Category Archives: RME


Kilchrenan Primary pupils have been learning about the science of plant with Mrs Love, and now it is time to put their new knowledge into action and develop some practical science skills. They selected a range of vegetables and fruit for their new mini greenhouse: two types of tomato, strawberry, garlic, beetroot, mini cucumbers, cabbage and more. They took time to reassess the state of planters around the school. Some have been thrown out and new ones purchased and planted with differing types of plants to attract different types of insects, all to increase biodiversity in the school grounds. Continue reading SCIENCE IN ACTION


This week was finance week at Port Ellen and all the classes have been involved in learning about money, finishing in a finance fair on Friday Morning. Primary 1&2 have been learning about banks and spreadsheets, and have even started saving their money up for the summer holidays. They ran a bank at the exhibition and showed they could count change, and had even made their own piggy banks. Primary 2&3 had made commonwealth animal banks, which included a wonderful anteater and Kiwi bank.


Park Church Easter Visit 2014

On the 19th March 2014, Colgrain’s Primary 7 pupils spent the day at Park Church learning all about the Easter Story. When we arrived Andy Lang had made an Easter quiz for us to participate in. There were five different workshops held by several volunteers. The workshops included designing our own crucifixion cross to decorate the school hall with, getting our feet washed to represent Jesus cleaning his disciples’ feet, watching an Easter video which taught us about the sentence Jesus was given and lastly about the last supper.

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Hola! World Book Day with an International flavour at Ardchattan!

Ardchattan Primary School have celebrated World Book Day and International School Meals day with fun, food and fantastic fundraising for Mary’s Meals!
It all began six weeks ago at our Community Burns Supper when we announced the start of our Change for Mary’s Meals campaign. We have four of the blue Mary’s Meals mugs, one for each child in our school. Our target was to fill the mugs with enough small change to feed four children in Malawi for a year, a total of about £40.

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Park Primary Fairtrade Fortnight!

Park Primary School has been a Fairtrade School now for over four years. This year the focus for Fairtrade Fortnight was bananas so Primary 3 wrote to local supermarkets Lidl and Tesco who kindly donated Fairtrade bananas to the school! Over the fortnight all classes had a focus on Fairtrade and found creative ways to use the bananas!

Continue reading Park Primary Fairtrade Fortnight!

Catholic Education Week

Catholic Education Week took place from 23 Feb until 01 March 2014 all over Scotland and the children of St. Joseph’s, Helensburgh eagerly took part.

The week started off on Education Sunday (23 February) with the parishioners receiving a report from the school giving a detailed account on developments in Catholic Education from the previous year; this was presented alongside detail of all the plans to develop Catholic Education in the forthcoming week at school. Continue reading Catholic Education Week

Holocaust Memorial Day

Monday 27th January marked Holocaust Memorial Day where communities across the world are asked to come together to remember those affected by genocide. The theme for 2014 is ‘Journeys’ and S3 students at Lochgilphead High School decided to use the Kindertransport, where Jewish children were removed from their families and sent to safety in Britain, as the focus for their presentation to P7 and S2 students in the campus.

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Dalintober held its annual Oxfam Sale recently. Instead of ordering from the Oxfam catalogue we asked for the money to go directly to the people of the Philippenes. The whole school took part by bringing in their toys, games and books. Primary 5 organised the sale and some acted as stall keepers while others helped the customers by being personal shoppers.


School students “Experience Christmas” at Dunoon Grammar School.

Just before the end of last term the first year pupils at DGS had the opportunity to encounter the Christmas story from the bible through a series of interactive stations. The stations were presented by volunteers from local Dunoon churches, and covered stories such as the shepherds near Bethlehem being greeted by an angel, the journey of Mary and Joseph for a Roman census and the wisdom and gifts of the wise men.

Continue reading School students “Experience Christmas” at Dunoon Grammar School.

St. Mun’s Choir Entertain Residents At Ardenlee

It’s always good to give back to the community and when the children of St. Mun’s Choir were asked to entertain the residents at Ardenlee Care Home in Dunoon, they jumped at the chance to do just that.
Resplendent in their uniform and festive Santa hats the children sang a selection of their favourite carols for residents, staff and visitors who clapped along and joined in with their own personal favourites.
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Help for the Philippines

We had a pop up collection on Tuesday 3rd December at break and lunch time. S1 pupils carried the buckets and everyone dropped in some coins. We raised £117.22 which has been sent to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to help with much needed short-term aid such as water purification tablets, food supplies and shelter. As we approach Christmas, we try to imagine the hardships which many people in that part of the world are facing.
A big thank you to the pop up helpers and thanks to everyone for donating!

Dunoon Grammar School – Learning Support Festive Fun Raises Funds for Children and Communities all Over the World

Every year in Dunoon Grammar School, The Learning Support Department hosts a Christmas Fayre to raise money for their chosen charity, ‘World Vision.’ ‘World Vision’ is a charity that helps children and their community to achieve success in far less privileged parts of the world than ours. This year’s event was similar to previous years but unlike previous years, when teachers have organised everything, this year S6 pupil Rebecca Westwood played the coordinating role.
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“Oh no it isn’t!”, “Oh yes it is!” Panto Fun at Small Isles Primary

There were loud shouts of “Oh no it isn’t!” and “Oh yes it is!” on Thursday 12th December when Small Isles Pre-Five and Primary children performed Snow White in the village hall. Audiences in the afternoon and evening were enthralled with tales of evil queens, crazy boffins and poor Snow White, who did, eventually get her prince!

Continue reading “Oh no it isn’t!”, “Oh yes it is!” Panto Fun at Small Isles Primary

Christmas Performances at Dalmally

Dalmally Primary school P1-3 put on a performance of “Cock-a doodle doo Christmas” to a full house. This was followed by a selection of “Christmas Hits” in the style of “Top of the Pops” by P4-7.
The next day the nursery children performed Christmas songs in front of parents, grandparents and friends. They then showed off their learning folders to their visitors who enjoyed finding out about their learning.

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Sleeping Beauty at Castlehill Primary

Last Thursday Castlehill’s P1 and P2 children thoroughly enjoyed entertaining a very large gathering of parents and friends with a musical production of Sleeping Beauty. Cooks, maids, guards, gardeners, thorns, village people, fairies – both good and bad, members of the royal family and a handsome prince all took to the stage to tell the well-known fairy story.

Achaleven & Ardchattan join forces for Nativity

Achaleven and Ardchattan Primaries joined forces this year for their nativity play – The Very Hopeless Camel on Friday 13th December. It’s been great fun rehearsing for it at our schools over the past few weeks, and we’ve enjoyed getting together as well to practice. With the help of Mrs Barlow there have also been lots of wonderful songs to learn.

Continue reading Achaleven & Ardchattan join forces for Nativity

Wonderful Baboushka

Dunoon Primary School Choir performed ‘Baboushka’ at St Johns Church on Sunday 15th December. The busy church were treated to a stupendous performance as the children sang so sweetly and confidently under the direction of our superb Choirmaster Heather Hamlet. The solos were simply marvellous and all the pupils are a credit to their parents and to our school.

Continue reading Wonderful Baboushka

Philosophy News from Oban High School

Pupils from Oban High School’s Philosophy Club appeared at the town’s sheriff court yesterday. But thankfully the bright young things were only staging a mock trial, as they looked deeper into their studies on right and wrong.

The trial was fictitious, but was based on real Scottish law.
The case was of a woman accused of driving dangerously by knocking down a high school pupil and breaking both her legs.