We Support Our Feathered Friends

The boys and girls of Portpatrick Primary want to take care of our bird wildlife as the weather turns colder.

Everyone has been involved in making seed feeders for the birds. It was a bit of a messy process, but the children rolled up their sleeves and made feeders using pinecones and by shaping the seed/fat mix into balls with string attached to allow us to tie them to locations in our school grounds for the birds to enjoy.

Getting stuck into the mix:

It was an excuse to climb a tree or two to position our feeders for our feathered friends:

The children used the activity as an enterprise project and have worked out unit costs for each bird snack made.  We have made enough extra to sell at the upcoming village craft fayre on the 27th of November.  The boys and girls calculated an appropriate prices to produce a small profit.  Every one sold will help raise funds for our wee school.

# Responsible Citizens & Successful Learners


Book Week and Anti-Bullying Week

Pupils at Portpatrick Primary were busy again last week celebrating Book Week and participating in Anti-Bullying Week.

Book Week Scotland is an annual celebration of books and reading, supported by Creative Scotland and SLIC. Children have enjoyed taking part in some of the online activities and celebrating the joy of books and reading. The upper class took part in the live lesson from engineers on sustainability linked to the story “Stop the litter”. The Roald Dahl Quiz was a hit- as always. This was followed by a competition testing children’s book knowledge by providing the blurb to some classic and favourite stories; the winner is the first to guess the title (Congratulations Izzy). The upper class also participated in this year’s writing competition. The story must feature a pair of wellies per the criteria, and we had some spectacular pieces written. The results will be announced in two weeks.

Children have also been taking part in this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, which coincided with Book Week this year. The theme was “One Kind Word”. Through assemblies and classroom activities, we have been revising what bullying is, how to deal with it, what to do, and how it is related to Rights Respecting School. See below for pictures of odd socks, kind words, friendship handprints, a friendship survey, random acts of kindness, and children celebrating their individual and unique qualities.

Anti-Bullying Week

Book Week

Portpatrick Supports Children In Need 2021

As part of providing opportunities for Pupil Voice, our House Captains and Pupil Council rolled up their sleeves and helped organise this year’s Children In Need fundraising activities.  Supporting charities and recognising the needs of others is part of our learning journey as a Rights Respecting School who supports Global Goals. Our event activities also align with World Children’s Day which is tomorrow.

Children in Need is a charity that provides grants and funding to projects based in the UK that have the aim of helping disadvantaged young people. This help comes in a wide variety of forms. For example, a lot of CIN’s invaluable work involves supporting charities that help children who have been affected by poverty, disabilities, abuse, and mental health difficulties.

The boys and girls came to school dressed in their sporty clothing ready to take part in Joe Wick’s Five Minute Workouts throughout the day. We had a range of sporting activities represented from workout style to ballet dancers.  The teachers also joined in ready to get active.

Ready for Action:



Lookin’ Good:

Workout Time:

We earned our ‘Work It Out’ certificate from Joe Wicks:






# Health & Wellbeing

If you are feeling energetic, why not join in with Joe Wick’s at home here!

With the kindness and generosity of our families we were able to combine our Eco Goal of Recycling and Reusing by running a Bring & Buy sale of pre-loved toys and books.  There were lots of smiling faces and enthusiasm to grab a bargain.  Our older pupils applied their maths skills to organise a float, calculate change and count the total raised.

The sale is open!

# Successful Learners

In total, including donations from families and the sales of merchandise,  our wee school has raised an impressive £170.10 which is fantastic for our wee school. Together, as a partnership, we raised a grand total of £523.28!

Very many thanks to everyone who contributed and supported the event in whatever way they could.

Sending you all a Pudsey hug!



North Rhins Partnership Engages with COP26

As COP26 has now drawn to a close, we are pleased to share a snapshot of our recent related learning projects across the North Rhins Partnership.

Our children are always so enthusiastic to do their bit to help protect our environment and to contribute towards global goals.

Click on the link below and select play in the top right.  🙂

# Responsible Citizens

# Effective Contributors

Go to this Sway

Anti-Bullying Week Starts Off With Kindness

This weeks sees the start of the annual Anti-Bullying week.  The theme for 2021 is ‘One Kind Word’.

Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons, that ‘One Kind Word’ has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week taking place from 15 to 19 of November 2021.

Miss Hayes’ class have been sharing many kind words with our community members as part of this event, and to also mark World Kindness Day.  They have all written personal letters to the residents of Thorneycroft care home. We are sure their letters will certainly brighten the recipients day.













Ready for delivery after a 48 hour quarantine.













# Effective Contributors & Responsible Citizens

If you are interested in finding out more about Anti-Bullying week, here is a link to a parent/carer pack.


Portpatrick Pupils Respect Remembrance Day

The pupils of Portpatrick Primary have been very motivated to mark the occasion of Remembrance Day, as we do each year.

The children have been selling poppies in school to raise funds for this worthwhile cause.

Both classes have been learning about Remembrance day through presentations and discussion.  They understand the sacrifice that has been made by men and women of yesterday and today to protect our freedom.

The upper class made a wreath with Kim .  This was constructed by reusing the bottoms of plastic drinks bottles to reduce waste and fixing them to chicken wire as a frame.  The plastic bottles were spray painted red by Kim to look like poppies.







The whole school walked up to the village war memorial on the 11th of November to lay the wreath and and recite a poem as a mark of respect.

Portpatrick pupils , remember 11.1121 – YouTube

The children observed the minute’s silence to pay tribute to those who have sacrificed for us.

Lest We Forget.

Home Grown Vegetable Soup

After what seems like forever, it was time to harvest our vegetables.  We have grown our food organically, with no fertilisers or pesticides. The children gathered in our crop and we got stuck in making a big pot of soup to enjoy together.


Whilst the Royal Horticultural Society’s Big Soup Share is on hold this year, we thought we would have an impromptu ‘soup share’ of our own.  The children enjoyed preparing the vegetables and making a big pot of soup for us to enjoy.  It’s a great way to munch our way towards 5-a-day.

Enjoying our Soup.

# Responsible Food Consumption


Halloween Party Fun

Our wonderful House Captains organised a fantastic afternoon of Halloween fun for all the children to enjoy today.  There were scary costume, activities and prizes galore.






Party games included:

  • Creepy Corners
  • Mummy Makers
  • Musical Tombstones
  • Monster Mash Moovers ‘n’ Groovers
  • Dookin for Apples
  • Best Costumes

Our best dressed awards  in Primary 2 to 4 went to Freya and Jenna. Alba and Izzy won in Primary 5 – 7.


Here is our rogues gallery:

The winning team for Mummy Makers were  Ruby, Izzy, Lily, Maya & Ava Lily.








The children enjoyed dookin’ For apples and didn’t mind getting a wee bit wet.

It was great to see everyone having so much fun.

Happy Halloween From Us All!



FALLing in love with autumn…

On Thursday the boys and girls in Primary 1-3 were simply FALLing in love with autumn. Despite the weather the children donned their best wellington boots and set off out into the rain. OHH WHAT FUN WE HAD!!! Rather than being sat inside in the cold and wet we were running around in the autumnal leaves and splashing in the puddles outdoors. The children collected leaves which will be used next week in our art work to create an autumn scene.  Children discussed prior learning of the green cross code when out on our walk and also remembered some of the French language we had learnt for classroom commands, weather, months of the year and seasons.

On arrival back to school we got changed out of our wet clothes and enjoyed a nice cup of hot chocolate -made with warm milk- and some roasted marshmallows which were professionally roasted using a blow torch by the fabulous Kim.

See below for some photos;

North Rhins Receives National Recognition!

We are delighted to announce that the North Rhins Partnership of Leswalt, Kirkcolm and Portpatrick Primary schools have been awarded national recognition in Education Scotland’s annual Learning for Sustainability awards.

Having been shortlisted, we achieved a Highly Commended accolade within the Sustainability Learning Community Award category. This is an outstanding achievement, having competed against early learning, childcare, and school settings across the whole of Scotland.

The awards recognise the commitment, professionalism and leadership that underpins Scotland’s success in innovating for Learning for Sustainability within educational settings.  Within Scotland’s curriculum, Learning for Sustainability (LfS) is recognised as an entitlement for all learners and a recent international study showed that our learners are world-leading global citizens.  The award is timely with the upcoming COP26 summit taking place in Glasgow in November.

The aim is to help us all recognise the amazing achievements of Scotland’s people and the settings, schools and communities that have demonstrated passion and commitment to building a socially-just, sustainable and equitable world.

The North Rhins Partnership was required to demonstrate our whole school/partnership approach that encourages individual and collective action to promote Learning for Sustainability.  This incorporated many factors such as supporting Global Goals, the UNCRC Rights of the Child, Rights Respecting Schools, Eco Schools and our strong pupil voice,; both within our school settings and as part of contributing to our wider community.  We are doing our bit to develop independent learners, effective contributors, confident individual and responsible citizens for the future!

The official results will be announced in the Daily Record within the next week.


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