Category Archives: Numeracy and Mathematics

Loose parts

As we explore loose parts we are developing curiosity, fine motor skills and mathematical skills.

I sorted all the beads into their colours.
I had a treasure box with 6 things in it. I knew one was missing because there was only 5.
I filled the picture frame with beads.
We are matching the keys and the padlocks. We know we have matched them properly when the lock opens.


We design and create all sorts of models in the construction area. Recently we have been making enclosures for animals and ourselves!

As we play we use measuring skills.

We work with others and develop our problem solving skills.

We develop our mark making skills as we plan what we are going to construct. 


Roads, runways, routes and ramps

In the construction area we have been working together to develop the area. We used small construction resources to build vehicles and used the large blocks to create roads and ramps.  We added a runway for aeroplanes and have created more roads using tape.  As we play, we are exploring forces using ramps and gutters to create slopes and we are learning about direction using arrows.