Tag Archives: Sports Day

Weekly Website Whizzkid 28.5.14 Leanne EP6

On Monday we had sports day. On sports day I had a lot of fun. The races we did included the sack race, running race, egg and spoon race, the 200m race and the relay.


On Tuesday we had art and we were designing a Stornoway Tattoo board, although we haven’t started making the board yet. After lunch we had French and we were learning names of the shops in French, like the post office and the vet. After French we had our new topic which is the human body and we were doing our cover sheet and talking about the skeleton.


On Wednesday we had to go to the library to choose a new book to read then we had maths. At maths we were doing money and decimals. Decimals are easy and I really like them. After break we have been doing language where we are doing Nelson Skills. After lunch we will be doing some dictionary work with our teacher and the other P6s while the P7s go to French.

Weekly Website Whizzkid – Ceit Murray EP6

On Monday morning we had gym outside with Mr. Smith.  We played a game called Foxes, Chickens and Worms, it was really fun.  In maths this week I have been learning division facts and using EducationCity to help me. 


In language I did some work on comprehension using two different stories, one about King James and one about a tightrope walker.  I liked the story about the tightrope walker because there was a part where he had to rely on his friend for help and his friend was very scared!


This week the P7s were sitting PIEs and PIMs.  That stands for Progress in English and Progress in Maths.  We will be doing them next year too.


In art on Tuesday we were learning how to draw the human eye.  This will help us when we start our Human Body topic in class.


Sports day is coming soon and some of us have already started practising in the playground!