Some of Dunoon Grammar School’s senior learning centre pupils were delighted to invite local entrepreneurs in to school to talk about their experiences as business people. The pupils are undertaking an ASDAN short course in Enterprise. ASDAN offer a range of certificates and qualifications that allow pupils to work at their own pace and own level, making them ideal for many learning centre pupils. The Enterprise short course, which will take 60 hours to complete, provides opportunities for pupils to develop entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, and how to use these effectively. One module requires students to find out what qualities you need to be a good entrepreneur so pupils thought there could be no better way to find out than to ask some of our communities successful business people. Our visitors answer to this question was that qualities needed include stamina, willingness to work long hours and not have as many holidays as other people might have, good communication skills and to be friendly and helpful even if you’re tired and don’t feel like it. Both visitors said that despite this, they mostly loved having their own business especially as they provide important services to our community and make a very positive difference to people who live here.
Pupils digitally recorded the interview and will go on to make their own spoof radio show about business and enterprise. This will also be recorded and added to the evidence they are collecting in their ASDAN folders. When pupils have completed enough modules over a sufficient number of hours they will then be awarded a certificate which is recognized by both further education institutions and future employers.

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