
Successful Learners – Sports Practice

It’s that time of the year already, when the Transition class begin practicing their sports day skills. The class were Successful Learners when they were learning the finer ‘points’ of the javelin. The boys copied the movements very well and throughout the week their throws got further and further. They also practiced their relay running. I think a bit more training is required to prevent the boys getting out of breath so quickly!


Effective Contributors – SQA Hobbies and Interests

There was some serious landscape gardening going on this week in the Transition class. The boys were Effective Contributors when they were working on  their SQA Hobbies and Interests outcomes. The boys were preparing a patch of the garden to take the whole school sunflowers. We hope to plant them all together next week.


Effective Contributors – Rounders Skills

The Transition class were Effective Contributors when they took part in their Health and Wellbeing Lessons this week. They were learning skills to play rounders. Each boy practiced hitting the ball and then throwing it towards a target. The Major Baseball League  is the obvious next step!



Confident Individuals – Reflecting on Work

As the Transition boys near completion of their SQA work there is an opportunity to reflect on the unit. The boys were Confident Individuals when they thought about their Eco unit. The boys selected ‘like’ or dislike’ for each activity then the gave reasons for liking or not liking two aspects. The boys were very focused and could give excellent responses to the questions.


Confident Individuals – Listening skills

The Transition boys were Confident Individuals this week when they had an opportunity to work on their listening skills. The boys played a series of computer games where they had to wait for the bell before pressing the switch. However, if they waited too long after the bell then they missed their opportunity to score points. Two favourite games were scoring goals and playing through different adventure levels to find the treasure.


Responsible Citizens – Gardening

Although the ribbon has not been cut top open the greenhouse and the roof isn’t 100% finished. the Transition boys were Responsible Citizens and managed to make an upcycled table to put their seedling on. Hopefully the sunflowers will continue to grow before being added to a whole school meadow.


Effective Contributors – Hobbies and Interests

The Transition class continued with some SQA work this week and tried different board games. They tried ‘Happy Families’ and snakes and ladders. Both games took a wee while before a winner was announced. The boys were Effective Contributors and will reflect on their enjoyment next week to add the evidence to their folders.


Confident Individuals – Preparing for Pupil Council

The Transition boys made sure that they has their say this week when preparing for pupil council. They had to give the class idea for themes and outdoor work. As a class they were Confident Individuals and came up with a few options. As it was election week we put those options to a vote, each boy selected their favourite on the interactive board. We will feed back our answers to the Pupil Council next week.


Successful Learners – Literacy

The Transition boys put in great effort this week with their Literacy work. They were all Succesful Learners. They answered tricky questions on Peter Pan on the interactive board. Keiran helped us understand the word rummage by demonstrating it to the class. Some boys typed in answers and some clicked and dragged to make connections or sequences. The last question was particularly difficult, but with few revisions we managed to get a class score of 100%. Well done boys!



Effective Contributors – Myths and Legends

The Transition boys were Effective Contributors this week when they made a class Nessie. They were learning about Scottish myths and legends and using their art skills they mad a long Nessie for our display board. If you want to see her make sure you only look out the corner of your eye, if you try and look directly at her she’ll dive back into the Loch!

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