Category Archives: Events

Salen Primary Star Jumper

keira-trophy-480x640P7 pupil, Keira Munro, proudly shows her shield. Keira and Toby won the O’Donnell Shield at the Pony Club Working Hunter Show for having the most points over all. Well done, Keira. You were up against older and more experienced competitors. Keira had previously managed to achieve a 2nd and two 3rds for show jumping at the Salen Show in August. We look forward to following your Pony Club career. Continue reading Salen Primary Star Jumper

‘Dare to be Different’

At the end of August, 19 Park Primary School girls from Primary 6 and 7 attended Dare to be Different at Knockhill Racing Circuit. It was an event organised by Susie Wolf (an ex pupil of Park Primary) to encourage girls into motor racing and to promote the message that gender doesn’t limit your choices. We made a hover craft, experienced go-karting, learned how to do a pit stop, participated in a fitness routine and took part in an interview with Sky Sports and some of us even got on the STV news. It was an amazing day that we will never forget.

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Castlehill Primary School – Macmillan Cancer Support Fundraiser

castlehill-ps-macmillan-fundraiser-2Primary 2/3 and 3/4 held a Macmillan Cancer Support Fundraiser on Friday 23rd September.

P2/3 set their classroom up as a Baker’s Shop and sold delicious home baking while P3/4’s classroom was the cafe where the whole school were served juice and biscuits.

Continue reading Castlehill Primary School – Macmillan Cancer Support Fundraiser


gold-for-arinagour-swimming-trip-sept-2016Pupils and staff are delighted that the school has won this award from Sportscotland for a second time. The award is recognition of our school’s achievements in putting physical education and sport at the heart of the school. We are committed to ensuring that there are opportunities for every pupil to engage in physical education, school sport and ultimately go on to enjoy life long participation in sport and physical activity.

REMINDER: Professional Learning Community – Supporting Armed Forces Families

professional-learning-communityFor the past three years, primary, secondary and third sector staff in Helensburgh and Lomond have met together to form a Professional Learning Community (PLC) with the collective aims of:
• understanding the practical, emotional, educational and social challenges children from Armed Forces families face as a result deployment or mobility;
• identifying strategies for supporting children within both teaching and pastoral roles;
• sharing good practice and resources, and supporting each other. Continue reading REMINDER: Professional Learning Community – Supporting Armed Forces Families

Roald Dahl day Celebrations at Kilcreggan Primary School

20160913_091448_resizedP4/5 successfully organised a super Roald Dahl Day Celebration for all the pupils. This year Roald Dahl day was very special as we are celebrating 100 years since the birth of this amazing author. P4/5 took on the task of organising the whole day. The class worked in teams- publicity team (proof read posters and put them up around school, photographed the day, will write up the day for publicity), finance team (collected money from classes, deposited it with Mrs Evans), administration team(made class lists, created tickets, named and delivered tickets) and the events team (co-ordinated the day). Continue reading Roald Dahl day Celebrations at Kilcreggan Primary School

St Joseph’s P4/3 and the BFG!

tower-1P4/3 of St Joseph’s were delighted to attend a private screening of the BFG last week at the local Tower in Helensburgh! A particular treat for any child, but for P4/3 it was a fantastic way of bringing to the big screen their IDL for this term – the BFG! Children were able to walk the distance to the Tower and were so excited to have the opportunity. It was an excellent way to witness excellent community planned partnership and the children are all now ready to further their studies of the book – thanks once again to the personnel of the Tower!

Dalintober PTA Coffee Evening Fundraiser Success

coffee-evening-sal-2Members of the Dalintober PS & ELC community enjoyed a very successful and busy Coffee Evening, organised by the school’s PTA. The event included a baking stall, raffles, a nail bar, ‘Hit the Target’ and refreshments. A fantastic sum of £1150 was raised on the evening. Thank you to all involved. Continue reading Dalintober PTA Coffee Evening Fundraiser Success

Grandparents’ Day at Rothesay Primary Pre5

grandparents-day7The boys and girls at Rothesay Primary Pre5 were delighted to welcome lots of grannies, grandpas, papas, grans, pops, nans and nanas to our nursery recently. As you can see, all our visitors were keen to join in the fun from painting to play dough to singing and dancing! They thought our nursery was a great place to learn and make new friends. We even got a lovely letter from Georgia’s gran asking for another visit soon! Continue reading Grandparents’ Day at Rothesay Primary Pre5


120Dalintober ELC, P1 and P2 children are going to be busy over the coming year raising funds for 3 children they have sponsored from Gambia. To start us off we had a fundraising event of ‘Beat the Goalie’ and we will be participating in monthly ‘Fun Friday’ events to raise money for Falou, Alasanna and Fatoumata who attend Jarrol Nursery in Gambia. We will continue to work in partnership with CGS4 Gambia and look forward to hearing updates on the children’s progress throughout the year. Continue reading DALINTOBER ELC, P1 AND P2 CHILDREN SPONSOR GAMBIA CHILDREN

Eco brambling

salen-eco-1-sept-2016The Eco-committee, Gill and Caroline harvested some brambles which will be used to make jam. Later in the week the whole school will get to sample the jam. We can’t wait.

An unusual helper popped up in the shape of 11 year old tortoise, Humphrey. He lives near the school and loves company.

Continue reading Eco brambling

Medieval Historians and Firemen at Furnace Primary School

furnace-and-minard-careers-4-sept-2016Medieval Historians and Firemen – what do they have in common? Furnace Primary children have had active learning sessions from both in the last week. Why? We have been learning about different types of careers as part of our “World of Work” topic and were visited by Dr Steve Marritt from the University of Glasgow Medieval History department (complete with armour) and we visited Lochgilphead Fire Station where we had a tour from David Gilmour the Community Safety Officer.

Continue reading Medieval Historians and Firemen at Furnace Primary School

Coding at Minard and Furnace Primaries

furance-and-minard-coding-1Pupils at Minard and Furnace Primaries were very fortunate last week to have developed their coding skills through two mini-technology days led by Steven Simpson of Argyll & Bute Council. The technology days came about as a result of pupil feedback saying they were really keen to learn more about coding. Steven came along to both primaries armed with Raspberry Pi, Lego We Do 2.0 (programmable lego) and ‘Flying Spiders’ (drones). Steven also showed us how to make mini-film trailers using Ipads.
Continue reading Coding at Minard and Furnace Primaries