The Transition class were working on their SQA Numeracy unit. They were all Successful Learners when they turned their traffic surveys into pictograms using the interactive board or building blocks. Well done everybody, some really clear results.
The Transition class were working on their SQA Numeracy unit. They were all Successful Learners when they turned their traffic surveys into pictograms using the interactive board or building blocks. Well done everybody, some really clear results.
The Transition class have been Confident Individuals taking part in numeracy skills each day. We have had fantastic number formation and day recognition. Well done everybody!
The Transition class met Iorek the Bear for the first time this week. They are reading and watching ‘His Dark Materials’ and identifying characters and descriptions. The class were Successful Learners and had fun acting out Iorek’s different emotions which included grumpy and angry! The class used hot and cold colours to make a picture of Iorek with Mrs Macdonald and used this to add to the character description.
The Transition class were Successful Learners when working on their numeracy outcomes. The class had completed a traffic survey and used their results to make a pictogram showing the number and type of vehicles passing the school in ten minutes.
The class also worked on their own targets of number identification, diary making and positional language.
The Transition class were Effective Contributors when they started to explore Scotland’s food. They all worked together to match well-known Scottish food to it’s area of production. They then looked at eggs and discussed different ways of cooking with them and which is considered healthy and which is considered unhealthy. They all had a cracking time and eggcelled at the task.
The Transition class were Responsible Citizens this week when they worked on their own individual targets. Targets ranged from helping with school chores, washing face and hands, working in groups and choosing self regulation items. Everyone was very focused.
It was National Maths Week this week. The Transition class were Confident Individuals and had a good old boogie. When the music stopped the class had to strike a pose from the list of shapes. Everyone copied them expertly!
We finally did it! The up-cycled greenhouse has been built. The roof has been put on and it is ready for use. The Transition class were Responsible Citizens throughout the whole build and have created a whole school resource. We had a special guest to officially open the Greenhouse. The Chair of the Parent Council cut the ribbon and declared the greenhouse ready for use!
Our leavers have been hard at work contributing to their own artwork and collecting photographs. We’ll be sad to see them go but happy and excited for their new adventures.
We were so proud of our boys when we had Prize Giving recently. Each boy received their certificates for their hard work throughout this difficult year.