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Skye Pupils Interview Times
Option choice interviews will be taking place on Friday 14th February for the following Skye pupils. 09:00 Rajan Jassal 09:10 Mechenry Kambato 09:20 Stephen Kendrick 09:30 Adam Louahem Sabeh 09:40 Daniel Mackie 09:50 Kane McCafferty 10:00 Reece McLean 10:10 Rivan Mohammed 10:20 Sania Mohammed 10:50 James Murphy 11:00 Ava Scullion 11:10 Shahzaib Shahzaib 11:20 Mohamad Zana 11:30 Luisa Cleland 11:40 Warren Fernandez 11:50 Michael Findlay 12:00 Anabela Gaziova 12:10 Reuben Grant 13:10 Lucy Hewes 13:20 Ailidh McMaster 13:30 Nathan McNicol 13:40 Rhauri McTaggart 13:50 Sanwal Babar 14:00 Kristiyan Blazhev 14:10 Eva Greig 14:20 Lennon Harrison 14:30 Abdullah Hashim 14:40 Yaseen …Parents Evening Map – Skye & Arran 2025
Please see below for the teacher map for the Skye & Arran parents evening taking place on Tuesday 11th Febuary.STEM in Action: Students Gain Insight at Leidos Headquarters
Students participating in the 2024-25 Leidos Project had the exciting opportunity to visit the Leidos headquarters in Glasgow . They were warmly welcomed by their mentors and given an inside look at a day in the life of a Leidos employee. Throughout the visit, students explored various career pathways, job roles, and project development while enjoying hot chocolate and friendly games of pool. The experience left them inspired and motivated to pursue a future in STEM, equipped with a clearer vision of how to achieve their goals.Continue reading STEM in Action: Students Gain Insight at Leidos Headquarters
Skills Development Scotland Survey
Skills Development Scotland would like feedback from parents and carers on their career service. Please take part in this short survey
Primary 1 were very lucky to welcome Zoolab into the classroom. They had an opportunity to not only learn about the animals and ask questions but they could also hold them. They got to hold a Giant African Snail which they described as cold and slimy. A Madagascan Hissing Coackroach which tickled your hand as it moved and the female hissed when her tummy was stroked. A snake which was rather lively and inquisitive. A tarantula which was too small to be handled and a Desert Rat which looked very cute, like a large gerbil, but was too fast toRosshall – New Books
We have more new books than you can shake a stick at!Latest News
Featured Images information
We have just added some information and instructions about Featured Images, These are a rather neglected ‘feature’ on Glow Blogs. They are really useful for making your posts stand out on both your own site and when you share them. There are especially useful if you share posts and can enhance your own site by […]Additional CSS Issue
In the most recent update to Glow blogs we updated the version of Jetpack that we use. Jetpack no longer supports Additional CSS. This is no longer available from the customiser or in the Styles of the Site Editor. CSS already added to sites continues to function. Native WordPress support Additional CSS but not in […]Jet Pack Settings Issue
Some sites with the Jetpack plugin enabled do not have a link in the Dashboard Sidebar. Our developers are aware of the problem and are working on a fix. Workaround The Jetpack settings can be accessed from the Plugins screen: Clicking on the Settings link under the Jetpack listing will take you to the Jetpack […]Glow Blogs October 2024 Update
Glow Blogs has just had a fairly large update. Glow Blogs is now using wordPress 6.6.2. This bring quite a lot of new features, especially to the Block & Site Editor. Quite a few plugins have been updated too.H5P Issue Some content types cannot be installed
An issue with H5P content types has arisen. If you try to install some content types you will get an error. The problem seems to be because the H5P API has been updated but the version used by theWordPress plugin does not now match it.