Yoga – Outdoor Learning Day

P4-7 ended the Outdoor Learning Day’s activities by partaking of a relaxing yoga session in the sunshine.

We learned traditional yoga poses such as the tree, mountain, chair and warrior.  These positions help build core muscle strength.

We rounded off at home time with a mindfulness, calming visualisation activity; relaxing on the grass.

Everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable day packed full of purposeful activities.

Gardening & Art – Outdoor Learning Day

P1 – 3  got their gardening gloves on to care for their vegetable patch.  They carefully weeded and tended the wide range of vegetables that are coming along nicely.  We have spring onion, beetroot, potato, onion, turnip, carrots and potato plants!

They then progressed to observational art.  The children made a close study of the flowers growing naturally around the mound area.  They then focussed carefully to produce their own impressions of these flowers.

Meanwhile Robin and Liam helped Mrs Henry distribute posters around the village as part of our ‘Eco’ litter campaign.  Local businesses have been very supportive, offering to display them predominately, to encourage us all to keep Portpatrick tidy.

# Responsible Citizens & Effective Learners


Science & Eco – Outdoor Learning Day

The whole school participated in an Eco-based science lesson to construct bug hotels using a range of natural materials to create a natural habitat.

The children were required to follow and process verbal and written instructions to produce a hotel fit for bug royalty.  They were challenged to make and implement design selections from two options.

Everyone used the soft skills of cooperation, negotiation and sharing to complete the task.  The hotels were positioned throughout our grounds and even had a ready made food source of a sugar lump treat for the new residents.

#Responsible Citizens


STEM/Language Outdoor Learning

P1 -3 had a sensory journey around our outdoor area.  P1 were looking for objects of different colours and materials.  P2-3 were using their 5 senses to locate a variety of objects

P4-7 used their engineering skills to combine and construct a  ‘Des Res’ for a mini resident.  They used natural materials to build a free standing structure with a door way, walls and roof for their little owners.

The children then used their persuasive writing techniques to market their home through an estate agent ‘For Sale’ advert.

#Successful Learners

Maths – Outdoor Learning Day

The whole school took to the outdoors for a glorious start to National Outdoor Learning Day.

P1 – 3 applied measure through the science of plant care today.  They measured and recorded the growth of cress, previously planted, in their cress diaries. Later that day, they also applied measure to fitting sticks into their bug hotels.

P4 were foraging for what they could find in our playground.  They sorted their collected objects into frequency tables and produced a bar graph of their results to find the most common objects.

P5/6 used a method to measure the height of trees and plotted their data on a bar graph, applying features.

P6/7 measured the height and girth of our trees and plotted a line graph to identify the correlation between the two factors.  They determined that the taller the tree, the wider the girth of it’s trunk.

#Successful Learners

We Are Film Makers

P4-7 have donned their movie maker caps to produce a short film on William Wallace.  This is part of a Dumfries and Galloway collaborative video challenge, and also fits perfectly with developing the children’s digital technology skills.

To mark the 150th anniversary of the Wallace Monument, and the introduction to heroines to the Hall of Heroes for the first time, schools across the region have been invited to make a 60 second video on our Scottish heroes.  We were quick to grab William Wallace from the list of famous people from our history, having learned about his life in the past.

The children self-managed presenting, videoing, lighting and editing our video.  The design of the film is through personal selection and choice. We did have credits, but had to remove them for splicing with other school’s contributions.

We are proud of the finished product and have already been told it will be showcased across the STEM yammer group to promote and encourage participation in this worthy activity.

#Successful Learners & Effective Contributors

Kirkcolm Sponsored Walk

We would like to say a big ‘thank you!’ to all of our pupils and families who participated in the annual Kirkcolm sponsored walk on Saturday.  All funds raised by Portpatrick pupils will go directly to our school.

There were many smiles and determined faces as everyone made their way around the 7 mile route to completion.  Our thanks also go to the many people who supported the event through marshalling, offering refreshments and encouragement etc.  Well done to Isabella who was the first Portpatrick pupil to complete all 7 miles!

#Effective Contributors



Digital Learning Week – ICT Club

As part of Digital Learning Week, we have been sharing and developing our digital technology skills in our ICT Lunch Time Club. The sessions have been organised and supported by both our digital leaders and by those who wished to share their abilities.

All of the activities have been well attended and the pupils have cooperated, supported and shared wonderfully well.

Throughout the week our pupils have engaged in the following:

  • Dance Mat Typing – developing keyboard skills
  • Coding – developing programming skills
  • Digital Photography
  • Webcams
  • Animation
  • Green screen and movie making
  • Symmetry software

#Successful Learners & Effective Contributors

Digital Skills Week – Green Screen Training

P4-7 received specialist Green Screen and movie making input from Miss Karen Creighton today.  She is one of our very skilled D & G RAISE team members (Raising Aspirations in Science and Technology).

The pupils were guided through green screen technology.  We then used Serif Movie Plus to overlay and edit our green screen images over volcanoes from around the world.  The children applied sequencing, ‘chroma-key’ functions and credits etc. to inform and entertain with their animated videos.  We are using digital skills in creative ways to enhance our learning across the curriculum.

#Successful Learners

Cross Country

P5 -7 participated in the cluster’s annual cross country event at Green Valley today.  The children gave it their all to run either a full mile or half a mile over soft ground.  They also took part in a series of relay races of mixed ages.  Everyone demonstrated resilience and determination by completing their individual and team challenges with ‘puffed out’ smiles 🙂

Our digital leaders captured action using a digital camera.

#Effective Contributors

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