Glenwood Family Centre has an active Parents’ Committee who support the work of the centre in many ways including fundraising and assisting at events. Recently, they purchased dungarees and jackets to support our outdoor learning and paid to repair some broken ipads. Thank you.

The Parents’ Committee are currently planning a social evening in Giffnock North Club on Friday 25th April 2025. SAVE THE DATE! Last year’s event was a huge success and raised £1609.22 for nursery funds.
The Committee meet regularly (both face to face and virtual) and all parents are welcome to attend. Please contact the centre if you would be interested in joining the Parents’ Committee or just coming to the next meeting.
The next meeting will be Wednesday 5th March at 8pm on line.
Our Parents’ Committee have a Whatsapp group which all parents are invited to join. Contact the centre for the link.
Our office bearers are –
Nathalie Kaur and Louise Vezza – Chairperson
Nicola Donaghy – Secretary
Caroline Cameron – Treasurer
Minutes of Parents’ Committee meetings-