Crime Scene Investigators

Class 2 travelled to Wigtown in their role as Crime Scene Investigators as part of Dumfries and Galloway’s Science Fair for Schools.

An expensive painting had been stolen and the children were required to use their crime busting skills to identify the culprit.  They applied a range of scientific and technological methods to analyse clues and evidence from the scene of the crime.  They worked painstakingly to identify the following:

  • Pose for mug shots
  • Take their own fingerprints and identify the fingerprint pattern for each of the suspects
  • Build photo-fit composite I.D.’s from eye witness descriptions
  • Run facial recognition software to narrow down suspects
  • Analyse soil samples under a microscope to identify the soil type of residue left by a footprint at the scene
  • Use Ultraviolet light to match footprints to the suspects footwear
  • Use microscopes to identify fibre fragments of clothing
  • Use DNA coding to identify the suspect
  • Take notes from eye witness accounts describing the suspect

A real life CSI was on hand to demonstrate how to take fingerprints at the scene of the crime using a range of equipment.  She discussed her career and the kinds of knowledge and skills that are needed in the role.

Once all the evidence had been gathered and analysed the children then came back together to discuss the list of suspects and make a conclusion as to who the art thief was.  The crime was solved!

At the end of the session we all enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to Lachlan.  We enjoyed eating birthday cake even more!

Science & Maths – Shadow Investigation

We have been waiting patiently for a sunny day to allow us to participate in an outdoor shadow investigation.  The weather today provided the ideal conditions for us to explore shadows around us.  Class 1 & 2 worked collaboratively to undertake some, or all, of the following tasks as appropriate:

  • Identify the compass point direction of our playground layout
  • Sketch the direction of the Sun on a bird’s eye view map of the playground area
  • Record shadows from objects in our playground environment
  • Trace round our own shadows, noting their orientation
  • Measure the length of our shadows using metric units

Class 2 are going to continue our science investigation by conducting a fair test that the boys and girls have designed.  Mia is our control object that we will use to block the Sun and create a shadow.  We will measure and record both the direction and length of the shadow at different times of day to observe any changes.  She will stand in the same location each time. Class 2 have predicted that the direction and length will vary dependent on the position of the Sun in the sky!  Do you think their prediction is correct?

# Successful Learners & Effective Contributors


Update – Today Class 2 completed our investigation into shadow direction, angle and length. We discovered that at the start of the day Mia’s shadow was long and got gradually shorter as the Sun was higher in the sky.  The shadow length then began to reduce in the afternoon.  Also, we measured the angle of the shadowa and it was moving approximately 20 degrees every hour!

Collaborative Learning P1-7

Today, the whole school engaged in collaborative learning with their buddies from the opposite class.  The boys and girls are preparing for careers in the future by learning how to complete job application forms.  They have worked together to identify the personal skills and qualities they each have that would make them effective in the role of a pupil council representative.  P4-7 are learning to use the skills of persuasion as part of their Literacy and Language learning this term.


Community Litter Pick

The boys and girls took advantage of the dry spell to complete their community litter pick as part of our ongoing Eco School’s work.  We helped to tidy the park and picnic area in the village.  We were impressed to see that the quantity of litter has reduced since our last activity.

We took a moment to admire the view from Mr Tyson’s bench, kindly donated by the community council.  We tidied around his bench to make it spick and span.

We then returned to school to tidy our own playground.

#Responsible Citizens

Partnership Trio Day

All the pupils from Portpatrick, Leswalt and Kirkcolm came together to get to know one another better today.  A beach clean and a sports day was planned, but due to the weather, we quickly improvised.  The children performed a range of songs to entertain their audience and then played outside together.

The boys and girls were happy to be split into primary groups and mix with their peers from the other two schools.  Each class arranged purposeful activities.  The lower school played true or false ‘get to know you’ questioning, learned and performed an action song and participated in a social P.E game. The upper school engaged in STEM engineering challenges.  They had to work collaboratively to design and build a helicopter using basic materials.  The teams were then tasked with constructing a structure from paper straws that was capable of supporting weight.  The children had many creative ideas to meet the brief.

After lunch, we all walked down to the beach where we created beach art using natural materials.

Throughout the day, the children had the opportunity to mix and form friendships between schools.

Feis Rois Musical Performance

Class two culminated eight weeks of practice by presenting a musical performance to the rest of the school.  They played two traditional Scot’s songs on ukuleles whilst being accompanied by John on the accordion.  The audience enjoyed ‘Wheel of Fortune’ and ‘The Bonnie Ship, The Diamond’. Unfortunately, the video is too large a file to upload but we promise it was a very professional and entertaining event.

#Successful Learners

Runners up at Sandhead fun day

The partnership football team of Portpatrick/Leswalt United finished off the Summer season of fun days on winning form.  Today  they won every game to get through to the final at the Sandhead tournament – against their new trio partnership school of Kirkcolm.

It was a very tense final, with Mrs Baillie being very diplomatic on the sidelines and avoiding showing allegiance to any one of her schools.  At full time the score was 0:0.  The tension was further heightened as it went to a penalty shoot off to decide the winners.  Kirkcolm narrowly won on penalties, but  Portpatrick /Leswalt football team can hold their heads high that they played very well and demonstrated great sportsmanship.  

Runners up Sandhead fun day 2017.

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