Tag Archives: Dunoon Grammar

News from DGS


As part of this year’s Dunoon Film Festival, S3 pupils from DGS organised a special screening of the Japanese cult classic animation ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ for local primary school pupils and DGS Learning Centre students.

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Gaelic Transition through Local History

Ms Howitt from Dunoon Grammar School initiated a transitional topic for the Gaelic medium pupils of Sandbank Primary School where they could gradually get to know the staff, subjects and building during their last couple of years at Primary. The pupils were already working upon an enquiry based local history project which allowed many opportunities for interdisciplinary work, some of which were suitable for the Grammar staff to lead.

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Science lessons with a twist for DGS pupils.
Pupils and visitors to Dunoon Grammar School last week were greeted with a curious addition to the school car park – a science laboratory based in an articulated lorry!
During the week a number of pupils worked in the lorry on a number of physics related experiments. Lab in a Lorry – organised by the Institute of Physics and STEM – is an interactive mobile science laboratory which gives young people the opportunity to explore science through open ended experiments. Continue reading LAB IN LORRY DELIVERS AT DUNOON GRAMMAR SCHOOL

DGS Time Travellers Captivate the Clans Pupils re-enact Dunoon’s turbulent past

On Cowal Games Friday, 13 pupils from DGS put on a marvellous performance in front of members of the Lamont and Campbell Clans in Dunoon’s Queens Hall – re-enacting the siege of Toward Castle and the Dunoon Massacre of 1646.

The pupil’s had been given an initial story line from the Clan Lamont Society on the lead up to the performance – but then had to develop the story into a creative re-enactment.

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Danke und auf Wiedersehen

Pupils, parents and staff from Dunoon Grammar School gathered at the school at 6.30 am last Thursday (26 June) to bid a fond farewell to German partners as the 2014 edition of the Dunoon Grammar School and Hardenberg Gymnasium exchange came to a close.

The tearful goodbyes from both sets of pupils as the German bus pulled away from DGS illustrated the success of this year’s exchange and the bond forged between the pupils involved. Continue reading Danke und auf Wiedersehen

Sizzling Summer Spectacular to end school year at DGS

Over 180 S6 pupils, staff and their families enjoyed a samba inspired BBQ last Thursday evening (26 June) to mark the end of a successful school year.

The school yard was transformed into the ‘Copacabana Courtyard’ – complete with inflatable palm trees – as pupils and staff enjoyed a World Cup themed afternoon that included a bbq, beach volleyball, limbo dancing, football target challenge and trampoline.

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Learning centre pupils trek to the top of Mount ‘Kilimancamelshump.’

On the 17th June, Dunoon Grammar School learning centre pupils, teaching and support staff walked up The Camel’s Hump to raise money for CLASP/Cornerstone. Parent, Frances Halligan, is walking to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa in September of this year and this learning centre sponsored walk was to support her huge fundraising efforts to help CLASP/Cornerstone provide a youth club service for young people with additional learning needs. Continue reading Learning centre pupils trek to the top of Mount ‘Kilimancamelshump.’

Scottish Disability Sports Athletics event at Grangemouth

On the 4th of June some of the learning centre pupils of Dunoon Grammar school went to Scottish Disability Sports Athletics event at Grangemouth. We won 4 medals, 3 bronze medals and 1 gold medal. After a long day running we were all really sleepy, some of us had a sleep on the bus! We met lots of other kids from different schools in Scotland.

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Local residents of Kirn witnessed a welcoming sight last Friday afternoon (30 May 2014) as an army of school litter pickers took to the streets with one mission – to clean up the town.
Over 100 S1 pupils and staff – equipped with grippers and high visibility jackets supplied by the school’s facilities management providers Mitie – worked tirelessly scooping up and bagging litter from the school’s surrounding neighbourhood.



The annual Presentation Evening for Argyll and Bute Young Enterprise Companies was held on 1 May at the Argyll Hotel, Inveraray. Five companies were involved this year – 2 from Oban High School, one from Lochgilphead and 2 from Dunoon Grammar School. The judges – Donald Melville, Adviser from Business Gateway and Alex Emslie, retired Business Adviser had previously received copies of Company Reports to allow time to look them over and allocate marks for this part of the process.


Young Art Talent Emerging in DGS

Corrie MacDonald, S2 pupil at Dunoon Grammar School proudly presents Head Teacher Mr. Mitchell with a piece of original artwork to hang outside his office. Corrie finds some aspects of the curriculum very challenging and does a lot of his learning in the learning centre. But, amongst other things, Corrie has a real talent for art.

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DGS pupil Shannon Brings Sunshine to Kirn Nursery

One of the four focuses (or capacities) of The Curriculum for Excellence is to encourage pupils to become effective contributors to their communities. What better way to do this than to volunteer some time to help out at a local nursery school. This is what Shannon Lyon, S5 pupil at Dunoon Grammar School and full time pupil in the learning centre, has been doing since August 2013.

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Dunoon Grammar School – Loch Fyne Oysters Visit

Two S3 Hospitality classes visited Loch Fyne Oysters and saw where the oysters and mussels were produced and packaged ready for sale locally and around the world. The classes then visited the Restaurant and Oyster Bar where they enjoyed a presentation and an opportunity to try different varieties of smoked salmon, bradan rost and oysters.

The photograph shows pupils being shown the machine that sorts the mussels out in relation to their size.

Dunoon Grammar School’s Mathematicians

Dunoon Grammar School’s team of four mathematicians from S1 and S2 won 12th place in the UKMT Team Challenge held at the University of the West of Scotland. The team enjoyed competing against 28 other teams from the west of Scotland region. The challenge consisted of four rounds including a cross-number, maths shuttle and an intense relay race. Congratulations to Hazel Oxland, Willow Grieve, Conor Adams and Katie Lambert for an excellent result against some very fierce competition. For further information please contact Shaun.Priest@argyll-bute.gov.uk.


Some of Dunoon Grammar School’s senior learning centre pupils were delighted to invite local entrepreneurs in to school to talk about their experiences as business people. The pupils are undertaking an ASDAN short course in Enterprise. ASDAN offer a range of certificates and qualifications that allow pupils to work at their own pace and own level, making them ideal for many learning centre pupils. The Enterprise short course, which will take 60 hours to complete, provides opportunities for pupils to develop entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, and how to use these effectively. Continue reading LET’S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS

Pupils leadership programme at Dunoon Grammar School

Two pupils from S5 and four from S6 spent two days out of school participating in a leadership course facilitated by Nick Smith from Xpand. These pupils have almost completed an SQA Leadership In Practice course where they had to organise an event such as the Christmas ceilidh or fund raising events for the sailing trip. There were also three trainee outdoor instructors from Benmore outdoor centre on the course as well as David the school language assistant which gave the added challenge to our pupils of interacting with people in a team they were not familiar with. Continue reading Pupils leadership programme at Dunoon Grammar School

Volleyball Tournament at Dunoon Grammar School

Dunoon Grammar School hosted the annual Volleyball Tournament organised by Mrs Fiona McLean on Monday 3 March. The contestants arrived from the various local Primary Schools and the rules were explained to everyone. As normal it was a very well organised event with every child thoroughly enjoying the day! Dunoon Teams A & C made their way to the final with Dunoon Team H losing out to Strachur for third place.

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Dunoon Grammar School – Gymnastics Trip

On Monday 24th February, twenty seven school gymnasts received specialist training at the Inverclyde National Sports Centre, in Largs. The pupils participated in a three hour coaching session led by two professional British Gymnastics Club coaches. The pupils performed to an excellent standard and were commended for the standard of their work by the guest tutors at this Olympic standard facility.

Decorating the Heedie’s Office

Whilst Mr. Mitchell continues to settle in well as new head teacher at Dunoon Grammar School, he felt that his office was still feeling a little bit bare. He approached pupils in the learning centre to see if they could help by providing a few plants. Outdoor learning is a big part of the learning centre curriculum and the pupils rose to the challenge straight away. Pupils painted and decorated containers so that the plants would look attractive in Mr. Mitchell’s office.

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