The LCR (Language and Communication Resource) opened in Hillpark Secondary in August 1998. It has been designed to meet the needs of secondary-aged pupils living in the south side of Glasgow, who have been identified as having Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and who are considered able to benefit from the experience of attending a mainstream secondary school.

The LCR provides a supportive secondary inclusion programme. Pupils are on the roll of Hillpark Secondary and are expected to take most of their subjects, with support, in mainstream classes. Where appropriate, a few subjects may be studied in small groups in the LCR, up to and including the National Qualifications 4 & 5 and Higher. In addition, staff in the LCR address the social and communication difficulties of each child through Self and Social Awareness classes, weekly tutorials with specialist staff, specific planned outcomes, as well as life skills and independent living skills lessons.

All LCR pupils have full access to the curriculum of the mainstream school and to the academic, social and extra-curricular activities available to their peers. Pupils attend mainstream classes, where they are supported and taught by teachers who have an understanding of autism spectrum conditions and of its implications for learning. The work of the LCR staff is supported by a trained group of senior buddies who support pupils in social situations as well as with homework and in classes.

LCR pupils are encouraged to develop friendships with their mainstream peers, while at the same time they can benefit from feeling a part of the social life of their ASC peer group in the LCR. The LCR has an ongoing roll of 33 pupils.

The department has six classrooms, a kitchen, a technical workshop as well as 3 Quiet Rooms.  Pupils are supported by a team of specialist teachers and Support for Learning Workers throughout the day.