It’s Panto Time – Oh Yes It Is!

The whole school had a fabulous time at a Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr yesterday.  The show was very entertaining with many a giggle moment. Our favourite character was Patsy the Cow.

At intermission, the children were treated to an ice-cream. Atticus was the lucky winner of a goodie bag full of treats!

After the show, everyone then went to the Stage Door restaurant for a lovely lunch.

We all enjoyed the wonderful entertainment and food.

Thank you to the Community Council for the ice cream treats and to the Parent Council for financing the bus transport.  Thank you also, to our parent helpers Sian and Alan.  A great day was had by all!


Mount Stewart Christmas Party

Once again the boys and girls of the village were treated to a special Christmas dinner party at the Mount Stewart.  Diane, Graeme and all the staff were very kind and spoiled the children with a lovely dinner.

More treats were to follow.  There was freshly made popcorn straight from an authentic popcorn machine for everyone to enjoy.  Next, there was great entertainment when everyone jumped in to enjoy the snow machine bubbles.

The children had a surprise visit from Santa Claus too.  We all song Christmas songs and had good cheer before receiving a gift for each child.

Afterwards, there were even more sweet treats – ice cream and chocolate.

Thank you to all at the Mount Stewart for a fabulous festive evening!

Christmas Jumper Day

The boys and girls arrived at school on Friday dressed in their Christmas Jumpers as part of Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day 2019. At lunchtime, we sat down to a delicious turkey dinner kindly cooked by Barbara. We had lots of fun pulling the crackers, wearing our paper hats and telling each other Christmas jokes, with the lovely Michael Buble playing Christmas music in the background! Portpatrick Primary was definitely in the Christmas spirit today and to top it off, P4-7 wrote a poem to sum up the day –


The boys and girls of Portpatrick Primary,

Came to school dressed in their festive finery,

At lunch they pulled Christmas crackers and put on their hats,

Then enjoyed a turkey dinner with lots of chat!

Willow Dome Weaving

It may have been a drizzling, but that didn’t dampen pupils’ spirits as they wrapped up warm and headed outside on Friday with Sian Roberts, who kindly gave up her morning to work with pupils. Sian is a local gardener and parent. They were busy weaving the newly grown willow back into the willow dome to make it stronger – we had been keeping a close eye on the new growth and waiting for the leaves to fall off before undertaking this job. Pupils enjoy sitting in the willow dome during breaks for a bit of quiet space, or using it to play ‘jails’!!! Have a keek below to see them at work!



Victorian Era S.T.E.A.M

As part of learning about the Victorian era, P4-7 have produced fantastic results in a S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) challenge.  The pupils were given an open ended brief to design, construct and evaluate a resource that depicts an aspect of Victorian life.

As always, the children impressed with their imagination, creativity, and attention to detail.  The standard of entry and the enthusiasm of the boys and girls was lovely to observe.  Barbara judged the entries and awarded the following:

1st Place – Ava Lily with her Victorian home with fine detail

2nd Place – Liam with his Victorian camera, complete with bellow style covering

3rd Place – Maya with her historically accurate coloured and shaped Victorian post box

All agreed that every entry was of a very high quality.  Thank you for all of the family engagement and support that made this possible.  Why not pop in to see our terrific table top display?

# Successful Learners


Portpatrick Christmas Fayre

Sunday saw a very busy and successful Portpatrick Christmas Fayre, held in the village hall. Having spent all week creating Christmas crafts in school, the older pupils took it in turns to run the school craft stall. On sale were snow globes, gift boxes with peppermints, salt dough tree decorations and wrapping paper. In total, the stall made an incredible £125!

The Parent Council also ran the cafe, selling lots of delicious homemade baking, and raised a grand total of £522.23.

Having been held captive in the kitchen to practise their singing from 3.30pm, the pupils took to the stage at 4pm donned with festive jumpers and cheery smiles, to entertain everyone with some Christmas songs they had been busy learning in school. The pupils sang loud and proud and helped to put everyone into the festive mood!

Well done to everyone involved – the countdown to Christmas is now on!

All The Fun of The Fair – Come Buy!

All the fun of the fair!

The whole school has been enterprising ‘Christmas Crazy’ this last little while preparing lots of lovely crafty gifts to sell at Sunday’s Portpatrick Christmas Fair.

The pupils (and Barbara) have made peppermint sweet gift boxes, shortbread gift boxes, salt dough tree ornaments, wrapping paper, photo snow globes AND Christmas tree & Snowmen decorations.  They all look fabulous and will help decorate your home, ready to get you in the festive spirit.

The children have used this as an Enterprise project to help raise funds.Please do come along and support our wee school.  Thank you.

Ho, Ho, Ho!

# Effective Contributors

Feis Rois Scottish Music Performance

After 12 weeks of learning and practice, P4-7 gave a musical performance to the whole school and family members this afternoon.  The children performed a range of traditional Scottish songs sung both in Gaelic and English whilst playing the tin whistle.  The boys and girls were accompanied by Wendy and  Kate of Feis Rois, who have delivered excellent instruction to the pupils.

The audience thoroughly enjoyed the talents of the pupils and a great morning’s entertainment was had by all.

Have a listen to a couple of the musical performances below to see the skills our boys and girls have mastered.

# Successful Learners

Enterprise and Baking

P4-7 got creative to find ways to support the community Christmas fair.  They decided to make sweets to sell.  The class made peppermint creams by following a simple recipe.  We initially weighed quantities, but after experience we were able to use ‘ready reckoning’.

We applied strict hygiene standards throughout the task, wearing hair nets and aprons and making sure we had squeaky clean hands.

The group were able to calculate the amount we had to sell each pack of sweet for to make a profit.  We added up the total cost of the ingredients and divided that number by the quantity of sweets we were able to make.  This was then multiplied by how many sweets would be in a pack.  We now know how much we must sell each gift pack of sweets for to generate a profit sale.

The boys and girls used paper craft to create decorated presentation gift boxes.  They will make a lovely present for someone at the Christmas Fair.  We hope you would like to buy them.

# Effective Contributors & Successful Learners

We Are Engineers – Bridge Building Challenge

Lauren Steel, Principal Technician: Structures & Engineering Design for Communities with Dumfries and Galloway Council joined us today to deliver a P4-7  engineering workshop, in collaboration with the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE).  Lauren volunteers her time to help develop children’s learning in S.T.E.M across the region.

Lauren talked to the children about different designs of bridges that can be found in the world.  The most common in Dumfries and Galloway is the masonry arch bridge.

Working in small groups, the children were given the challenge of initially designing and sketching a bridge that would be capable of being load bearing.  They then had to select materials and combine them to meet the brief.

The boys and girls used a wide range of Higher Order thinking skills to problem solve.  They had to plan, select, estimate, combine, construct, modify, improve and adapt and test their bridge construction.  Further, they had to apply their soft skills of cooperating, negotiating, discussing, sharing and agreeing to complete the task – phew!

All children were completely absorbed by the task at every step of the process.  They collaborated effectively in their teams and rose to the challenge. Every bridge constructed was successful in supporting a heavy load of a filled water bottle.

Future engineers in the making!

# Successful Learners


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