Category Archives: School trips

Barcaldine visit Tesco

Barcaldine Primary School recently went along to Tesco in Oban to take part in their Farm to Food workshop.

The school children were met by Nicola Robertson who was wearing a lovely, bright yellow apron – certainly a beacon to follow because Tesco is huge!

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Band news from Islay……

Members of Islay High School Band and the Primary Schools Band travelled to Glasgow last Thursday 20th March. While we were in Glasgow the children heard and worked with world class professional musicians, and had a fantastic tour of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Both Bands also competed at the Mid Argyll Music Festival and played very well indeed, and as an added bonus the Primary Band was awarded the” Helen & Hugh Smith Trophy”. The photo was taken on the steps of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

Barcaldine go back in time!

Barcaldine Primary School’s interdisciplinary topic for this term is The Victorians.
After all our research into the Victorian era it seemed a good idea to go long to visit the Victorian School in Scotland Street, Glasgow. The children got a chance to walk around the museum and see where the children went to class, where they played and even noticed the outside loo – thank goodness we had modern ones inside the museum! However, they did find it strange that the boys went in one door whilst the girls went through another but also that the infants had their own entrance as well/ Continue reading Barcaldine go back in time!

Victorian CCTV Camera – or Camera Obscura: You Decide.

Pupils from Lochgilphead High School Princes Trust 3xl group spent 3 days in Edinburgh as part of their photography project. They stayed at the wonderfully equipped Forth Lodge based in Bonaly outdoor centre. The group visited the Camera Obscura to learn about different aspects of imagery, textures and optical illusions. There were 5 floors full of new and exciting interactive fun. The Camera Obscura advertises itself as the ‘eye in the sky’ Kieran McDonald of the group describes it as an early version of CCTV Continue reading Victorian CCTV Camera – or Camera Obscura: You Decide.

Barcaldine PS iPad Training

The pupils from Barcaldine Primary School were invited to attend the ‘Raising Attainment’ Conference on Monday 10th March 2014.  The very enthusiastic  class were delighted  to have been asked to display the work they have been doing with their iPads in the classroom and how technology has become part of every lesson they have.  The pupils were asked lots of questions by the visitors to their stall and they were able to answer very confidently and clearly.  Maggie Irving held a workshop and the pupils were delighted to have been asked to assist her.  They showed a number of people who attended the workshop how they could use iPads to promote literacy learning and how much they enjoy learning in this way.

Sal Team of DPS at Oban ‘Raising Attainment’ Conference

Dunoon Primary’s magnicifent Sal Team attended the ‘Raising Attainment’ Conference in Oban on Tuesday 11 March 2014. The enthusiastic pupils were thrilled to be asked to have a stall displaying their IT skills in Raspberry Pi, Lego We Do and EV3. Their stall was very busy and the pupils displayed very confident clear answers to any questions asked by the visitors. Gary Clark held a workshop and the pupils were delighted to be invited to assist him. The audience asked them lots of questions and they explained the various aspects of the software and how they enjoyed using it. Continue reading Sal Team of DPS at Oban ‘Raising Attainment’ Conference


Primary five at Dalintober Primary School worked with Kilmartin Museum on a very exciting bird project. First the children, accompanied by Julia Hamilton and Kate Moody form Kilmartin Museum, examined stuffed birds and then they walked round the harbour in Campbeltown to see the real thing. They also visited Campbeltown Museum to see where an exhibition of their work would be. Photographer Philip Price came to school to teach photography skills and these were used in the afternoon when the class visited Machrihanish. Continue reading KILMARTIN MUSEUM AND DALINTOBER PRIMARY

Raising Attainment Conference 2014.

At Bowmore Primary School, we have been working hard on our amazing garden project. It was admired by Mr Don McAllister and he invited us to attend this conference. All the head teachers of Argyll and Bute were going to be there – we were very excited. We had to get up in time for the 7:00am on Monday 10th March to catch the ferry to Kennacraig. We met Mrs MacDougall and Ms Gilbert at Port Ellen. Our parent helper, Mr Swarbrick drove us there as he was coming with us. Continue reading Raising Attainment Conference 2014.

Pupils leadership programme at Dunoon Grammar School

Two pupils from S5 and four from S6 spent two days out of school participating in a leadership course facilitated by Nick Smith from Xpand. These pupils have almost completed an SQA Leadership In Practice course where they had to organise an event such as the Christmas ceilidh or fund raising events for the sailing trip. There were also three trainee outdoor instructors from Benmore outdoor centre on the course as well as David the school language assistant which gave the added challenge to our pupils of interacting with people in a team they were not familiar with. Continue reading Pupils leadership programme at Dunoon Grammar School

The Scottish Book Awards

Primary 1 – 3 pupils from Strone Primary School had a very exciting day out in Glasgow on Wednesday 5th March, attending the Scottish Children’s Book Awards at the Mitchell Library. All the pupils at Strone have been reading the shortlisted titles and voted online for their favourites. At the awards, pupils were able to get their own books signed by the authors and watched the ceremony as the winners were announced.
More literacy themed activities were enjoyed on Thursday 6th March when pupils took part in World Book Day and dressed up as their favourite book characters.

Dunoon Grammar School – Higher German Film Trip

On Wednesday 12th January, the Higher German class braved the wild seas to make their way to the Glasgow Film Theatre to view the German film “I feel like Disco” which was showing as part of the Glasgow Youth Film Festival.
Despite being drenched several times, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day out – the film was great!

Dunoon Grammar School – Modern Studies Trip to Westminster

At 11.45pm on the 16th of December, Dunoon Grammar School’s Modern Studies Trip commenced. Those involved (Mrs Hunter, Mr Clark, Mr McNeilage, and 26 pupils from DGS) embarked that evening upon an exciting adventure. During the trip the group would get to visit the Houses of Parliament and experience London during Christmas time, but first they had to endure on an 8 hour bus ride to get there.

Continue reading Dunoon Grammar School – Modern Studies Trip to Westminster

Dunoon Primary P7 visit to Dunoon Sheriff Court.

Dunoon Primary P7’s were delighted to be invited to attend a tour of Dunoon Sheriff Court on Friday 31st January 2014.
The pupils were given a guided tour of the cells underneath and really detailed information on the history and day to day running of the court by Mrs Mel Drummond, Sheriff Clerk. There were quiz sheets to complete and parts were given out to pupils to create a mock court case, Harry Potter style! Continue reading Dunoon Primary P7 visit to Dunoon Sheriff Court.


After having sat their exam in May, the Higher French class of 2012-13 benefited from the ability to keep up their speaking and language skills, through travelling to Geneva in Switzerland the following term. Although none of the pupils carried the subject on to Advanced Higher level, they were all keen to not lose the attribute of knowing a foreign language.


Seafood Feast for Toward

Toward Primary senior class pupils recently had the very exciting opportunity to visit Loch Fyne Oyster Bar and Restaurant. The children started the day with a trip to see the different processes that the mussels and oysters go through in preparation for being sold.

Continue reading Seafood Feast for Toward

Windy Work for Pupils

Whitelees Wind Farm in Ayrshire was the ideal windswept moorland setting to learn about renewable energy for Rhu Primary 6 pupils. The youngsters traveled to the wind farm to take part in a workshop and tour of the wind farm. They were able to find out about how the towering turbines actually work as well as getting to see the 215 turbines in action. Continue reading Windy Work for Pupils

Southend Gift to Library

Southend Primary 2 and 4 have recently been visiting Campbeltown Library where they met the puppet ‘Sage’ from Enchanted Learning. Pupils decided to use school funds to buy a pal for Sage, so they bought ‘Onion’. Sage and Onion are now living happily together and this picture shows Caroline Corr from Campbeltown Library visiting the children at school to collect their gift to her.

Continue reading Southend Gift to Library

Rothesay Primary enjoy visit to Mount Stuart

P2/3 and P3 of Rothesay Primary visited Mount Stuart to find out more about Autumn. They enjoyed a beauitiful frosty, bright day. They made pictures using the natural resources found around the grounds. Thanks to Mount Stuart Staff for help and hospitality.

Continue reading Rothesay Primary enjoy visit to Mount Stuart

Rockfield Primary visit Oban Lifeboat Station

P2s from Rockfield had a fantastic trip to Oban Lifeboat Station on Friday 8th November. Working in 3 groups, the children got to find out more about the work of the lifeboat, what the crew wear when they are on a rescue and, most importantly, they got to climb aboard the lifeboat for a tour. The children have been learning about People Who Help Us and they were very keen to learn about the work of the RNLI as part of their topic work.

Continue reading Rockfield Primary visit Oban Lifeboat Station

Islay’s Success at the Royal National Mod

On Sunday 13th October the Islay school’s choirs and solo competitors travelled to the National Mod in Paisley with high hopes for another successful year at the Mod. Monday 14th was the day for the children’s competition for Gaelic learners, and Islay was extremely well represented in all the medals, with Port Ellen Primary children achieving lots of success. The Gaelic Choir won all their competitions; the Badenoch & Strathspey Area Trophy for the Rural Primary Choral Unison, the Olive Campbell Trophy for the Choral Puirt-a-beul and the Caledonian MacBrayne Trophy for the 2 part harmony. Continue reading Islay’s Success at the Royal National Mod