Young people at Hillhead High School learn about sexual health and relationships through the PSE (personal, social and health education) curriculum.
Talking to young people about relationships and sexual health can be embarrassing, but there are lots of resources out there to help!
The NSPCC website provides a useful starting point to help parents understand what are healthy and unhealthy sexual behaviours.
You can click on the image below to access the webpage:
The following pages from the Childline website have lots of information aimed at young people, which you might want to include in a conversation about sex and relationships.
This includes information on:
Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
Sexually Transmitted Infections
You can also find resources from the Sandyford Clinic, which is the specialist sexual health service for Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Advice specifically tailored for parents can be accessed at:
This includes information on: