Category Archives: Whole School

Stories of interest from Eastwood High School and the wider community.

SDS Career Advisors

Over summer, any school leaver who is looking for support from SDS should phone their helpline on 0800 917 8000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Any pupil on our school roll can contact Eastwood High’s Career Advisors, Karen Rees on 07887993465 Mon-Wed and Gina Kelly on 07771 505 766 Tues-Thurs for support.

From next session, Karen and Gina may call home, in addition to meeting pupils in school, in order to support pupils in S4,S5,S6 whilst blended learning is in place.



Please click on the link to our virtual Prize Giving 2020.

Congratulations to all of our fantastic winners.

Once you open the link, make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom!

Go to this Sway

Due to the current situation, we will be emailing certificates out to our winners over the summer. If anyone wishes a printed copy of their certificate, please contact the school office. Our Special Awards and Prizes will be handed out after the summer holidays.