Category Archives: Communities

Marjorie Boxall Quality Mark Award.’

Parklands MBQMAThere were celebrations today as Parklands School were presented with the prestigious ‘ The award is in recognition of good practice within nurture classes, awarded by the Nurture Group Network. Parklands School is the first school in Argyll and Bute to receive this accolade and joins only another 100 schools in the UK to be accredited with the award.

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Transition Week at Dalintober Pre Five Unit

Dalintober PRE 5 TransitionsTransition Week at Dalintober Pre Five Unit
Monday 18th May until Friday 22nd May

Last week Dalintober Primary School held their Transition Week for children in the Pre Five Unit who will be moving up to Primary One in August.

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Dunoon Primary School showcase ‘Project Spark’ and ‘Vex IQ’ Robotics

DPS Project Spark 1At the Technology Showcase event at Dunoon Grammar School on Saturday 23rd May, pupils from Dunoon Primary School showcased a new powerful coding game called Project Spark. Using this software, children are able to build and play on their own worlds, stories and games.

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Commander Riches opens the Community Covenant Sports Facilities at Cardross

Cardross Sports Day 3Cardross Primary held their annual sports day yesterday. After the tradition races, Commander Riches OBE from HMNB Clyde cut the ribbon and opened the new school sports courts.

The courts were funded by a successful community covenant bid and have been named after naval ships, boats and colleges that are significant to our armed forces pupils.

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Music with Phillip Stewart at DPS!

DPS Guitar 2Primary 6 and Primary 7 were treated to learning about the bass guitar from a former Dunoon Primary pupil Phillip Stewart! Phillip has been busy studying for an Honours Degree in Professional Musicianship at the British & Irish Modern Music Institute.
Phillip explained to the class how the bass guitar is built and the importance of a bass guitar in a band. He also told the class how he began his musical journey. Some were surprised to hear that it actually began in Dunoon Primary School playing the chanter with Mr Campbell!
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Butterflies….at Garelochhead Primary

Garelochhead Butterflies 1Primary 1 and Primary 3/2 at Garelochhead primary have been looking after butterflies. They watched them grow from very tiny caterpillars, to huge big ones, before they turned into chrysalises. The butterflies took their time turning into butterflies and then they were set free. Primary 3/2 collected lots of natural things from the garden to make the butterflies at home in their habitat. The classes were very excited to see that the butterflies liked to eat fruit. Both classes enjoyed exploring the life cycle through observations of the real thing.

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The Sunshine Room Nurture Group Farm Visit

Parklands Farm 1The Sunshine Room Nurture Group from Parklands School have been reading the novel Charlotte’s Web, to find out more about life on a farm they visited Mid Auchencarroch Farm in Jamestown. They met John the farmer who told them what life was like living and working on a farm, they got to meet a calf that was born only the day before and they learned about how to care for lambs. Continue reading The Sunshine Room Nurture Group Farm Visit

Tayvallich win the Mid-Argyll inter-school quiz

Tayvallich win Mid Argyll inter schools quizOn Tuesday the 12th of May Tayvallich and Ardrishaig competed in the final of the resurrected Mid-Argyll inter-school quiz. After a hard fought final Tayvallich emerged the winner. It was a very exciting final and the teams were only a point apart before the final round. Congratulations and well done to both teams for their hard work. The final was held in Kilmory Chambers and vice-provost, Dougie Philand, presented the shield to the winners and the salver to the runners-up.

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Kirn’s P6 have “the BEST time EVER” at Ardentinny

Kirn Ardentiny 1Kirn Primary’s P6 children had an amazing time at Ardentinny Outdoor Centre and in just under four days managed to rock-hop, safari on the seashore, abseil, waterfall climb, forest walk, orienteer, eat great food, disco and have the Best Time EVER! Everyone had a fantastic time and lots of happy memories to bring home.

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Dunoon Primary School Choir wow the crowds at Daffodil Tea!

DPS Daffodil Tea 1st May 2015 2Dunoon Primary School hosted their Annual Daffodil Tea on Tuesday 28th April. The Choir sang a selection of their favourite songs. The afternoon show was well attended by Senior Citizens from our local Community and the children presented a well rehearsed selection of songs e.g. Skyscraper Wean, Under the Sea and Colours of the Wind. The varied song choices and actions to the songs gave the delighted audience ‘the wow factor’.

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Rosneath Crosss Country 1Rosneath Primary took part in the above event with other Helensburgh & Lomond Primary Schools on Thursday 23rd April. What a glorious morning! Ideal weather, ideal terrain under foot, lots of enthusiastic Runners.
All personal goals achieved and the Finish Line crossed!
Many thanks to Margery Taylor (Lomond) and Martin Caldwell for superb organisation and to Lomond for their hospitality.



Rosneath Cross Country 1On Saturday 18th April in the grounds of Kirkcaldy High School, Fife, Team Rosneath joined 1,000 other P6 and P7 pupils for the 28th Annual Cross Country Championships. What a hard course, what a challenge but our athletes ALL crossed that all important Finish Line!

Continue reading WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY FOR A “WEE” RUN!!!

A feast of Local Foods at Salen Primary Health Day

Health Day Salen PS2Primary 6 pupils from Salen, Lochdonhead and Ulva Primary schools treated all staff and pupils to a lunch of locally produced food as the highlight of Health Day where the theme was Healthy Eating. They took over the school kitchen for the morning and, under the guidance of sous chef Michael Shannon from the Western Isles Hotel, assisted by Iona, and Eilidh and Debbie from the school kitchen, they prepared and served a feast of wonderful Mull produce which had been kindly donated by local producers.
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Parents Open Evening at Strone Primary School

Strone PS Parents Evening 1 April 2015Last Thursday, Parents of Strone Primary School were invited to attend our Open Learning Evening, where pupils had a chance to show off their learning this term. As a culmination of this term’s Tuesday Afternoon Skills Clubs, Parents were treated to delicious Rocky Road and Fruit Kebabs prepared by the Cooking Club, a guided tour of our Pop Art Gallery by the pupils involved in the Art Club, and they were also able to see examples of work displayed by the Science and Technology and Music Clubs.

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Spring Tea at Garelochhead PS

Garelochhead PS Spring Tea1Yesterday, families and friends of Garelochhead PS were treated to tea, coffee and biscuits to celebrate the start of British summer time. Lots of people turned up and were entertained during the event with songs from all the classes and an Easter ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ created by P7. Although the winner didn’t get a million pounds, they did receive some homemade Millionaire’s shortbread.

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Kirn’s P7 Great Spaghetti Marshmallow Challenge!

KIRN PS P7 Challenge 1It was Open Day in P7 and we invited parents, grandparents and carers to come in and join us with the Spaghetti Marshmallow Challenge!
Each team was made up with P7 children, one or two parents or helpers, 100 sticks of raw spaghetti, 20 marshmallows and just 30 minutes. The challenge was to build the highest tower using just these materials, plus lots of communication skills, teamwork, determination, creativity, problem solving and speed!

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Oban High’s XL Group

OHS XL Club 1Pupils from Oban High’s XL Group have been working in the Community Garden at Glencruitten run by H2O. They have been building planters to help disabled people access planting and benches for people to sit and admire the gardens. They have been working towards their Community Project for XL and their Dynamic Youth Awards for helping others in the community.

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Chicks Hatched and Re-homed at St. Joseph’s!

St Joes LIVING EGGS  2‘One of the best projects our school has ever done!’….quote from one of the admiring parents as she viewed the newly hatched chicks recently at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh. 11 fertilised eggs had been purchased by the school in the middle of March to bring alive the learning in P3 and P6 as they studied ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of The Dark’ and ‘Animals around the World’ respectively.

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