Barrow Band perform at Dalintober PS

Pupils at Dalintober PS were treated to a performance from ‘The Barrow Band’ today. The group promote healthy eating and were involved in an Open Day in the town’s Community Garden, but managed to find the time to fit in a visit to the school. Pupils loved their musical odes and we are sure plenty pupils went home singing about the positive effects of broccoli, kiwi fruit and carrots!
Pictured with the band are: Iona McKinlay (P7), Leanna Campbell (P4), Ruairidh Wallace (P6) and Maxwell Davidson (P1/2).

Parent Workshop Evening at Dalintober PS

A large number of parents of pupils at Dalintober Primary School attended Parent Workshops on two areas of the curriculum on Thursday 7th March. The workshops focussed on ‘Big Writing’ and ‘Active Maths’ and parents participated in activities and used resources that the pupils use in school. Miss Caroline Armour, Head Teacher, said, “We are delighted so many parents came along to participate in our Information Workshops.

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There’s Something Fishy going on at Toward.

At the request of the pupils and as part of our Crofting Connections topic we invited an expert willow weaver, Mrs Clark, to come to the school to teach the pupils how to make Willow Fish. Now we have shoals of fish swimming all over the school. The pupils learnt that the willow needed to be soaked to make it pliable, that different types of willow were used for different parts of the fish and how they had to carefully bend the willow in a figure of eight before twisting it to make the tail.

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Today at Kilmodan we are sporting our trainers on Commonwealth Day, as part of ‘Sport Your Trainers for Glasgow 2014’. This is part of a national campaign which asks people to wear their trainers as a symbolic gesture of support for Glasgow 2014. During our Commonwealth themed assembly we talked about the Commonwealth Games. There will be 71 nations and territories taking part in the games in July next year.

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Book Week at Dalmally Primary School

Dalmally Primary celebrated world book day as part of a week-long series of activities relating to books. Children worked cooperatively to produce story books for younger children which they presented, designed new covers for traditional tales, and spent lots of time hearing different types of stories. We also had a book swap stall running for the week, giving us the chance to read new and different stories.
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Sport Your Trainers Day at Dalintober PS

Sport Your Trainers 2013
Pupils and staff of Dalintober PS came to school ready for action in their trainers to support the Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014 campaign ‘Sport Your Trainers’. All classes participated in physical outdoor activities as part of their daily PE sessions.
Pictured are: Josh McKenzie (P7), Jessica Lang (P6), Tajrian Akhter Ali (P5), Lisa McKellar (P4), Kayleigh Dickson (P3), Claudia Graham (P2), Connor Wylie (P1/2), Lauren Docherty (P1) and Miss Semple.

Luing Big Brew

The children of Luing transformed their classroom into a cafe for a Big Brew. This is in connection to the Human Rights work that the children are taking forward and to support Fairtrade Fortnight. Linda Leggett, an island resident and Fairtrade Tradecraft stall holder, set up a stall in the classroom to offer the visitors an opportunity to make their purchases.
As ever, the islanders turned out in force to support not only the children but to show support for Fairtrade and a growing understanding of the human rights agenda.

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World Book Day at St. Andrew’s Primary school

Pupils of St. Andrew’s Primary school celebrated World Book Day 2013 by dressing up as characters from their favourite books. They also brought in books they have read to swap with their classmates. This week’s homework task was to draw a picture of their favourite characters from a story, which were displayed on the whole-school World Book Day wall. A fun day was had by all!


The children of Primary 2 in St Joseph’s Primary, Helensburgh really enjoyed their interdisciplinary topic on ‘Fairyland’. They met many fairyland characters and participated in a wealth of active learning experiences. The final outcome of the topic was open day for parents which was very successful. Parents participated in activities with their own children and wrote their positive comments in the visitors book.

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Argyll and Bute Scottish Youth Parliament Elections: Make your vote count!

The Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) represents Scotland’s young people. Our democratically elected members, aged 14-25, listen to and recognise the issues that are most important to young people, ensuring that their voices are heard by decision makers. Continue reading Argyll and Bute Scottish Youth Parliament Elections: Make your vote count!


The pupils of Skipness Primary held a special event for World Book Day. Members of the community and pupils from Clachan Primary were invited to dress up as a character from their favourite book and read an extract aloud. All money raised is going towards Comic Relief.

A huge thank you to everyone who came along ro read – even Mrs Twit sat down to read to us!

World Book Day at St Joseph’s Primary

World Book Day at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh on Thursday 7 March was a wonderful success. The children came dressed as a character from their favourite book which prompted lots of discussion in all classes about books and literacy. New literary interests were sparked as children were given various opportunities to share their knowledge on their favourite books and other children were able to question them on their choices.

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Dunoon Primary Choir perform ‘Musicals’

On Wednesday 6th March Dunoon Primary School Choir spent a wonderful afternoon with the Senior Citizens at Alfred Street Hall. The choir had been busy practising and preparing with Mrs Hamlet, Mrs Peek and Mrs Tulloch for this event. The event included some moving solos, and duets, some of the audience had a wee tear in their eye and enjoyed joining in with the familiar songs.

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Lorn Mathsfest 2013

On the 12th February the Annual Lorn Mathsfest was held in Oban High School. Forty-eight S1 pupils were joined by forty-eight P7 pupils from the associated Primary Schools. The pupils worked in teams of four. To be successful team work was as important as mathematical ability. The Assembly Hall was a hive of activity as the pupils attempted to solve maths problems and puzzles throughout the day, one of which was in French or one in Gaelic!

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Fair-trade Foods at Lochdonhead Primary

On Monday 4th of March, the Tobermory Co-op manager, Brian MacLeod came to our school to talk to us about Fair-trade foods. It was very interesting.
Here are some of the facts:
• Sugar is the most popular Fair-trade food!
• Bananas are a separate category from the other fruit!
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Tea Room at North Bute Primary

Primary 1/2 organised a tea room for our village and our mums! Our job was to put up signs to advertise the tea room. We made invitations in the shape of cupcakes and we also had a news flash at the weekly village service. On the day, we decorated cupcakes with a school helper. She baked delicious cakes and we helped to make them look marvellous.

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