Working with Food – Prepping Our Veg

After yesterday’s bounty of a massive marrow from our very own vegetable patch, the children thought about ways to make best use of our whopper vegetable. We decided that we’d like to have a go at making marrow chutney.  This will teach us about preserving food to avoid food waste.

We all helped at each stage of the preparation process.  Some washed and chopped our marrow.  Others added salt to draw out moisture from the marrow. They then mixed it all together.  We left it for many hours for the salt to do its job.

At every stage, hygiene was maintained, with hand-washing before and after and all equipment carefully washed after use.

Tomorrow, we plan to proceed with stage two of our chutney making challenge, which will be another team effort.

Effective Contributors

What a whopper!

This morning, Robin noticed that in the vegetable patch at the back of the school, there was a huge marrow growing.  He suggested we should lift it before it went rotten.  Mrs Baillie and Robin harvested the bumper crop, before it was proudly shown to all the pupils by Robin.  The older class then had to try and guess the weight of the marrow – with Lewis coming the closest.  It was 2.2kg!

I wonder what the boys and girls will do with it…….watch this space….

School Long Ago

During this uncertain time we find it difficult to gain insight into some topics without having visitors to the school. However, we are very fortunate to have a valued member of staff, already in the building,  that was able to step in and give the children a special lesson.

Our very own Loraine was in class to discuss what school was like Long Ago at Portpatrick Primary. Loraine used digital images to discuss with the children what the old Portpatrick School looked like and where it was built. She spoke about the types of food they ate, what lessons they had, some of the rules that were in place and the difference in technology and transport. The children had prepared some interesting questions and unsurprisingly had many many more after the talk. We really must thank Loraine for her time. She gave an excellent talk and the children were thrilled to have a Covid friendly Visitor in school.  Below are some photos from the visit.

A Gold Star for Erin

Congratulations to Erin Harbottle who managed to achieve her Gold Star Award last year. Erin Worked her little socks off during Lockdown to tick off the required criteria as best as she could. Erin was given a short ceremony in her classroom with her peers and was awarded with a voucher to spend in WHSmith. Well Done again Erin- fantastic achievement !

This years Star Award jotters will be sent home after the Bronze Award (which can mostly be obtained in school) has been achieved.  I Wonder who will be first to get Gold this year ?

House Captain Elections

Our P6/7 pupils have been working hard over the past week to prepare a persuasive election speech in the hope they will be voted in as House Captain for the forthcoming year. Since we aren’t allowed assemblies at the moment, we ventured outside into the fresh air (luckily there were blue skies at this point!) to listen to the speeches. For Portree, we had Izzy and Lillie competing against each other; and for Dunskey, we had Robin, Maya and Ava Lily – so the competition was on!!

After the speeches, every pupil in the school got the opportunity to vote for 1 person to be House Captain for their house. After a tense 10 minutes (which apparently “felt like a lifetime” to our eagerly awaiting P6/7 pupils) the votes were counted and House Captains announced.

Our new Dunskey House Captain is Robin, and our new Portree House Captain is Izzy. Well done to everyone who worked their wee socks off to prepare and deliver some amazing speeches – it really was a very close vote (1 vote between the Dunskey candidates, and 2 votes between the Portree candidates!). Good luck to our new House Captain!

Health and Wellbeing

As part of our P4-P7 Health & Wellbeing topic, the children have been engaging in mindfulness and self-awareness activities.

We took care and attention to create a mindfulness rainbow mosaic through collaborative working. The overall effect is beautifully bright and colourful.

We also created self-portraits based on the emotions based cartoon Inside-Out.  One half of our faces reflects our outside physical appearance and the other half shows all the things that make us ‘me’ on the inside.

Here is a display of the the children’s lovely work.

Effective Contributors

Enjoying The Fruits Of Our Labour

Before school closure, the boys and girls had planted vegetables with Sian in our raised garden beds.  It was time to harvest some of the crop today.  We picked the courgettes and decided to make a hidden veggie smoothie for us all to enjoy.

We added banana, orange juice and ice to make a delicious blended drink full of vitamins and minerals.  Everyone was a Curious Kevin and took up the taste test challenge willingly.  There were some thumbs down, but also lots of thumbs up.  In fact many came back for more!

Confident Individuals


Day 2 at Portpatrick

Just a quick post to share some beautiful photos of our second day back at school. Lots of smiles and laughter yet again before finishing off with a bit of Harry Potter  under the shade.

Our first day back

The pupils at Portpatrick Primary bounded through the door with excitement as we started back at school after 5 long months apart. Everyone was delighted to be reunited and smiles beamed from ear to ear as teachers welcomed children old and new.

For four new little stars it was their first day at ‘Big School’ and I can imagine that their will be some very tired little people tonight. We are thrilled to welcome Adam, Freya, Harry and Arran to our fabulous little school and partnership. We hope that today is just the start of many happy memories that we will share together as a school at Portpatrick Primary

Our day was filled with lots of fun activities including a walk through the village, playing and constructing, a little bit of yoga, some arts and crafts, reading stories and unsurprisingly, lots of lots of chatter !

We had so much fun sharing stories and learning about what activities and new skills we learnt during our time apart- but we are very excited to finally have things back to normal and most importantly being back together.

Below are some photos from our first day of the 2020/2021 term.


Eco Schools Success

We received some very exciting new during the holidays – Eco Schools Scotland confirmed that we have attained ANOTHER Green Flag Award!! The boys and girls in the school, particularly those in the Eco Committee who have been the driving force behind a lot of the plans and activities, have worked incredibly hard over the last 2 years to try and achieve this. Waaaay back in September 2018 we created our  action plan focusing on the topics of Litter, Global Citizenship and School Grounds. Over the last 2 years we have completed a variety of Eco-friendly activities, including: a bring-and-buy sale where the money raised was donated to the Australian bush fire WWF Koala Protectors charity; a village litter pick; creating a willow-dome; planting tomato seeds; and purchasing gardening equipment with the money kindly donated from the Community Council.

Although we weren’t able to complete everything on our action plan due to the pesky Covid-19 virus, we gave it our best shot and Eco Schools Scotland were happy that we have demonstrated that our pupils are responsible citizens and have learned lots about environmental issues.

Our assessor sent a detailed letter to confirm our achievement and stated: “Congratulations Portpatrick Primary on successfully renewing your Green Flag Award! The work carried out during these past years has been extraordinary and it has been a real pleasure to assess your application… Your excellent Eco Committee are doing a brilliant job inspiring, engaging and informing the entire school community in a very effective way.” He also went on to say that aspects of our work were noted as being examples of good practice and that we may feature on their website or as case studies on social media to support other schools with their Eco Schools work.

A big thanks also needs to go to Sian Roberts, who has sat as the parent rep on the Eco Committee for the past 2 years. Sian has attended all of the meetings with the pupils and Mrs McHarg, and has very generously given up her own time to aid with our Eco activities in school, such as creating the willow dome and sourcing and planting trees with the pupils.

Well done to everyone involved – have a look below at the photo of some very happy faces with their Green Flag!

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