Hello S5/6,
Here are the blank/partially filled essay plans for the essays we have prepared for in class. Use these for revision/to catch up on any missed work.
Happy revising!
Miss Innes
Hello S5/6,
Here are the blank/partially filled essay plans for the essays we have prepared for in class. Use these for revision/to catch up on any missed work.
Happy revising!
Miss Innes
Hi S4s,
Here are some blank/partially filled essay plans that we have covered in class, for you to use for revision/catch up on missed notes.
Fascinating Character Essay Plan-Atticus
Happy revising!
Miss Innes
Hello all,
Here are your theme presentations on ‘Winter’. You should use these to make detailed revision notes on the themes in the poem.
Edwin Morgan Poem Theme Analysis Matthew M
The theme of Decay final Nesse
Winter’ By Edwin Morgan- Decay-Brodie