Weekly Website Whizzkid – Callum Poustie

This week in EP6-7 we have been learning about Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. We learnt that the boy has his Bar Mitzvah at age thirteen and a girl has her Bat Mitzvah age twelve. In the Jewish faith they speak Hebrew and Bar Mitzvah means ‘son of the commandments’ while Bat Mitzvah means ‘daughter of the commandments’. When Jewish children have a Bar or Bat Mitzvah they have a big party, get lots of presents and they read from the Torah – which is the Old Testament.  They also make speeches to their parents and families saying thank you for bring them up. Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a celebration of them becoming adults.

Weekly Website Whizzkid – Lee MacLean EP7

On Monday the 14th we all came back from the Easter holidays. We were asked to choose any article from a newspaper. We cut it out and stuck it into our reading jotters and we then had to write a summary of what it was about. This is so that we can work on our reading skills for use in our literacy circles. We also did some Alta maths which we did online on the computers in the ICT room.


On Wednesday the 16th James’s grandfather, Jock Murray, came in to talk to us.  We had all been working on personal talks on a subject of our choice.  James had chosen to speak about his granddad and invited him in so we could ask him some questions.  He has lived a really interesting life and it was good to get a chance to speak to him.

G1-3 Open Afternoon

We would like to thank all the parents and grandparents who attended our Pupil Led Open Afternoon on Wednesday 26th March.  We really enjoyed sharing our learning with you all and we hope you enjoyed all the baking that you bought.  We raised an amazing £150!!

We all dressed up as our favourite Paperdoll
We all dressed up as our favourite Paperdoll
We had fun showing our families all our hard work!
We had fun showing our families all our hard work!
The delicious baking that we sold :-)
The delicious baking that we sold 🙂

Invitation to Easter Assembly

We will be holding a special Easter assembly on Friday 18th April in conjunction with Rev. CI Macleod and Back Free Church. The assembly will be held in the church, starting at 10.00am.

We would like to extend an invitation to all parents and families to join us for this assembly. A return slip is included in the letter to parents attached below. We would be grateful if the slip could be returned by Thursday 17th April so we can ascertain expected numbers.

Letter to Parents – 14.04.14

Na Seann Eipheitich

This term G4/5 studied the Ancient Egyptians and used this topic as a basis for literacy tasks.

We worked in groups and reported back to the class on the importance of the River Nile to them. We enjoyed  showing off our “Wow” adjectives in our poems about the Nile crocodile.

1 R. Nile art

 6 Shape

Our main focus was looking at the importance of evidence from the past.


2 corridor pic

We enjoyed writing our names in hieroglyphs on cartouches.       

We also invited Jack Duncan, student of archaeology, to talk to us about the work of an archaeologist,

He gave us a really interesting presentation and answered all our questions. 

3 Art 4 Jack Duncan

Mrs Duncan, who is Jack’s Mum, kindly helped us to write an Egyptian song, which we performed at the whole school assembly. 

5 Egyptian characters

Sheinn sinn cuideachd an oran ” Chaidh mi sios chun an amhainn an-de..” a dh’ ionnsaich sinn sa chlas Seinn. You can listen to the two songs by following the link.


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