Monthly Archives: October 2013

Dalmally Fair Trade Café

Primary 3. 4 and 5 of Dalmally Primary school recently organised and hosted a “Fair Trade Café” for friends and family in the community.
The children had been learning about “Fair Trade” and what it means for farmers and producers. The children then made their own fair trade items for sale, costing out their materials and jointly deciding on a “fair” price.
They also baked their own home made cakes using fair trade ingredients and served fair trade tea and coffee.
Continue reading Dalmally Fair Trade Café

Lochdonhead Community Cafe

On Monday the 7th of October, we held our second Community Café at our school. It was a huge success and many members of our community came to visit us. We sold lots of our handmade crafts including books, bookmarks, calendars and Christmas cards. The parents generously provided an abundance of cakes and biscuits to accompany the tea and coffee and it was lovely to catch up with the people who have supported us on our journey to becoming a successful business. Hopefully it will be just as busy next time when we will be holding our first community bingo game!

Port Ellen Pre Five, Our trip to the finlaggan

This term at Port Ellen Pre Five Unit Christopher, Caillin, William, Connor, Katyn, Robyn, Phoenix and Dylan have been reading the fantastic Katie Morag books by Mairi Hederwick. They say;
We love the books and have decided to learn about floating and sinking, ferry boats and we’ve been comparing our lives on Islay to Katie Morag’s on Struay. We have even made our own ferries with help from Caillin’s dad Donald.

Continue reading Port Ellen Pre Five, Our trip to the finlaggan

Cardross Primary Football Winners

Cardross Primary came out on top at the recent HALCO schools Ardencaple Cup Football Tournament. The Tournament was played over two consecutive Friday nights with boys and girls from all of the HALCO school able to participate. It was a great event run by Ardencaple in association with Active Schools.


P6/7 at Rosneath held their Team Captain Election on MONDAY 7TH OCTOBER. The children had worked very hard on their individual campaigns and Jackie Baillie, MSP kindly came to school to watch the Election process from START to FINISH. Jackie commented very positively throughout the morning. The whole school was involved in the process. Some Candidates made a grand entrance to music, one had a trumpet fanfare, one had a drum roll! Then the ALL IMPORTANT campaign speeches.


Islay and Jura Schools Stramash

The P6/7 children from Islay and Jura had a fantastic four days from 24th – 27th September with the Stramash Team, in and around Oban. A brilliant range of activities including coasteering, archery, dinghy sailing and climbing, challenged everyone (including the staff!). The Stramash staff supported us all to do our best, and the team at the Oban YHA looked after us brilliantly. New friendships were made and others rekindled after the Stirling Trip in May. We’re looking forward to lots of shared learning over the rest of this session.

Continue reading Islay and Jura Schools Stramash

3 new ipad training courses at Cardross in 2013

iPads for Beginners
Date: Wednesday 23rd October 3:45pm-5pm Location: Cardross Primary
Places: 30
This course is designed for teachers interested in using an iPad within the classroom but are unsure where to start.
It will cover the very basics of iPad use, such as notes, safari and the camera. This course is not suitable for teachers that are already familiar with this device. Continue reading 3 new ipad training courses at Cardross in 2013

Senior art & design pupils are CAST ACES!

ACES is a major widening participation project at The Glasgow School of Art, funded by the Scottish Funding Council. It encourages S4 – S6 pupils from 90 target schools in the West of Scotland to make informed choices about degree level study in Art & Design and Architecture. Pupils from Campbeltown, Tarbert, Oban and Helensburgh attended two ACES sessions held in Argyll & Bute last week. The ACES team (Dawn and Leanne) delivered an informative day Continue reading Senior art & design pupils are CAST ACES!


Our Primary 7 pupils visited Ardmay Outdoor Centre for a three-day residential course from 24th – 27th September. They had a great time, discovering new talents, making new friends and bulding on existing friendships. During their stay they undertook their Dynamic Youth Award.


Have you seen SALi?

SALi is the sister blog of SAL where our educators can share information, resources and ideas. We have created a new tab above with a link to SALi to make it even easier for our educators to find. The link in the right hand column will be removed soon. Go and have a look at the useful, interesting and up to date content. Please feel free to share any helpful content with your colleagues by following the same instructions for both blogs.

Dunoon Primary School Visit Castle House Museum

Dunoon Primary School’s P5 class visited the Castle House Museum on Thursday 3rd October as part of their Interdisciplinary Topic about Cowal. The children enjoyed learning about Cowal in the past and comparing the differences between now and then! The exhibits they enjoyed most were the film show, replica of the inside of Highland Mary’s House, Victorian Classroom and looking at all the paddle steamers that used to sail up and Doon the Watter!!

Continue reading Dunoon Primary School Visit Castle House Museum

Global Citizenship and IDL at St. Joseph’s, Helensburgh

Assembly at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh this morning was a well attended affair. The children of P2a demonstrated beautifully their learning from their Interdisciplinary Learning Study ‘Handa’s Surprise’ to the whole school (including Pre-5) and to a vast array of proud parents. A plethora of educational experience was in evidence from the creativity of Curriculum for Excellence to the evidenced planned partnership with the local links to the Nora Docherty school in Malawi.

Continue reading Global Citizenship and IDL at St. Joseph’s, Helensburgh

Litter Pick – Lochgilphead Primary Pre-5 Unit

The children at Lochgilphead Primary Pre-5 Unit are currently working towards raising funds to purchase iPads for the nursery and to boost their funds they recently took part in a litter pick along the path towards Kilmory Castle. They very quickly became expert users of the litter pickers and were shocked when they managed to collect three large bags of litter from along the path!

Rockfield P2 visit Oban Fire Station

As part of our “People Who Help Us” topic, the P2 classes visited Oban Fire Station this week. The children were split into two groups, one had a presentation about the role of the Fire Service and how to keep themselves safe in their homes. The other group got to look around the fire engine, climb inside and play with some of the buttons. The children also tried on the fire officer’s uniforms and each had a turn of using the hose, aiming for a traffic cone.

Continue reading Rockfield P2 visit Oban Fire Station


Working Together
On Friday 27th September 2013 P7 and P7/6 pupils from Lochgilphead Primary School worked together to make a successful World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.
Baking Brilliance
The pupils got into groups and followed a recipe using their reading and measuring skills to make scrumptious cakes that hopefully the adults would enjoy. The next day the children enjoyed choosing a variety of icing colours and decorated with different kinds of tasty sprinkles. Continue reading LOCHGILPHEAD PRIMARY SCHOOL MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING

Sunshine Nurture Group High Tea

The Sunshine Room Nurture Group at Parklands School, Helensburgh, have been learning all about Katie Morag and her adventures on the Isle of Struay. They have been taking part in lots of activities including creating drama freeze frames of parts of the story, baking yummy shortbread, inventing musical sounds of the sea with a variety of musical instruments and learning a traditional Scottish dance. To celebrate the pupils’ achievements, Grannies and Granddads were invited to The Sunshine Room for a special Scottish High Tea, everyone said they enjoyed their lovely morning at Parklands.

The British Ecological Society Centenary Awards : Success for Kirn School

Three former pupils of Kirn Primary School travelled down to Birmingham with their former teacher, and some friends and family members to attend the Centenary Awards Ceremony of The British Ecological Society at The Think Tank Science Museum on Thursday, 26th September.

Continue reading The British Ecological Society Centenary Awards : Success for Kirn School

Wind Towers Scotland (Ltd.) and Dalintober PS ‘Community at Heart’ Partnership

Wind Towers Scotland (Ltd.), a company based in Campbeltown, have been involved in a ‘Community at Heart’ programme which sees workforce members assisting organisations who have bid for their time to undertake maintenance projects etc. Dalintober PS placed a bid and was delighted to welcome the team this week. Younger members of the Pupil Council were particularly keen to make sure the visiting team were invited in for lunch, given the horrendous weather! Pictured here are Eve, Tiffany, Fraser and Josh with some of the workmen from Wind Towers Scotland (Ltd.)

“I learned that art is really meaningful and emotional”

This term P7 at Kirn have been finding out about local artists and were fortunate to be invited by Louise Brennan-Stewart to have an afternoon looking around her gallery in Gourock. The Seagull Gallery is the largest private gallery in Inverclyde and houses original art and prints from both local and well known artists. Mrs Brennan-Stewart took P7 around the gallery pointing out some local and internationally known artists, such as Peter Howson. Continue reading “I learned that art is really meaningful and emotional”

Fun Run on Lismore!

Lismore Primary School hosted a Charity Fun Run for the North Lorn Co-op Schools on Tuesday afternoon to raise money for Argyll Beats Cardiovascular Disease. The event was a follow up to last week’s Health and Well-being Day held at Strath of Appin Primary School.
The Lismore children have spent some time planning the event in previous weeks. Continue reading Fun Run on Lismore!