Category Archives: Values

We have achieved our 8th ECO flag!

We have achieved our 8th ECO-Schools Scotland Green Flag Award!

We are delighted to receive such positive feedback including

“I really like that your children took part in your Environmental Review.”

“It is wonderful to see you learning to grow your own food.”

“I really like your emphasis on your children learning about people from different cultures and backgrounds and how they can help those in need.”

“You have done a great job involving your local community in your Eco-Schools activities.”

“I really like your Eco-Code, as it is so catchy!”

Click here to see some of our ECO-Schools evidence.

Being Me!


In Glenwood, we celebrate what is special and unique about each and every person. We are all loved and included just for being who we are!

Our Being Me! tree

We had a special Being Me! celebration and invited all our families. We performed some of our favourite songs using Makaton signs. Our songs included our Rights song as we learn all about the rights of all children.

Together with our families we decorated wooden hearts to celebrate what is special and unique about us and to share some of things that are important to us.

My family
My pet cat   


My Eid present list
My Favourite character
My friends
My favourite cuddly toy
My interest in numbers
My love of rainbows
My family

Our Values – Inclusion

by Mrs Clark

At Glenwood, we value the importance of inclusion for all our children and families, and strive to ensure this is clearly reflected in our nursery environment.  

We provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment that is accessible for all our children, creates a sense of belonging and reflects their individual needs, interests and rights.   

We recognise and celebrate the uniqueness of our children in many ways, including respecting and sharing our different family religions and cultures.  

We are fortunate to have 11 different languages spoken by our community of families which helps to create a richer learning environment.  These include English, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Urdu, Arabic, Sinhala, Pashto, Punjabi and Vietnamese.

We have a range of fantastic resources, including books and games, that are invaluable in helping to teach our children about different experiences and what makes them unique, valued and respected in relation to culture, race, ethnicity, gender, disability, identity, nationality, religion, and beliefs.

We use a variety of strategies to support our children’s development and enable them to participate in play, such as Makaton as a whole nursery approach to promote and develop language and communication skills.

We adopt a ‘can do’ attitude to ensure that every child can achieve their potential.