The boys and girls were surprised to find a unexpected visitor on their football pitch at interval today. No, not a world class footballer come to join their playtime kick-about but a rather bewildered looking hedgehog with a sore leg!
The children quickly alerted staff and Miss Whorlow donned some plastic gloves and popped the frightened creature into a newspaper lined box while Mrs Ferguson contacted the SSPCA.
Patrick, the name the pupils christened the little hedgehog, spent the next hour and a half in the relative quiet of the jotter cupboard until a lovely lady from the SSPCA came to collect him.
She spent some time with the children telling them what would happen next to Patrick – though it turned out he was actually a ‘Patricia’! She reckoned she was about a year old and was probably struggling to find food. She would need a full examination to find out what was wrong with her sore leg. Patricia headed off to a Hedgehog Sanctuary in North Ayrshire and she will be released back into this area in a few weeks. A happy ending!