

One of the activities we carried out this week for our LGBT Theme was making colourful hanging hearts.

We confidently used them for lots of different learning activities. Counted them and  made sure everyone had all 6 colours, we signed all of the colours, we arranged the hearts into the correct size orders and then we strung them all together – don’t they look pretty



Tac-Pac, Numeracy, Jungle Animals, Clowns, Penguins and Bread!!!


We all enjoyed a lovely session of Tac-Pac  – Adam was so relaxed he fell asleep.

Shannon loves the fanning – this really made her giggle.

Shannon and Jacob in SQA Textiles practicing some different techniques of applying colour.

Another wonderful visit from the Clown Doctors. Melanie was a very confident girl copying their actions.

Adam enjoyed the interaction.

Oh they broke the blinds …..don’t tell Joan!!!

But Jessica though it was really funny!

Shannon had a lovely time, she laughed and interaction was lovely.

We were all successful learners and worked on our SQA Numeracy Unit – adding whole number with the help of the large bricks – Reece confidently helped everyone.

For our SQA Unit Communication – Recognising a Character we read the book ‘The Animal Boogie’ – we all selected our favourite characters, then learned their signs and their noises and a little bit about them.

Jessica made the bird dance.

This week in cookery  we made  a mess… no Bread!!!

We had some hot out the oven for  snack, then took some home – yum!

Adam and Melanie enjoyed sensory play and watching Inside Out.

We were a responsible class and took all of our recycling – carefully sorting it into the right compartment.

Hello Mrs Hunter!!!

We enjoyed making choices and then painted paper plates – we are going to make character faces.

Getting our sensory tile started.

Reece and Adam enjoyed watching the hail.

For  LGBT we are reading ‘And Tango makes 3’ we also listened to it on the internet.

Waiting for the egg to hatch!!!





Welcome Back! But where is the SNOW???

Last Thursday we made cup cakes and they were to have chocolate chips in them. Reece was in charge of the voting – milk or white chocolate chips???

Melanie wanted white…

Jacob too!!!

Jessica and Shannon as well!!!!

I think the results have been fixed Reece!!!!!

Adam wanted Milk… so a compromise was agreed on bit of both!

And they were great!!!

Working on our SQA Unit Recognising a Character in Fiction.

We used coloured balloons with the characters faces drawn on to them picking our favourites and matching them with the movie ‘Inside Out’.

Reece was sad – she wanted it to snow today!!!!

Reece playing the characters theme tunes.

Adam likes the character Fear – think it might be the colour he likes.

Modelling our new aprons – thanks wee Sadie!!

Making Valentines Biscuits – hope you all enjoyed them?


Today we make Valentine’s Sun Catchers – lots of sticking and glitter!!!

We got a few Valentines  Cards in the Pine Room.

Reece pouting!!! With our pretty sun catchers.

Happy Valentines Day!!!


Lots going in in the Pine Room

Jacob busy whisking up the cream so we can enjoy this with the meringues we made – yummy!

Working on matching the pictures with the seasons.

Adam having a great time building the bricks up…..and knocking them down!!!!

Jessica loves singing 10 little sausages and using our new resources.

Relax girls!!!

Melanie using the I-gaze – good job!!!

Great visit for the Clown Doctors – lots of lovely interaction!!

Adam was very vocal.

Melanie did lots of copying.

We all enjoyed a story sack today – The Animal Boogie!!!

Shannon enjoyed listening to Mrs Wilson’s Singing!!!! No account for taste.

Reece liked the monkey!

Melanie loved the Bear!!!

Reece says Shannon liked the flamingo!!

Adam liked the leopard!

New Bok for Shannon – it makes loads of noise!!!


Fingerprint love hearts in Pine.

We had a busy morning in the Pine class today! The pupils created some lovely ‘love heart’ cards to give to someone special.

Lots of fun and messy hands!

Confident individuals today!



Haircuts and Eggs????

We had a lovely time at the Burns Supper and Ceilidh last Friday – didn’t take very many photos as we were too busy enjoying ourselves.

Shannon, Reece and Jessica went to Tesco on Wednesday.  They bought the classroom supplies and had a snack there.  Reece confidently paid for the snacks and used the scanner.

We have been practising our Makaton – Reece has been working us hard.

Melanie has been working on her SQA Unit – matching the characters with their theme tunes.

Adam has been doing great work in his lift pants.

Shannon discovered a new light up toy which makes loads of noises.

Mrs Jardine read the story about the Haircut – we love it!!

Need a Haircut???

The chattering teeth are funny!!!

Reece wearing the cape.

“Would you like a magazine?”

Snip Snip!!

Think you might have taken too much off Mrs Jardine!!!

In SQA Baking we were exploring ingredients again – this week eggs.

Watch you don’t break it!!!!

Melanie and Adam enjoyed being in the Cookery Room in their Lift Pants and Walker.

Making meringues – for snack tomorrow – yum!!


Using the switch to make the mixer go!!

Do eggs feel funny Reece??

Holding the Egg Whites over our heads – no accidents!!!

We also have a lovely visitor in our room for 6 weeks, a Student Nurse called Kyra.


A busy week in the Pine Room!!

We made some Scottish Flags this week by cutting  out lots of different types of blue paper, then putting the glue onto the paper and scattering on the blue pieces – surprise!!!

There was blue paper everywhere!!

Adam wasn’t impressed!!

Shannon enjoyed making a mess!!

Reece has been working on her pencil control.

In the Pine Room we love listening to each others news.

Reece and Jessica enjoyed working with the sensory toys.

Jacob has been sorting his shapes.

Jacob and Shannon enjoyed some floor time listening to music.

Reece is a successful contributor in class looking at the next days menu and selecting the photo for her friends to make their choices.

Shannon made a choice in her SQA Textile class.

The Clown Doctors came to visit – what fun!!

Melanie loved copying their actions.

Shannon laughed and laughed!!!

Shannon wanted to make music.

Goodbye till next time.

The Pine Class successfully led Assembly this week – it was all about Robert Burns.

Reece and Jessica getting on with their Numeracy work.

Adam and Melanie enjoyed Numeracy a different way.

Shannon loves listening to switches – so all the characters from Inside Out now have their own music.

We enjoy being in our Standing Frames and Lift Pants.

Melanie matching her characters.

Shannon ready for a Switch it! Game.

Reece is a busy girl.

SQA Baking Unit – Exploring the Ingredients – Sugar.

Reece and Melanie loved it.

Shannon was for none of it.

Jessica liked the smell.

Reece liked to help and encourage Jacob.

Reece working on her cutting skills.

Shannon enjoying some counting.

Melanie having fun.

Adam no way am I touching this!!!


A Birthday and lots of Numeracy






In art we have been working on a Loch Ness Monster using lots of different materials with different textures.

Shannon went exploring outside the classroom and visited the Moonbeams!

We have been working well on our Numeracy this week.

Reece has been very successful in her own learning and has also been helping other in the class too.

Shannon enjoyed some floor time and while carrying out some SQA work, ‘Recognising a Character in Fiction’. We have been watching the film ‘Inside Out’ and looking at how each character is different and which one we like best!!

Sensory Water Fun.

Lots of Numeracy!!!

Adam and Melanie exploring the wooden shapes and numbers.

Melanie enjoys learning using the stacking cups.

Adam having a wee rest while in his lift pants.

Happy Birthday Jessica – we enjoyed your cake and treats – Thank you!!!

Sensory Letter play.

Big stretch Melanie!!

SQA Baking Unit – Exploring the ingredients through Sensory Play – this week Flour – made just a tiny mess!!!

Willow went for a wee holiday to Orkney, and she flew back on a tiny wee plane!!


Welcome back!!

We were all glad to see each other after the holidays – back to some hard work in Numeracy!!

Getting on with our SQA unit – Reece has been working well.

Adam – typical teenager!!

We had a visit from the Clown Doctors – we all loved them – they were so funny.

More numeracy – glitter numbers and using ICT.

Reece helped make the toast for Social Snack on Thursday morning,

For Literacy this week we explored our letters in bread dough and flour – just a wee bit messy!!

Making choices for our SQA Baking unit – What do we like??


An updated on Willow

This week Willow has been helping the Paediatric Nursing get ready for their practical exams.

Then she took a well earned rest.

She is looking forward to her Christmas Holiday.

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