Category Archives: Sgoil a’ Bhac

Feasgar aig Cairdeas.

Mar pairt dh’ar proiseict mu Alba bha sinn a’ coimhead ri buidheanan a tha air a chuir air doigh airson daoine eadar dhealaichte anns ar coimhearsnachd fhein.  Le sin chaidh sinn a thadhal air Cairdeas a shealltainn de bha iadsan a’deanamh.

Sheall sinn dhaibh postairean a rinn sinn.
Sheall sinn dhaibh postairean a rinn sinn.


Sheinn sinn orain dhaibh.
Sheinn sinn orain dhaibh.







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We drew pictures in celebration of old age.  Some grandparents may recognise themselves in the above photographs or in the cartoon drawings.





Christmas Card Competition Winner

A number of pupils from Sgoil a’ Bhac entered our MSP Alasdair Allan’s Christmas Card design competition. We were delighted to hear that the winner was Ellie Macdonald from GM7. Alasdair Allan attended our Christmas Assembly last Friday to present Ellie with her prize and a copy of the printed card. The card with her design has now been sent out across Scotland and beyond.Ellie & AA

Ellie and card
Ellie was presented with a copy the card with her design printed on it


Ellies Card
Ellie’s winning design

Christmas Assembly – All Welcome

jumperdayWe will be holding our annual Christmas Assembly with Rev. Macleod on the morning of Friday 12th December at 10.00am. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all parents and families to join us for the assembly and also to join us for tea and mince pies afterwards.

The children and staff will be sporting their Christmas jumpers that morning in support of the Save the Children appeal. Any guests joining us for the assembly are welcome to also wear a Christmas jumper!


Young Leader Awards

Throughout this session, our P7 pupils have been working with Eric Macleod from Active Schools and their class teachers to complete the Young Leader Qualification. This certified course teaches children skills in leadership through sports and games. They children received their Young Leader certificates at our end-of-term prize-giving.

P7s with their Young Leader certificates.
P7s with their Young Leader certificates.

Our visit to the Arnol Black House by Sandy Morrison and Hannah MacLeod.

Clas 6-7 aig an taigh dubh.
Clas 6-7 aig an taigh dubh.


Our class has been studying the Highland Clearances. We have been learning about their lifestyles and cultures. Mrs Mairi Morrison came to talk to us about the Arnol Blackhouse and we learnt lots! Therefore we went on a class trip to the Arnol Blackhouse.


Our class joined English primary one and two to visit Arnol. We split up and visited  the white house and black house. We learnt lots from Mrs Morrison and her colleague, Donald Morrison. There were many interesting sights to see in the blackhouse. We enjoyed it thoroughly!

an taigh dubh 14-05-14 003 an taigh dubh 14-05-14 052                         an taigh dubh 14-05-14 015 an taigh dubh 14-05-14 017                       an taigh dubh 14-05-14 019 an taigh dubh 14-05-14 022                     an taigh dubh 14-05-14 028

Invitation to Easter Assembly

We will be holding a special Easter assembly on Friday 18th April in conjunction with Rev. CI Macleod and Back Free Church. The assembly will be held in the church, starting at 10.00am.

We would like to extend an invitation to all parents and families to join us for this assembly. A return slip is included in the letter to parents attached below. We would be grateful if the slip could be returned by Thursday 17th April so we can ascertain expected numbers.

Letter to Parents – 14.04.14

The Past by EP1/2

This term we have been busy learning about The Past. The children brought in some objects and photos from the past and we very much enjoyed looking at them and talking about them.  We were also learning about famous building from the past and we discussed what the Isle of Lewis was like in the olden days. 

We can’t wait to show our work from this topic at our open afternoon on Wednesday.

Here’s a snap shot of some of our work. image 3  image 4image 6image 7

Non Uniform Day – Friday 28th February

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 28th February to help raise funds for our football team to travel to Dundee to compete in the North Finals of the Scottish Soccer Sevens Championship. We would like to ask that any pupils coming in to school without uniform on that day make a donation to the trip fund. In addition to the non-uniform day, we hope to have a bake stall operating.

 SSFASgoil a’ Bhac will be representing the Western Isles in this competition and will be playing against teams from Inverness, Aberdeen, Perth, Dundee and Skye. The finals will be held at Dundee University on Thursday 20th March. It’s a major achievement for our team to have qualified for this stage of the competition and we want to support them by helping with fundraising for some of the costs.