Category Archives: School Office

Non Uniform Day & Bake Sale

IMG_3734The members of our football team and their parents organised a non-uniform day and bake sale today to raise money for their football trip to the mainland next month. They are still busy selling baking at lunch-time today so we’ll be able to announce a grand total of funds raised on Monday.

The team are photographed here just before opening their stall this morning. Thank you very much to all the parents who donated baking and to all the families across the school who sent in money for the non-uniform day and the baking.



There were some pupils today who chose to dress up rather than down for our non-uniform day!

Non Uniform Day – Friday 28th February

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 28th February to help raise funds for our football team to travel to Dundee to compete in the North Finals of the Scottish Soccer Sevens Championship. We would like to ask that any pupils coming in to school without uniform on that day make a donation to the trip fund. In addition to the non-uniform day, we hope to have a bake stall operating.

 SSFASgoil a’ Bhac will be representing the Western Isles in this competition and will be playing against teams from Inverness, Aberdeen, Perth, Dundee and Skye. The finals will be held at Dundee University on Thursday 20th March. It’s a major achievement for our team to have qualified for this stage of the competition and we want to support them by helping with fundraising for some of the costs.

Cross Country Success

Pupils from Sgoil a’ Bhac have been competing throughout this winter in the Lewis and Harris Cross Country Winter Series. The third and final race in this competition was held on Saturday 7th February and our school was well represented in the field of runners. We’d like to give special mention to Steven Mutch from P6 who was the winner on Saturday and overall series winner in the Under 11 boys.

Thank you to Mandy Gillies for providing the photo and for organising the school team for this race. Thanks also to the staff who helped the runners prepare for the Winter Series with training runs during the school day.

Donations to Bethesda

Today we invited Mr Macdonald from Bethesda Nursing Home to the school to receive two donations totalling £200. The first donation was from the Parent Council and the second was from the school.  They are in addition to the money raised directly by Bethesda by their attendance at our Christmas Concert.

We would like to thank Mary, our cook, who made a Christmas cake that was raffled at the concert in aid of Bethesda.


Pictured: Mr Macdonald Receives cheques from Calum Macdonald (Parent Council) and Mary Stewart (School Cook). Four members of our Pupil Council also attended the presentation.

Healthy Working Lives Silver Award

healthy working lives - sgoil a bhac compFor a number of years, Sgoil a’ Bhac has been participating in the NHS Healthy Working Lives scheme. The purpose of this initiative is to encourage staff to regularly consider health issues and factors that affect healthy lifestyles such as exercise, diet, stress, illness etc.

Sgoil a’ Bhac were recently re-accredited for the Healthy Working Lives Silver Award. We hope to soon begin working towards achieving a Gold Award. Mrs C Macleod attended an awards presentation recently where she accepted the Silver Award on behalf of the school staff.  We’d like to thank Mrs Macleod for her work in co-ordinating and promoting Sgoil a’ Bhac’s Healthy Working Lives programme.

P1 and Nursery Enrolment for August 2014

P1 Enrolment
Children who will be four years of age by 28 February 2014 are eligible for infant enrolment.  Parents who wish to enrol their children are requested to do so at the school any day at 3.00pm during the week commencing Monday 3rd February 2014. If you would like to meet with the Headteacher to discuss enrolment, he will be available during the enrolment sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday that week.

Parents are requested to bring their child’s birth certificate along to enrolment.

Sgoil Araich
Places are also available in Sgoil Araich for session 2014/2015 for children who will be 3 years of age by 31 August 2014.  Places are also available for children who are 4 and are not currently registered with a pre-school provider. Parents are invited to enrol their children at a pre-school provider on the week commencing Monday 3rd February 2014 and are requested to bring their child’s birth certificate.
More information about Enrolment is available in the attached document:

PDF: Enrolment Information 2014