Category Archives: PSE

Taynuilt Primary School Charles Rennie Mackintosh

taynuilt-charles-rennie-mackiintosh-project-dec-2016Taynuilt Primary 6 and 7 enjoyed a visit from Mr Bruce Jamieson of Greenspace. He came to discuss our recent project on Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Ms Burger hosted the event with a question and answer session followed by presentations by the children in pairs to Mr Jamieson. The children learned about the current renovation of a Mackintosh property in Helensburgh and were so interested in the project they have formed a School Trip Focus Group to plan and organise a visit to Helensburgh to both the new project and the Hill House. Watch this space…

Kirn’s Christmas of Kindness

kirn-christmas-kindnessKirn Primary School have been in a whirl of activity lately, celebrating Christmas with our community. Our annual Community Tea with Christmas Concert for elderly members of our community was a great success. All our guests enjoyed their tea, scones and mince pies, served up by Primary 6 children while watching each class perform a beautiful Christmas song.

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Kirn P3-2 visit Benmore Cafe : Food for Thought

kirn-benmore-cafe-1As part of our Food for Thought topic Primary 4/3 from Kirn Primary visited Benmore Cafe with Miss Campbell. We were allowed to go behind the counter and into the kitchens to see where all the delicious food is prepared. Then we sat in the cafe, looked at the menus and had our lunch. The lovely people at the Cafe gave us some tasters to experiment with different flavours.

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Dalintober PS Pupil Council’s ‘Tasty Tuck’ Promotion

dalintober-liam-tasty-tuck-salDalintober PS Pupil Council’s ‘Tasty Tuck’ ‘Tasty Tuck Team’ Hit Dalintober PS
This month, the ‘Tasty Tuck Team’, aka Dalintober Primary’s Pupil Council members, launched their annual initiative to encourage pupils to bring in healthy snacks for playtimes. They sold some tasty morsels – fruit, pitta breads and crackers – as suggestions and these ‘tasters’ went down a treat with their fellow pupils. Following the current project’s run; they hope that parents and pupils will continue to promote the healthy eating message. The ‘Tasty Tuck Team’ would like to thank Miss Flaws, Miss McCallum, Mr Strang and the staff of Tesco Campbeltown for their help.

Dalintober PS and ELC ‘Citizenship’ Moderation Week

dalintober-p1-cit-weekDalintober PS and ELC pupils, teachers and partners recently planned, moderated and evaluated a Citizenship Week across the whole school. The focus was on rights and responsibilities, questioning, fact & opinion and bias & persuasion, ranging from local to global issues and priorities.

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‘Twelve days of Christmas’ to Malawi

rhu-puppet-co-malawiThe P5 Pupils of Rhu Primary brought the ‘Twelve days of Christmas’ to Malawi.
Through their script writing, puppet making and puppet show performances they raised over £500 for the Nora Docherty School. At the end of term service the school will perform the song the Twelve days of Christmas with new words telling of the equipment sent. Happy Christmas Malawi!

Magic Castle Celebrations at Rhu Primary

rhu-magic-castle-1-parentThe P4 children at Rhu Primary recently celebrated their hard work for ‘The Magic Castle topic’ with friends and family. The pupils held an open afternoon where they gave visitors a guided tour of the ‘Great Hall’. Wall displays included Suits of Armour, Castle Maps, Fantasy Broomsticks, Owl collages, Secret Panels and even a Magic Spell Recipe book! The children also demonstrated how to build a catapult using lolly sticks and elastic bands!

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World War Two Tea Dance at Rhu Primary School

rhu-ww1-tea-danceTo mark the end of their World War 1 and 2 studies Primary 7 pupils celebrated in style with a 1945 inspired Tea Dance. As well as baking delicious ‘Anzac’ biscuits the pupils delved into their ration books and had sufficient coupons to make ‘carrot cookies’. Throughout the term the children have been learning how to jive and completed the day by sharing their newly acquired dance skills with their parents.

5th Green Flag!

rhu-5th-green-flagRhu Primary School remain ‘Evergreen’, as we celebrate our 5th Green Flag. Christmas came early as the pupils received the joyous news. We were congratulated on our achievements in the topics of Biodiversity and Food in the Environment. We were also commended on our on-going beach cleans, which we have extended to the play park and Ardenconnel Woods. Eco Scotland were particularly impressed by our work on anti-dog fouling which was greatly appreciated by our local residents. The pupils are busily making plans to celebrate this great achievement in the New Year and we look forward to sharing this soon.

Tartan Tea Dance at Rhu Primary

rhu-tartan-tea-1On Friday 9th December, Primary 1 & 2 of Rhu Primary hosted a Tartan Tea Dance to celebrate their learning from their Scottish topic. The boys and girls danced traditional Scottish dances such as ‘The Canadian Barn Dance’ and ‘The Rhu Gordons’ and then invited their parents up to dance. They also sang Scottish themed songs, such as ‘Ya Cannae Shove Yer Granny Off A Bus’, ‘Katie Bairdie’ and ‘3 Craws’.

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Rothesay Primary Nativity!

rps-nativity-2-dec-2016The boys and girls of Primary 1 brought a fabulous ‘Noisy Nativity’ to the United Church of Bute on Wednesday 14th December. The whole school joined in with all the songs with such gusto that Rev Jones said the roof nearly came off the church! Our P7 narrators helped keep everything on track and we all ooohed as the kings presented their gifts to the baby Jesus.

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Book Week Scotland

rps-book-week-1-dec-2016Book Week Scotland at Rothesay Joint Campus This year when the Bookbug Primary 1 Family bags arrived, they were taken away by S2 who planned a series of lessons to bring the books alive. With Mrs Sullivan and Mr Gault to help, the pupils got together to read the stories and do follow up activities to help really understand the characters and the different story lines.

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Hermitage Primary School P7 Technology Challenge

hermitage-ps-dec-2016-tech-challenge-1On Tuesday 6th December the Hermitage Primary School P7 Technology Challenge came to a close with the group presentations to an audience of invited judges and guests. Using skills in Technology, Maths, Language, Science and PSD, the pupils had to work in cooperative groups to plan and design a working electrical vehicle which was supported by a good business plan. They kept track of their progress in a booklet using the Book Creator Ipad app and delivered their presentations supported by a Keynote presentation

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Strachur Chess Lunch Club

strachur-chess-club-1-nov-2016We were very excited to welcome Elspeth and Tony from the Rotary in Dunoon into Strachur Primary for our very first Chess Lunch Club. It was open to Primary 6 and 7 pupils, although some younger children did choose to watch! We had some children who had played before and some beginners, so thank goodness we had Elspeth and Tony to teach them the game. Chess Lunch Club will continue every Wednesday.

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Strachur Primary 6 Young Leaders

strachur-young-leaders-2016Primary 6 pupils were trained as ‘Young Leaders’ on Wednesday 23rd November. They will be able to organise games for the younger children at playtimes and run a lunchtime activities club too. Well done Primary 6 and thank you Ruairidh at Active Schools for running the training.

Easdale Primary Remembrance

easdale-remembrance-3-nov-2016Helen Glennie, Ron Hetherington and Colonel Tim Sinclair came into give us a talk on Remembrance and showed us a display. Helen told us about some of the people who were from Seil, Easdale and Luing who died in World War 1. Tim told us about why we do remembrance and what it is for as well as why we wear poppies. Tim came in his uniform and told us about his medals and rank.

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Minard PS Win CRNS School Challenge

minard-crns-4-conference-2016This month Minard Primary fought off stiff competition from across Scotland to win a national competition for its innovative ways of making waste go for further.
Instead of using traditional recycling methods for disposing of waste paper, pupils at Minard Primary School have been turning it into recycled paper briquettes which can then be used in the community as fuel. As a result of this ingenious idea, Minard Primary was crowned the winner of the Community Resources Network Scotland (CRNS) School Challenge Competition.
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‘The Legend of the Golden Dragon’ & ‘The Da Vinci Trio’ at Castlehill

castlehill-golden-dragon-1The children of Castlehill Primary school enjoyed a super performance by West Midlands Children’s Theatre Company on Friday 4th November. The Legend of the Golden Dragon had the children in suspense and Jamie and Rachel took part in the performance and played their parts brilliantly.

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