The internet is a wonderful place, but it does present some risks for young people.
The website has lots of fantastic advice about how to support young people to use the internet safely. You can click on the image below to access the website.
Resources include the following leaflet with lots of handy tips about steps you can take to keep your child safe online:
Childnet Information and Advice
The National Parent Forum of Scotland is also a great website to find helpful tips and resources. Check out these three below:
The organisation CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) has produced the following resources outlining for parents the risks that children may face when using the internet. You can click on the image below to access the website.
Click on each link to read the resources produced by CEOP
Risks children face online – Cyberbullying
Risks children face online – Grooming
Risks children face online – Inappropriate Websites
The website Think You Know also has lots of great resources of parents/carers and young people. The link below features a presentation created by CEOP and Think You Know, and is about sexual abuse online.
CEOP has also produced specialist advice for adoptive parents which can be accessed below: