

Head Teacher

January Newsletter

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Dear Parent/Carer

Firstly, Happy New Year to everyone & welcome back to all staff & pupils.

Parent Council – The next meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Thursday 5th February 2015. If anyone has any issues they wish to raise at the Parent Council meeting, please let any of the Parent Council members or the school office know ahead of this meeting.

After School Clubs – Once again we’ve managed to organise a wide range of After School & Lunchtime clubs. The letters for these went out to the children yesterday. All returns for clubs should be back for Wednesday 14th.

School Uniform – A huge thank you for helping return the children to school in appropriate uniform. There are still a few pupils who aren’t wearing the agreed uniform. While many of the jumpers and zippers being worn are nice and smart, they aren’t the school uniform. We have also had a number of pupils wearing earrings which are totally inappropriate for school. Please ensure if jewellery such as earrings are worn, the children must be able to take it off for PE.

School Lunches – As from this week, all of our primary 1 – 3 pupils are now entitled to a free school lunch. So far this has gone really well and the children seem to be enjoying the food. Can I ask please that you take time with your child to go over the menu. Several pupils are still not sure what to have for lunch. If pupils don’t like the choices, can they please bring a packed lunch to ensure they get something to eat.

Scottish Showcase – Throughout the month of January, all of the classes are focussing their work on Scotland. As part of this work the pupils are planning 2 special events to share their learning – Friday 30th January will see all the pupils host a celebration assembly which we hope you will all attend. This takes place at 9.30 am and will be followed by tea & shortbread; and on Thursday 29th the primary 5/4 to 7 pupils will host a Scottish Burns Supper.

We hope that this year is a successful year for everyone connected with Royston Primary. Together, we can achieve great things, through working in partnership.

Simon Kelly
Head Teacher

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