P7 – Keeping Us Safe

Mia, Katie and Jenna have been taking the initiative to work hard on their STAR Targets.  They arranged and presented a learning discussion to P1-3 on ‘stranger danger’.  They helped the younger pupils learn more about how to keep ourselves safe. The three girls were very informative and shared their street-wise solutions with the class to help us avoid any stranger danger situations.

# Responsible Citizens


Generation Science

P1-4 travelled to Leswalt Primary School to learn about the Sun, Moon and Earth through a Generation Science production. They all giggled their way through the show as we learned about the Earth’s orbit of the sun and all of the different time zones around the world.

P1-4 are now full of fascinating facts about the Sun, Moon and Earth. Did you know you can fit over one million Earths inside the sun! Ask them what fun facts they can remember!

#Successful Learners

Maths Data Handling Traffic Survey

Class 2 took advantage of the beautiful day and undertook a traffic survey in the village.  This is as part of our Data Handling topic in maths. Primary 2 joined us as participating in a traffic survey is one of their STAR award targets. We were able to see the volume of traffic in our village. We analysed our data results. We could determine that most vehicles were delivery trucks to the hotels during the morning and that there would be a greater volume of traffic at the weekend with visitors to the village for leisure. We predicted that there would be more cars just before 3pm when parents came to collect children from school.

We produced a bar graph of our results by hand and by using 2Simple software.  We were then able to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

While we were at it, we practiced our road safety using our Green Cross Code.

#Successful learners


Community Litter Pick

The whole school got their community spirit on as we set off to spring clean our village.  The children helped make everything spic and span by collecting any litter around our playground and village hall areas. Everyone pitched in with a great ‘can do’ attitude.  The children were able to discuss how litter damages our environment and harms wildlife.

#Responsible Citizens

Maths Easter Egg Hunt

The whole school had fun on today’s Easter egg hunt challenge.   The Easter Bunny is a bit busy just now and doesn’t have time to do his maths homework.  He left a message for the children asking them to help him complete it.

Around the school there were 10 “eggs”, each containing one of the Easter Bunny’s homework questions. The boys and girls had the job of finding his eggs, making a note of his Big Maths question, and working out the answer.

The bunny was so grateful, that he rewarded everyone for helping him!

# Effective Contributors & Successful Learners


The girls and boys displayed their creative talent today as they proudly brought in their decorated Easter eggs.  There was a wealth of concepts and designs that delighted the judges, Barbara, Dougie and Mrs Henry.

Primary 1-3

1st Prize: Jack Trafford – Underwater World

2nd Prize: Lotty Henry – Nemo & Dory

Primary 4-7

1st Prize: Innes McClurg: Carrots and Rabbits

2nd Prize: Mum and Dad Bunnies

Everyone who participated received an entry prize.  Well done to all.

#Effective Contributors



Dragon of the Western Seas Opera

P4-7 travelled to Sandhead school today to perform The Dragon of the Western Seas Opera with Sandhead, Drummore and Leswalt pupils.  After just a brief rehearsal the children quickly pulled together a sterling performance of the songs they had learned in the previous weeks.

These children’s operas, created and delivered by Scottish Opera, make learning exciting, challenging and creative and allow pupils to participate in a high-quality, day-long music theatre workshop, ending with a performance for parents and guests.

Everyone agreed that it was a truly impressive performance. The children have been inspired to open their creative and musical tastes to a wider scope.

Here is a synopsis of our opera:

In the year 1405 the great Dragon Throne Emperor of China, Zhu Di, has decided it is time his nation expanded its influence beyond the edge of the known world and into the mysterious Western Sea.

He assembles an enormous fleet of mighty ships with 28,000 crew, and fills them with all the treasure and riches of China. Enough to buy the gratitude and friendship of those unknown lands beyond the setting sun.

Only one man could be trusted to lead such a dangerous and important mission, the great Admiral Zheng Ha, the Dragon of the Western Sea!

#Confident Individuals

Day of Dance

Primary 2 and 3  girls represented our school proudly at the Day of Dance at Stranraer Academy.

Ava-lily, Maya, Ruby, Rose, Amelia and Sophie were twinkled toed as they performed their dances with flair and grace.  Our thanks to Mrs Henry, our very talented resident dance instructor and to Pat, our ever helpful escort.

# Effective Contributors

Collaborative Maths Morning

Class 1 & 2 came together this morning to have a maths sharing morning.  The older pupils were buddy helpers to the little ones. They had to develop their skills in demonstrating and explaining to  help support the younger pupils in a range of maths concepts.  We practiced our adding Learn Its, and our Clicks; counting reading and saying numbers as well as doubling and halving using objects.  We also practiced our number formation before using our ICT skills to play maths concept games on Eduction City.  Everyone worked very well together in a spirit of mutual learning.

ICT and Maths
Enjoying our learning
Sharing Ideas
Thinking time
How many are left?
Counting on together


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