S5&S6 Parental Information Evening

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you will be aware there have been various modifications and changes made to SQA courses and exams for session 2020/2021.  This booklet will provide you with subject specific information, which will help you to engage in conversation with your child regarding the changes in each of the subjects they are studying.

SQA Modifications for 2020-2021

Miss Black (DHT and SQA co-ordinator) has also produced a useful infographic of the changes that can be found here:

SQA Exams 2020-21 Infographic

The SQA Exam diet for Higher and Advanced Higher courses can be found here:


The SQA  document for pupils on preparing coursework has already been shared with S5&S6 and can also be found here:


If you are unsure about anything contained in this you can contact me by phoning the school or emailing me at gw10neilsteven@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

On Monday 9th November there will be an online SQA Information Session for S5 & S6 parents on Microsoft Teams from 6.30pm-7.30pm. You will be able to access this online event from your child’s iPad and click on the “join” button. S5/S6 Pupils are also welcome to attend. If you have any questions you wish to submit in advance of the evening, please contact me at the email address above.

Mr Neil (DHT for S5 &S6)