S5 and S6 Easter Supported Study

Below you will find details of the study support available to S5 and S6 pupils during the Easter break.

As well as in school supported study, there is also free, online interactive study support available from e-Sgoil.

The timings are as follows.

In School Study Support

Week 1: Monday 7th – Thursday 10th April. Week 2: Tuesday 15th to Thursday 17th April

Morning Session: 09:30- 11:30

Break: 11:30- 12:00

Afternoon Session: 12:00- 14:00

Online Study Support

Monday 7th to Friday 11th April

Hour long subject and level specific classes with the first class starting at 9am and the last class starting at 4pm each day of the first week of the holidays.

To access online study support, simply register here- https://www.e-sgoil.com/senior-phase/easter-study-support/#Registration


There is no need to sign up in advance for in school supported study. Pupils can attend any session for any subject and level they are sitting, even if it is not their class teacher delivering the session. The school canteen will be closed during the Easter holidays. If young people are planning on staying in school for both sessions, they should bring something to eat with them or money to buy something from the local community. There is also an option of quiet, individual study in the Library.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr Richardson- gw12richardsonjack@glow.sch.uk

In School Easter Study 2025

Online Study Support- Easter 2025