
Broad General Education 

In S1-3 young people have the opportunity to enhance their skills by responding to a wide range of increasingly complex texts in poetry, drama, prose fiction and non-fiction, as well as film and television, print and non-print advertisements. They are encouraged and supported in developing their creative and analytical skills, their independent and co-operative learning as well as their interest in personal reading. 

 Skills in Reading, Writing, and Talking and Listening will be assessed in class throughout the year. In English progress is recorded in the BGE folio jotter. This allows young people to chart their skills development in English experiences and outcomes from S1 onwards. It is in the BGE folio that the young person’s teacher will provide feedback on how well they have met the success criteria for tasks, their strengths and areas to develop. 


A love of English 

 The English Department foster and encourage a love for the English language and of reading. Personal reading of fiction and non-fiction is built into the curriculum and every young person will have library borrowing time included in their learning. There are regular visits to the school from professional writers, cinema and theatre visits are arranged and a number of clubs run at lunchtimes to encourage a love of the subject. 

Choice, Challenge and Enjoyment 

To provide you with choice and challenge, and to encourage enjoyment of the subject, Creative Electives are organised throughout the BGE. These include exciting opportunities for young people to, for example: 

  1.  investigate eco issues in the English classroom and outdoors. 
  1. Create a novel from the planning to the publication stage.  
  1.  examine aspects of film production and analysis. 


Clubs in the English Department 

 A number of lunchtime and after school clubs are offered. Lunchtime clubs include the Creative Writing club; Comics and Manga group; Origami; Table Tennis.  

 After school we also offer a quiet, supportive space for pupils to complete homework for any subject and receive support with this homework if required. 

 For pupils in the senior phase we offer a range of supported study classes. These include support with exam technique in all assessable elements of N5 and Higher: Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation; Critical Essay; Scottish Text and Folio Writing.  

 We also offer, when we can, 3 hour Masterclasses on Saturday mornings and invite all pupils to attend in order to build confidence in the lead up to SQA examinations. 

Progression to the senior phase  

 The skills that young people learn throughout their BGE prepare them for the National Qualifications pathway they choose in S4-S6.  

In S4, young people can study for an award in N3, N4 or N5 English. 

Building on achievement and attainment from S4, a young person can then study for N5, Higher or Advanced Higher English; or N4, N5 or Higher Scottish Studies. 

 All young people working in the senior phase have access to their own English class’ Teams platform where they can access all resources used in class including details of homework and deadlines, study materials and links to commercially produced resources and websites. 


Career Pathways 

 A secure pass in English at National 5 or Higher level is required by almost all employers, colleges and universities. More obvious courses linked to English include: 

  • philosophy
  • psychology
  • film, television and theatre studies
  • marketing and advertising
  • teaching


Less obvious courses require, at least, National 5 English. These include: 

  • health
  • social care
  • beauty therapy
  • sport