Easter Nests – Food Technology

Continuing with our Easter themed learning fun, the children enjoyed making chocolate Easter egg nest cakes today.

We discussed how the chocolate changed state from a solid to a liquid. We observed how this was a reversible process.  As the chocolate solidified we could then re-melt it using heat.

Donning our aprons , we worked hygienically and collaboratively to create lovely wee Easter treats to enjoy at home.

Egg-squisite Egg Creations!

The whole school got creative today with a fabulous response to our egg-ceptional Easter egg competition.

This year, we opened up the brief to allow the children to use any material they liked to craft their Easter themed designs.


Mrs Henry had a very hard job to judge in each primary category.  The winners are as follows:

  • P1 – Harry
  • P2 – Rebecca
  • P3 – Erin
  • P4 – Conor
  • P6 – Ruby
  • P7 – Lillie


As the standard of standard of entries was so high, each entrant has received a Highly Commended certificate.  Thank you to everyone for the fabulous entries.  We all enjoyed them very much!

# Effective Contributors



Feis Rois Digital Sound Postcards

During remote learning, P4-7 participated in a music project with Feis Rois.  The children met together on Teams each week to explore traditional Scottish music and to experiment with sound.

As part of the project, the children wrote comments on what they love about Portpatrick. They also created artwork to represent our local area.  Feis Rois have produced digital sound postcards using the children’s work. We will soon have paper versions that we can post to family and friends.

Click on the links to enjoy the children’s local artwork and to read the positive comments they have written about our village. Scan the QR code to listen to a musical sound snippet.


56 – Portpatrick 1

57 – Portpatrick 2

58 – Portpatrick 3

59 – Portpatrick 4

# Successful Learners

Maths Easter Egg Hunt Challenge

When we arrived at school this morning, we found that the Easter Bunny had been in early to set up an Easter Egg maths hunt for us.

The children had to work collaboratively in pairs to seek out colour coded eggs to solve four operation maths questions.  There were ten eggs to crack in all.



Everyone had great fun, hunting out their eggs and running around in the fresh air and sunshine.

# Successful Learners

Easter Themed STEM Challenge

P4-7 got stuck in to an egg-cellent STEM problem solving challenge this afternoon.  The children had to design a zip wire basket capable of transporting a Cadbury’s creme egg on a zip-wire run using just pipe cleaners and a key ring loop.

The boys and girls worked in small groups to problem solve using rudimentary materials.  Every group designed a basket that securely held the egg in place.

Trial and error led to our changing one variable:  The angle of the zip line.

We found that the egg would move down the zip line if it was at the correct angle. If the zip line was at a lesser angle , gravity would not move the egg down the zip line demonstrating inertia.  Inertia is a law of physics that states an object will stay at rest until some kind of force acts upon it. Hence, we increased our angle from our initial position to allow the egg to reach the final travel point.

# Effective Contributors

# Successful Learners


British Science Week

Last week Primary 1-3 at Portpatrick were celebrating British Science Week. The theme this year was all about innovation and future inventions. We started by having a little review of some of the fantastic inventions that already exist and how they have made life easier and in some cases better. To kick start British Science Week, we had a little look this super cool video showing an amazing and creative design, called the Rube Goldberg Machine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w

Pupils then took part in a range of STEM activities including a marble run, balloon rocket and the tallest tower competition.

Meanwhile, P4-7 were busy celebrating the Science Week from home, on their final week of remote learning. They had lots of different challenges to choose from, including: putting their STEM skills into action to design a solution to a real-life problem linking to the Global Goals; various science experiments and engineering challenging such as designing a marble run, making a pom-pom launcher, powering a boat using a chemical reaction and creating an underwater volcano; learning about stereotypes and exploring the world of work in relation to STEM careers; and exploring innovations that changed the world.

Have a keek at the photos below – we all had a brilliant week thinking about and exploring problems like real-life scientists and engineers!

Red Nose Day Fun 2021

Portpatrick Primary were full of fund raising spirit today to support Comic Relief.  We all enjoyed a busy day of fun-filled Red Nose Day activities.  First up, the boys and girls arrived in style, making a donation to dress either casually or as a superhero.

The children purchased the new eco-friendly, plastic free red noses and bought super hero masks to decorate.

Next, we got stuck into baking Red Nose Day  cakes.  We applied our maths skills to measure and weigh the ingredients carefully.  We cooperated, taking turns to blend the mixture.  Everyone enjoyed decorating them with cherry noses and jelly lips & teeth before devouring them – yum!

As if that wasn’t enough fun and games, we then created our own ‘Super Hero City Scape’ scenes by recycling newspaper to make our artistic city skylines.

As an afternoon treat, we were entertained by our North Rhins’ Got Talent show.  The boys and girls entered videos of themselves showcasing a personal talent.  Among the skills on show were Alba and Izzy performing a beautiful dance duet routine and Atticus demonstrating his table tennis prowess.  Our pupils at Portpatrick,  carried out an in-house vote and these were amalgamated with the votes across the partnership. There were joint winners for our own school category:

  • Harry with his impressive golf swing.
  • Ava Lily with her skillful gymnastics display.
Confident AND Talented

All our boys and girls are talented in so many ways, and it was lovely to view a selection of these skills.

More fun photos for you to enjoy!


To date our wee school has raised an impressive £110 for worthy causes.  Thank you all for your generosity and well done everyone!

# Effective Contributors

# Confident Individuals



P4-7 Return To School :)

It was so lovely to have the boys and girls from Primary 4 to 7 return to school today.  The children had so much fun reconnecting socially with their friends.  We took advantage of the good weather to have a ‘walk ‘n’ talk’ around our village.  It was a real pleasure to see their smiles and listen to them chatter away as they were all able to play together once again.

World Book Day at Portpatrick

The boys and girls at Portpatrick Primary have been busy celebrating World Book Day both in school and at home. In School the Primary 1-3 children have taken part in the Live Lesson/Reading from David Walliams, listened to their favourite books, completed the ‘In school’ scavenger hunt, made a road map of all the books that MC Grammar Raps in the very first ‘World Book Day Song’ and finished off by baking some delicious Gruffalo Crumble. It has been a fun filled couple of days in school for the Primary 1-3 children and we have thoroughly enjoyed learning and exploring our favourite books.

However, lets not forget about our P4-7 pupils, who still joined in on the action and celebrated World Book Day from home – they were given a range of activities to pick from to join in on the fun. On offer were tasks such as the Masked Reader, designing their favourite character from fruit/veg/a toilet roll tube, a Big Booky Breakfast, and lots more! Have a keek below for some photos from all of our pupils, to show how we celebrated the day in style!


MC Grammar Rap + Road map to the library

Scavenger Hunt

Gruffalo Crumble

Home Learning – World Book Day

North Rhins gains National Recognition

It may have been an odd year, but nonetheless 2020 was a rather successful one for the North Rhins Primary Schools – we are delighted to announce that we have achieved our Bronze Award for Rights Respecting Schools! This is to recognise the work we have done so far and our commitment to learning more about and embedding the UNCRC Rights of the Child in the life and ethos of our schools.

Our work started waaaay back in January last year (pre-Covid times – can anyone remember what that was like?!) when pupils began learning about the Rights of the Child at assemblies. Then, when pesky Covid came on the scene, we were forced to continue our journey towards our Bronze Award online, with some home learning challenges on various different Rights of the Child.

When we were eventually allowed to return to school and class assemblies resumed, we then focused on ‘Respect’ – what this means and how to respect others’ rights. We learned how respect is at the centre of anti-bullying and we made a video to share with everyone, explaining what ‘RESPECT’ means to each of us; here is the link if you’d like to watch it and the finalised copy of our ‘Respect for All’ policy to have a read through:

Portpatrick: Portpatrick Respect Movie.MOV

Respect for All Policy: RfA Final Policy October2020.pdf

Behind the scenes, staff have also been busy learning all about the Rights of the Child, how this permeates lots of what we do in school (including how it is embedded into our ‘Respect for All’ policy) and how we can use language and a restorative approach to further promote respecting everyone’s rights.

A huge thank-you to everyone who helped in achieving this award – we are very pleased to gain national accreditation and recognition for all of our hard work. We can’t wait to continue our Rights Respecting School journey towards our silver award – watch this space!

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