Miss Lee’s SLC Group 1.6.20

Good morning everyone, how amazing is this weather?!? And it’s the first day of June. Summer is definitely here. I hope you have been able to go outside and enjoy playing in it. I have a few activities for you to try this week. Some of them will have you out in the sunshine and others are something you can do inside if you need a rest from the heat.



Bug Club – Everyone has some books assigned to them and I have been having a wee look to see how you are all getting on with your reading. Don’t forget to do the quizzes.

Spelling Challenge –  In the packs that you got delivered there is a “Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check” sheet for spelling. Put this into your overwriting pocket and use it to practice these common words that have the ‘ch’ sound in them.

  • chip
  • chin
  • chair
  • church
  • chick
  • arch


Writing – “What I like about sunshine”

This week with all this beautiful weather you could try to write a few sentences about what you like when the sun is shining. I will give you some questions that you could answer to help you with this.

  • What do you like to play outside in the sunshine?
  • When the sun is shining my favourite food or treat is?
  • When the sun is shining and I am outside I can see?
  • When I play outside in the sunshine I can smell?



The Story of 12 – Can you practice writing out all of the different adding sums using different numbers that add up to make a total of 12. You could even set yourself the challenge of timing yourself and seeing if you can quicker at doing it as the week goes on.


Addition Practice – Use your white board and number line from your home learning pack to try these sums. You should all be able to manage them.

33 + 11 = 16 + 22 = 44 + 35 = 27 + 12 =
51 + 24 = 25 + 32 = 60 + 11 = 10 + 10 =
17 + 31 = 72 + 8 = 32 +14 = 21 + 9 =


Outdoor Maths Challenge – I have two different challenges that you can try if you go out for a walk.

  1. Use a bag to collect 10 different items while you are out for a walk. These could be leaves, flowers, grasses, pine cones etc. When you get home see if you can make different shapes using them or even if you can make a picture.
  2. On one of your walks try to find the following items. You could write them down on a piece of paper or your whiteboard and tick them off as you find them.
  • 2 different trees
  • 5 plant pots
  • 4 different kinds of minibeasts (ladybirds, bees, slugs, snails, spiders….)
  • 2 sets of traffic lights
  • 8 leaves
  • 1 mum with a buggy


There’s plenty of number and shape activities you could try in Sumdog and Topmarks.


Outdoor Learning

In the second home learning pack that you got there are some John Muir Challenge cards. Pick one of the cards and have a go at completing it. There are some great ideas for activities in them.


Something Else To Try

This weeks recipe is for Cheese Scones. It’s really easy and a tasty snack or lunch for everyone. Hope you have fun making them.

Cheese Scones

You will need:- 230g Self Raising Flour

Pinch of salt

40g butter

60g grated cheese

1 egg

100ml of milk


  1. Heat the oven to 220C.
  2. Put the flour and salt into a bowl.
  3. Cut the butter into small chunks and rub together with the flour to make a crumby mixture.
  4. Put some milk and the egg into the mixture and mix all the ingredients to make a dough.
  5. Roll out the dough and cut it into circles using a cutter.
  6. Put the scones onto a baking tray.
  7. Cook in the oven for 10minutes or until they are golden brown.
  8. Let them cool on a wire rack.

Have a good week and make sure you get outside to enjoy this lovely weather. Take care and I will be phoning to find out how you all are.  Miss Lee x

SLC3 Home Learning Tasks 1/6/20

Good morning everyone!  It’s Monday again and the sun is shining for us all.  Hope you all made good use of the weather over the weekend and enjoyed visiting friends and family in their gardens.  You can share your news with me when I phone this week.  Here are your suggested activities this week – remember do what you can, when you can!  Have fun, Miss Robertson.

Tasks for Week Beginning 1 / 6 / 20
Literacy Numeracy / Maths All my other learning
Word Wall – Your key words this week are :down, going, here, like   Practise spelling these daily using :

Phonics – There’s a link below to a game we use regularly in class to practise our spelling.  Choose ‘words with 4 or more sounds’ then click ‘initial consonant blends’.  Choose which game you want to play, or try them all!

 Writing – Look at the picture below.   Can you write 3 sentences following the criteria?Sentence 1use an exclamation mark !Sentence 2 – use 2 words to describe what you seeSentence 3 – use an ‘ing’ word



Calculations – Practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables using the ‘Hit the Button’ game.  The link is below.

Money – Click on the ‘shop’ link below to practise your money skills.  You should be able to use mixed coins up to £10.


Transport Topic – On Saturday NASA astronauts launched from America in a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.  Watch the video of a rocket launch using the link below.

There are a number of activities linked to Space for you to complete below.  Choose which ones to complete.  You do not have to print anything off, just use some of the paper you were given in your pack to draw / write on.

PE – developing your jumping skills




Phonics Games https://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/activities/speller/

Hit the Button (times tables game)  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Shop activity  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money

Rocket Launch video https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrary/resource/26190/rocket-images-and-video

Space activities https://content.twinkl.co.uk/resource/78/89/cfe2-t-2545581-empty-classroom-day-space-activity-booklet_ver_2.pdf?token=exp=1590999850~acl=%2Fresource%2F78%2F89%2Fcfe2-t-2545581-empty-classroom-day-space-activity-booklet_ver_2.pdf%2A~hmac=113ce9670fe3aecb288074b038c93fc5943104c7b44d23e8751482a7262c942a

Primary 3/4 Home Learning – Week Beginning Mon 1 June

Hello Primary 3/4, I hope you and your families are all keeping safe and well and making the most of this glorious sunshine we’ve been having! It seems so long since I last saw you all, I really do miss you. Please find below this week’s tasks for you to try and work on. Please just do your best, that is all I can ask.

Literacy and English
1) This weeks phonic sound is “ph” and your words to practice reading and spelling are: Phil, phone, phoneme, elephant, alphabet, photograph and dolphin. If you want to challenge yourself further, try to think of 5 different ph words. Some of these words are quite tricky to spell so it may help you to practice by using the pyramid spelling technique.

2) Aim to spend around 20-25 minutes on Bug Club. You could split this into 2 shorter sessions of 10 minutes if you wish. I have made sure that you all have books allocated. Remember to check for any teacher feedback too.
3) Watch the video below about a minibeast adventure all about ants! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXUCUvcscXs After watching the video, aim to come up with 5 questions linked to the video. Your adult or I should be able to find the answer by watching and listening to the video. For example: Ants live in groups together. What is this called? (a colony). You may write your questions in your home learning jotter. Remember to put a question mark at the end of each question.

Numeracy & Maths
4) Go on sumdog and complete the challenge questions focused on division. When you log in and go to play a game, the division questions will come up first. Last week’s questions on using a calendar are still there if you have not completed them yet.
5) Practice missing piece addition calculations. Use the calculations below to find the missing piece in each calculation. You may choose to write these down in your home learning jotter. A number line to 20 may help you if you find it a little tricky.

6) Complete the challenge below. Just as we practice in class, there is always more than 1 way to solve a challenge. We like to explore the different ways a challenge can be solved eg a calculation, drawing a picture, an empty number line, acting it out. Talk to your adult about how you solved it. Can you find 2 different ways to show how you may solve the problem?

All My Other Learning
7) Create your own superbug! Use the link below to go to a website and create your own superbug. You can choose different body parts for your bug and as you choose them, you will learn new things about them too. Enjoy!  https://www.mylearning.org/resources/create-your–own-super-bug

8) Investigate the life cycle of a butterfly and create your own picture to show this. You can decide exactly how your picture looks and  which materials you use. Think about including labels too if you wish.  This video will give you some information about lifecycles. Listen carefully for the parts about butterflies:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/science-ks1-animal-life-cycles/zrg9kmn
This video will tell you more about the butterfly life cycle:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kZD6rlSLUw

9) Mrs Hill has prepared some tasks for you too: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/ea/mrshmusic/2020/05/28/primary-3-4-music-activities-week-beginning-1st-june-2020/ 

10) Here are some nice activities for you to try in June with your family:

Take care of yourself and each other and I hope to see you when we can,
From Mrs Hastings x

Primary 1 Home Learning – Week Beginning 1st June

Hello Primary 1 : ),

I hope you are all well and enjoyed a weekend in the beautiful sunshine?! I have loved speaking to your adults on the phone over the last few weeks and hearing all the lovely things you have been doing.

Today is the 1st day of June and we are heading into your final 4 weeks of Primary 1.  As always, if you can try your best to do at least some of the activities on the table below, that would be great!

Missing you all.

Mrs Keen

: )

Mrs Hill Music:


P2/3 Home Learning 1/6/20

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend with your families.  I can’t believe we are in June already.  I am just checking in with you to give you your Home Learning Activities for this week.  Remember to just do what you can as these are only suggestions to help you.  The most important thing is to stay safe and well.  I miss you all.

Take care.

Mrs McLachlan


P2 and P3 – Look at your Active Literacy sounds sheet and practise the new words with the ‘i-e’ spelling.  Your words for this week are side, white, smile, hide and shine.  This is a bit different this week because the two letters are not together there is a letter in the middle of them.  Practise writing the words for this spelling in your laminated Elkonin Boxes in your pack.  Write 3 sentences using some of your new words.  I have put a link below for Geraldine the Giraffe for you to watch to help with your new spelling pattern.


Bug Club – Reading

Log on to Bug Club and read 2 of your books.  Ask an adult to help with any tricky words and see if you can find any of your new spelling words in your book.


For writing this week I thought we could write a letter and send it to someone you are missing.  It might be a family member or a special friend.  We have written letters in school before.  You could either write it on a piece of paper, remember to start your letter with ‘Dear’ or you could use a template below that the Royal Mail have made to help us keep in contact with loved ones.  They are all lovely Sending Big Hugs sheets.  Have a look and see what one you would like to use.  You might even want to use more than one.  You could then post it with the help of an adult to that special person.  I have shared the link below to help you access the Big Hugs Activities and I have put an image you could print as well.






P2 – This week Primary 2 are working on Addition to 20.  I have put in a link for you to print a sheet with calculations up to 20.  There is a number line attached to help you if you need it.  If you can’t print the sheet you can still view it and you could copy the sums.

Addition to 20

P3 – This week Primary 3 are working on word problems again and this week it is using your knowledge of the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables to help you.  If you are unsure of any of these times tables you could practise writing it out on a sheet of paper with an adult and then use your answers to help you.  Click on the link below to see the sheet.

Word problems x2 to x5

P2 and P3 – We are going to be completing another activity using tally marks.  This activity shows you how many tally marks you write for each number.  This is a challenge for you.  Click on the link below to print the sheet or you can just view it.

Tally Activity

P2 and P3 – Practise odd and even numbers on the Coconut Game on Topmarks.  See how high you can go.  The link is below.


Arts and Crafts – A nice art activity you could try this week is to make a hot air balloon out of paper and once you have finished it you could either hang it up at a window in your house or outside on a tree or bush.  All you need is paper, string and a carboard tube.  I have attached a picture below to help you.

Stem – I have attached the 30 Day Lego Challenge Grid again.  Try 2 different challenges this week if you have lego at home.  If you don’t have lego you can use any construction materials you have.

30 Day Lego Challenge

Health and Wellbeing/Time – Use a watch or a timer to work out how long your daily walk takes.  Do the same route again another day and time it and notice how long your walk takes this time.  Is it faster or slower?

Music – Mrs Hill has prepared some activities for you.





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