Tag Archives: family fun bags

Being Me!


In Glenwood, we celebrate what is special and unique about each and every person. We are all loved and included just for being who we are!

Our Being Me! tree

We had a special Being Me! celebration and invited all our families. We performed some of our favourite songs using Makaton signs. Our songs included our Rights song as we learn all about the rights of all children.

Together with our families we decorated wooden hearts to celebrate what is special and unique about us and to share some of things that are important to us.

My family
My pet cat   


My Eid present list
My Favourite character
My friends
My favourite cuddly toy
My interest in numbers
My love of rainbows
My family

Maths Week Scotland

We celebrated Maths Week Scotland by taking part in many mathematical activities both indoors and out.

We went on a Maths Walk in our local area and spotted numbers, shapes and patterns all around us.

Our Family Fun Bags took maths into our families’ homes as they made playdough and used the playdough for mathematical activities such as measuring, counting and number rhymes.