Category Archives: expressive arts

Music Department Update

Music Department update in light of Coronavirus:

The following 2 documents have been produced to support our Music Instructors, Music Teaching staff, parents and pupils move forward in these challenging times in Music.
Certain instruments cannot currently be played in school (brass and woodwind) and singing is also not allowed at this current time. For pupils to undertake activities like this, video technology must be used to help support our pupils for the foreseeable future.
For pupils whose instruments fall under the current restrictions or for pupils who sing, a letter will be sent home explaining that they must read through the above documents. Included in the letter will be a page that the Parent / Guardian must sign to say that they have read these documents. This letter should then be returned to Mr Reid (Faculty Head of Expressive Arts).
Only at this point when the letter is returned and signed, should pupils start to engage in the live streams with their Music Instructors or video sharing with instructors or teachers.
If any parent has any concerns or has any questions, can these please drop Mr Reid an email at: