Tag Archives: community
Daffodil Enterprise
Chruinnich GP3-4 £220 airson Bethesda le bhith a’ reic Lusan a’ Chrom-Chinn.
Mòran taing airson ar cuideachadh le bhith a ceannach na badan againn!
Abair gun do dh’ionnsaich iad tòrr sgilean gniomhachais leis an cuspair seo. Tha sinn a-nis a’ coimhead air adhart ri ceilidh air Bethesda leis an t-airgead seo.
GP3-4 Air “An Lot,” BBC ALBA, Comhla ri Sweeny!
BBC Alba: An Lot, 8.30 f, Diluain.
Ma leanas sibh an link gu h-ard chi sibh a chiad program anns an sreath “An Lot.” Tha Clas 3-4 gu bhith ann a program 2 agus 3.
Ceud Mile Taing!
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped Sgoil a’ Bhac raise £930 at the Macmillan Coffee Morning last Friday.
Lucky 2B Here
On Friday 27th January P5/6/7 pupils and some members of staff took part in defibrillator training. This was delivered by volunteers from the Lucky 2B Here charity.
Remembrance Assembly
The school’s Remembrance Assembly will be held tomorrow at 10.30am. This year’s assembly will be led by pupils in Mrs Murray’s class, E5,6,7. Join with us for the assembly and for light refreshments afterwards.
Feasgar aig Cairdeas.
Mar pairt dh’ar proiseict mu Alba bha sinn a’ coimhead ri buidheanan a tha air a chuir air doigh airson daoine eadar dhealaichte anns ar coimhearsnachd fhein. Le sin chaidh sinn a thadhal air Cairdeas a shealltainn de bha iadsan a’deanamh.
We drew pictures in celebration of old age. Some grandparents may recognise themselves in the above photographs or in the cartoon drawings.
Charity Presentations
Bethesda Hospice
Last week, we had a visit from Mr DR Macdonald from Bethesda Hospice to collect a cheque for £428.38.
This was a presentation of the funds raised at Christmas time through the raffle of the cake made by our former cook, Mary Stewart and from the silver collection on the concert night.
We’d like to thank everyone who gave so generously to this cause.
God is Good Nursery School, Uganda
With the help of Mrs Macrae, pupils organised a non-uniform day and bake sale in aid of the ‘God is Good’ nursery school in Uganda.
Ishbal Mackenzie came to the school to collect a cheque for £245.40 for their appeal to support the Ugandan school.
Once again, we’d like to thank the children and parents who contributed to this very worthy cause.
Remembrance Day Assembly
This year, our commemoration of Remembrance Day on 11th November took place at a special assembly led by our English P5 and P6 pupils. They have been working on a class topic about WW1 and shared their learning with the other pupils of the school and parents and families who were able to join us for the service. As part of the service, Rev. Macleod led us in marking the traditional two-minute silence.
Sgire a’ Bhac Community Remembrance Service
On a bright and sunny Sunday morning, Ross Maciver and Claire Steven from Sgoil a’ Bhac gathered with the many members of the community to participate in a service of Remembrance at the war memorial in Back. As part of the ceremony, they laid a wreath on behalf of all the children and staff of the school.
They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them.