On the 27th of September the P5-7 class were learning about circumferences. It was hard but lots of fun. We enjoyed it and you should try it out as there’s many steps, so if you’re bored you should do it!
By Ben
Blog to share learning of small, Scottish rural school
Mr Dinning came in one day and we did Soundtrap, which is Music Technology. Alex and I did a hip hop rock. We showed it to the class and they loved it. Press play above. Use the comment below. Do you like it?
By Liam
On the 13th of September the P5-7 class made Magic 8 Balls with the help of Microbit computers. We used it to code and say different things so we couldn’t of done it without the Microbits.
Here is a link to the Microbit website.
Here is a screen shot of some of our code that we used:
by Ben and Liam, Digital Leaders.
The Council and its partners are currently working with Scottish Government through a programme called Realigning Children’s Services to help to improve local services for children in your area. All primary schools in the area have been invited to take part and we are inviting all children in P5 to P7 to complete a short online questionnaire during school time on their lives and wellbeing.
Please find a leaflet and letter in the P5-7’s bags which describe the survey and allow the choice of whether to take part or not.
Mr A
So long!
Another session complete and another cohort of P7s depart for secondary school. Good luck, you’ll all be missed.
Holiday homework suggestions:
Many pupils chose books to read and I would encourage you all to read as much as you can over the summer. There is also a Summer Reading Challenge. You can get involved with this at your local library in Annan, I think.
For getting the lads reading, here is some advice. If you can find an author or genre that you like then that can be a good place to start. Here is a site that allows you to an advanced search which allows you to specify for example:
Which gives a list of 272 books which I have attached here ar bookfinder report.
Have a great break and I look forward to seeing you in August.
Best wishes,
Mr A
What a term it’s been at Brydekirk and we are all ready for a break before the final term.
Here are some ideas for holiday homework, that P5-7 came up with, for anyone interested or at a loose end:
Have a good holiday!
Mr A
Here are some accounts from P5-7 of our trip orienteering last term:
More nonsense, from the other group last term
This was made by one half of P5-7 and was one of the Nonsense poems learned off by heart last term. Hannah was accidentally missed from the credits!
Miss Primrose has organised a Readathon for the next fortnight. Pupils will be reading as much as they can to raise money for a good cause, good luck.
Our P1, P2 and P3 pupils also received their book bags from the Scottish Book Trust in time for Scottish Book Week: