Category Archives: Literacy


P6/7 at Rosneath held their Team Captain Election on MONDAY 7TH OCTOBER. The children had worked very hard on their individual campaigns and Jackie Baillie, MSP kindly came to school to watch the Election process from START to FINISH. Jackie commented very positively throughout the morning. The whole school was involved in the process. Some Candidates made a grand entrance to music, one had a trumpet fanfare, one had a drum roll! Then the ALL IMPORTANT campaign speeches.


Global Citizenship and IDL at St. Joseph’s, Helensburgh

Assembly at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh this morning was a well attended affair. The children of P2a demonstrated beautifully their learning from their Interdisciplinary Learning Study ‘Handa’s Surprise’ to the whole school (including Pre-5) and to a vast array of proud parents. A plethora of educational experience was in evidence from the creativity of Curriculum for Excellence to the evidenced planned partnership with the local links to the Nora Docherty school in Malawi.

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Sunshine Nurture Group High Tea

The Sunshine Room Nurture Group at Parklands School, Helensburgh, have been learning all about Katie Morag and her adventures on the Isle of Struay. They have been taking part in lots of activities including creating drama freeze frames of parts of the story, baking yummy shortbread, inventing musical sounds of the sea with a variety of musical instruments and learning a traditional Scottish dance. To celebrate the pupils’ achievements, Grannies and Granddads were invited to The Sunshine Room for a special Scottish High Tea, everyone said they enjoyed their lovely morning at Parklands.


On Friday of last week some very excited children from our school arrived at the Your Radio Studios in Dumbarton. The visit was part of our Interdisciplinary topic on Entertainment.



Pupils attend Q&A session with ‘Chief Internet Evangelist’ Dr. Vint Cerf

Four pupils from Dunoon Grammar School recently attended a question and answer session with Dr Vinton G Cerf, an American computer scientist, who is recognised as one of only two “fathers of the Internet” and is currently employed as Google’s Chief Internet Evangelist.


Small Isles visit Glasgow

As part of their work about Crofting Connections, the P5-7 at Small Isles Primary school had a very exciting day when they went to the Kelvingrove museum in Glasgow on Tuesday 17th September. They went to attend a party to open their exhibition which was about crofting in the past, present and future on Jura. Lots of people who had connections with Jura came to see it too. The P5-7s also took part in a Rainforest Explorers work shop which was great fun. They looked around the museum all day long and had a VIP guided tour around it. Continue reading Small Isles visit Glasgow

Port Charlotte at Mod Dhalriada

Mòd Dhailriada 2013

On the 21st of September we went to the Lochgilphead Mòd for a day trip. The choir went to sing in the unison competition and the puirt a beul. We came third in the unison competition and in the puirt a beul we came joint first along with Bowmore Primary School.

Continue reading Port Charlotte at Mod Dhalriada

John Logie Baird P7 visit to The Scottish Parliament

Primary 7 at John Logie Baird Primary School made the long trip through to Edinburgh recently to visit the Scottish Parliament. After a visit to the Education Centre where we learned about the history of the parliament in Scotland and where asked to use our brains, we went on a tour of the building. We were lucky enough to be allowed into the Debating Chamber and learned many interesting facts about that room such as where the Presiding Officer sits and just how busy the reporters for the parliament are! Did you know they have to write down every word that is spoken inside the Debating Chamber? Continue reading John Logie Baird P7 visit to The Scottish Parliament

Roald Dahl Day

Minard Primary Mischief and Mayhem

Pupils from Minard Primary School enjoyed a day of fun celebrating Roald Dahl day and the BFG’s 30th birthday. They made (and ate) Swizzlechew, practised usng imaginative adjectives like Violet Beauregarde as she chewed her gum,enjoyed the magical story of the BFG especially whizzpopping and viewed the live broadcast with Michael Rosen chatting with Lucy Dahl. A great way to end the week.

Felting at Benmore Gardens

On Thursday 5th September P5 and P7 spent an amazing day at Benmore Botanical Gardens with their teachers and support staff. On Friday 6th September P6/5 and P7/6 also enjoyed a fabulous day at Benmore. Cath and Katie from the Education Service in Edinburgh’s Botanical Gardens were the superb instructors during the visits. Each class got the fantastic opportunity to make felt, incorporating an image of a plant or greenery. These had been freshly picked from the gardens to provide inspiration for the felting project.

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Dalintober PS Links With Explore Campbeltown

Pupils from Dalintober PS have been working closely on enterprising projects with local organisation Explore Campbeltown. The organisation is a website which promotes local businesses and their products. Pupils have made posters which will go on display around the town and on the new ferry which links Campbeltown to Arran and Ardrossan. The next enterprise activity for Dalintober PS pupils is to decorate ‘Penny Jars’ to be placed in local shops to raise funds for Campbeltown Christmas Lights Group and CGS4Gambia. The school is delighted to be linked to this very worthwhile venture.

Iona Primary welcomes a very special VIP

Iona Primary School children were amazed when the Northern Ireland Minister for Justice popped in yesterday to thank them for a gift. David Ford from Stormont Castle came to thank the children for the very special book about Iona that the pupils had lovingly made from scratch (including the paper).
Former Head Teacher, Liz Kennedy, had had the inspired idea for this special book to be transported in the coracle that was sailing to Ireland as part of the St Columba’s Celebrations at the end of term. In memory of the journey of the famous Book of Kells. Continue reading Iona Primary welcomes a very special VIP

Rothesay Post Card Event

Thank you to everyone who sent postcards for the World Record Postcard Event. These are being passed to Guiness for approval.
The Post Cards will be part of an art instillation at the Cabbie’s Rest in the last weekend of July.
We will still accept post cards for the installation over the next month so if you or your pupils have are away over the next few weeks please feel free to carry on writing! Continue reading Rothesay Post Card Event

Barcaldine & Ardchattan win an Oscar!

Over the last few months Sam Harrison of Open Ground has been working with several schools on making outdoor films. The project involved children exploring their own habitat and then when back in the classroom decide how to make and produce their own film. Sam Harrison joined each school for two days when one day was spent exploring their own landscapes and then acting out their ideas. When Sam Harrison came back for his second visit, schools then had an idea of where their film was going and all Sam had to do was film it. Continue reading Barcaldine & Ardchattan win an Oscar!

P1-3 Gaelic Katie Morag Day on the Isle of Tiree

Primary 1-3 Gaelic had a lovely Katie Morag afternoon to round off their Katie Morag theme last Thursday at Tiree Primary. Parents and family were invited (especially Grannies!) to watch and listen to the children display their work and we also had a very unexpected guest who just had time to squeeze in reading one our favourite Katie Morag stories! The children showed off their Katie Morag puppets and read some of their imaginary Katie Morag stories before leading their parents on a tour of their work. We hope Granny Mainland made her way to the Isle of Struay for her holidays!

Barcaldine Australian themed day with goodbyes to Mrs Morrison and Mrs MacEachen

Our topic for this term was Australia and it seemed fitting that we finish off the term with an Aussie day!! We were all prepared with our Aussie style hats (corks and all!!), green and yellow colours, several boomerangs as well as a didgeridoo.
Parent Council members kindly offered to make us our lunch – Australian style!! We had a variety of meats cooking on the BBQ with salads and rolls to go along with them. We finished off our lunch with ice-cream cones with an Australian flag instead of a flake!!
Continue reading Barcaldine Australian themed day with goodbyes to Mrs Morrison and Mrs MacEachen

Total Green School Awards 2013

The pupils and staff at Lochdonhead Primary School are delighted to hear that they are the winners of the Totally Active category for Scotland in the Total Green School Awards 2013. Our entry was about all the work we have done in our school grounds over the last year. We had to decide what we wanted to do with our grounds, work out how to achieve it, and we have ended up with a ‘story glen’ based on an old Gaelic tale ‘Iolaire Loch Treig’.

Continue reading Total Green School Awards 2013

Rothesay Postcard Event

Pupils at St Andrews Primary, Rothesay are pictured holding just a few of the postcards received over a weekend in May from all over the world.
Well done to everyone who took part in the Postcard to Rothesay World Record Event. Over 400 postcards have been received from as far a field as Japan, Canada, Australia, Spain, Italy! More info about the record to follow.
The plan is to have all the postcards on display in the Cabbie’s Rest at Rothesay Pier in late July, actual date to be finalised.
Continue reading Rothesay Postcard Event