
Responsible Citizens – First Aid

The Transition class were Responsible Citizens during their Health and Wellbeing lesson this week. They were learning about how to deal with a large bleeding cut. The boys listened and watched closely. They were able to demonstrate what to do when clumsy Mr Nicoll repeatedly cut himself. There was blood everywhere……….it may have been tomato sauce! Well done boys, you all demonstrated your skills very confidently. One boy took it further and acted the casualty at the door when it was outdoor time.



Confident Individuals – Health and Wellbeing

The Transition boys were Confident Individuals when they completed some work about friends leaving school. They chose a favourite photograph of themselves and a leaver and shared how it made them feel. They also shared how they felt about their friends leaving.


Effective Contributors – Literacy

The Transition boys were Effective Contributors this week when they took part in a sensory story. They followed a story about a party and rolled out, chapatis, looked at patterned dresses, brushed hair and finally kept time with the party music.


Successful Learners – Science in the Outdoors

When the sun shone this week the Transition class were Successful Learners investigation static electricity and magnets. They charged some rulers to make paper cutting dance then charged up balloons when made the paper dance some more. It was also a hair raising experience when we charged the balloons on our heads. The boys then investigated what a magnet would stick to. They discovered it was metals which included the gate, railing and a plant holder. Great detective work boys!



Successful Learners – Literacy

The Transition class were watching Deadly 60 again this week. They were Successful Learners identifying and recording the location of the program and the main animals featured. I don’t think the class staff will be visiting Australia any time soon!!



Confident Individuals – SQA review

The Transition class were Confident Individuals when they worked through their reflection work on their SQA classes. The boys could confidently indicate what they enjoyed and what they didn’t enjoy. They also gave reasons for their choices. Some excellent hard work was completed.



Responsible Citizens – First Aid

The Transition boys were Responsible Citizens  this week when the classroom staff repeatedly burnt their hands. Clumsy! The boys accurately demonstrated what to do by placing the burnt hand under running cool water for ten minutes. Well done boys!


Effective Contributors – Sand Bowls

The class were Effective Contributors when they played a team game of sand bowls. They worked in pairs to try and land nearest to the jack. I think the scores were even by the end of the rounds. We may have got a bit carried away and one ball escaped from the school grounds. Fortunately there was a pokey stick to hand and we got it back!



Successful Learners – Digital Literacy

Some of the Transition class had good success with their literacy work this week. They proved that they were Successful Learners by working together to answer the questions on the next part of Peter Pan. Well done boys! 100%


Confident Individuals – Outdoor Numeracy

The Transition class were Confident Individuals this week when taking part in outdoor numeracy. The rolled a die and were sent on a hunt to find the same number of things within different categories. Some examples were ‘four things that are different’ and ‘one thing that has a smell’. The boys worked very hard and were very confident of their answers – well done!

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