Category Archives: PSE

Strachur P1-4 ‘Trees’ Topic

strachur-tree-topic-1Wow! Primary 1-4 have been learning everything there is to know about TREES! We went a big walk into the forest to collect conkers recently. We also made collages in the playground with various other interesting things we found, for example pine cones and strange shaped twigs!

We made crowns decorated with different shaped leave and petals from wild flowers. Our teacher, Mrs Leyland, told us what trees the leaves had come from.
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‘Dare to be Different’

At the end of August, 19 Park Primary School girls from Primary 6 and 7 attended Dare to be Different at Knockhill Racing Circuit. It was an event organised by Susie Wolf (an ex pupil of Park Primary) to encourage girls into motor racing and to promote the message that gender doesn’t limit your choices. We made a hover craft, experienced go-karting, learned how to do a pit stop, participated in a fitness routine and took part in an interview with Sky Sports and some of us even got on the STV news. It was an amazing day that we will never forget.

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Castlehill Primary School – Macmillan Cancer Support Fundraiser

castlehill-ps-macmillan-fundraiser-2Primary 2/3 and 3/4 held a Macmillan Cancer Support Fundraiser on Friday 23rd September.

P2/3 set their classroom up as a Baker’s Shop and sold delicious home baking while P3/4’s classroom was the cafe where the whole school were served juice and biscuits.

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Salen PS Eco-committee Brave the Weather

salen-ps-sps-eco-comm-1Despite the wind and rain on Tuesday the Eco-committee managed to start a very important task. Many of the shrubs need pruned so the pupils took the opportunity to take soft wood cuttings and pot them up. If they root successfully the shrubs will eventually be planted out in the school grounds and at the school’s planned pond area. The photos show our blueberry and raspberry cuttings.

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Dalintober P4 visits Beinn Ghuilean

dalintober-beinn-g-forest-3As part of their forest topic, Dalintober Primary 4 visited Beinn Ghuillean. They spoke to Wildlife Ranger Kevin McKillop and beat Ranger Barry Bruce. Both men told the children about their jobs in the forest.

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Medieval Historians and Firemen at Furnace Primary School

furnace-and-minard-careers-4-sept-2016Medieval Historians and Firemen – what do they have in common? Furnace Primary children have had active learning sessions from both in the last week. Why? We have been learning about different types of careers as part of our “World of Work” topic and were visited by Dr Steve Marritt from the University of Glasgow Medieval History department (complete with armour) and we visited Lochgilphead Fire Station where we had a tour from David Gilmour the Community Safety Officer.

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Dalintober Primary 7 Lunchtime Buddies

Dalintober Buddy 2Primary 7s have quickly started to learn about their new roles of responsibility by assisting the new Primary 1 pupils at lunchtimes. Each P1 pupil has a P7 buddy who helps them throughout the lunch break. The Primary 7s have all enthusiastically risen to the challenge and are demonstrating a range of leaderships skills such as good communication, empathy and organisation. Later in the session the P7s will run sports and art lunchtime clubs for other pupils in the school. The Lunchtime Buddy scheme is giving them the skills they will need for these more challenging roles.

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Tarbert Academy reaches Rio!

Tarbert PS Viewpoint AlexanderInspired by the Team GB ‘Get Set for Rio’ challenge, Primary 7/6 started regular running in September to try to cover the distance of 9450 km from Tarbert to Rio de Janeiro before the Olympic Games start there this summer.

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Cardross den 1Pupils at Cardross Primary had great fun on our recent Green Day whilst learning important survival skills, starting with an assembly for Save The Children Den Day. Mrs Adirangga shared with us her experience of an Earthquake and Tsunami when living in an area known as the Ring of Fire and how she helped a community build emergency shelters.

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